The Hurt Locker.

I'm not saying you're lame for thinking so. I'm saying you're lame if the movie sucked for you because of that.
Then you (and I) need better reading comprehension skills because nowhere did I say I thought this movie sucked. I said it was undeserving of all the hype it's getting - And not even for the technical aspects but because it felt like a slightly more intelligent, generic action flick. And like I mentioned earlier, it was still very enjoyable. One I'd even consider adding to my blu ray lineup.
oh for gods sake... the guy is a adrenalin junkie. realistic or not, who cares. stop nitpicking and just enjoy the story being told.

(why does everyone want everything so realistic lately? its over rated. if movies were realistic then everyone would be fat slobs sitting on a couch, yay realism!)
You're an idiot. I didn't say I didn't enjoy it. I just said I don't think people should call it one of the most realistic war films ever made. I wasn't nitpicking either - These are things that stand out to me personally. Just like some people complain about an "unoriginal story" in Avatar. It stood out to them but it's still a beautiful film - They aren't nitpicking.
Alan P. Scott once said: 'talking about music is like dancing about architecture.'

In this case, it is talking about movies rather than music, but the point remains the same:
either your love it, or you don't, you can criticize every little detail, but it won't change a thing.

About the Hurt Locker; I haven't seen it yet, but that is because it wasn't shown in European cinemas (or not much, and not in the Netherlands, at least). However, reviews have made me curious, and rumour has it they will be showing it in the cinemas after all (it's not like they have much of a choice, after all the commotion).

I will either see it on bluray when it comes out, or watch it in the cinema, whichever occurs first, and afterwards I will return here with an unbiased opinion ;-)
Saw it last night. Great piece of film making. Extremely tense in parts, hard to watch in others (the last time we see Beckham comes to mind), and even some humor to break the tension. Also, it explored a notion I have never seen in a movie before: War as a drug.

Has anyone seen Generation Kill? I heard it was good.
i never said you didn't enjoy it. don't put words in my mouth, idiot. and i wasn't pointing anyone out specific in my post, but if you feel the need to defend yourself, then go right ahead, whatever helps your ego feel better. but i'll still love you and that sexy ass of yours.

no, instead what i am complaining about is how people complain about realism so much lately. it's stupid. i don't want realism. realism is over rated.
GiftedMonkey said:
Saw it last night. Great piece of film making. Extremely tense in parts, hard to watch in others (the last time we see Beckham comes to mind), and even some humor to break the tension. Also, it explored a notion I have never seen in a movie before: War as a drug.

Has anyone seen Generation Kill? I heard it was good.

I dont understand the Beckham part. He wasnt the kid that died right? Because he comes back in the end? Am i reading that right? Also the ending scenes where you see our main protagonist during civilian life. Is that supposed to show how he's an adrenaline junky or something, because the shots after that have him shipped back to war with a grin or something. I'm just kinda confused.
lokness said:
GiftedMonkey said:
Saw it last night. Great piece of film making. Extremely tense in parts, hard to watch in others (the last time we see Beckham comes to mind), and even some humor to break the tension. Also, it explored a notion I have never seen in a movie before: War as a drug.

Has anyone seen Generation Kill? I heard it was good.

I dont understand the Beckham part. He wasnt the kid that died right? Because he comes back in the end? Am i reading that right? Also the ending scenes where you see our main protagonist during civilian life. Is that supposed to show how he's an adrenaline junky or something, because the shots after that have him shipped back to war with a grin or something. I'm just kinda confused.

OK...turns out the kid with the bomb in him wasn't Beckham. i thought it was. Regardless, that scene was still hard to watch. And when we finally do see him again, its not a happy moment either. But yeah, James was an adrenaline junkie, thriving on the high that war and walking up to bombs gave him. That's why he took off his suit and tossed his radio in that one scene, and chased down those insurgents after the bombing. When he goes home, civilian life can't compare, it is too mundane. He tells his baby daughter about how you're only able to love one or two things. For him, he loves war, maybe even more than his family. So he volunteers for a second tour.
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
i never said you didn't enjoy it. don't put words in my mouth, idiot. and i wasn't pointing anyone out specific in my post, but if you feel the need to defend yourself, then go right ahead, whatever helps your ego feel better. but i'll still love you and that sexy ass of yours.

no, instead what i am complaining about is how people complain about realism so much lately. it's stupid. i don't want realism. realism is over rated.

Well when I was complaining about realism how the fuck am I supposed to know you weren't directing that comment to me? :p

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