White_Rabbit said:
This isn't really a "yes" or "no" question...
You're right, it's not so much yes and no, right and wrong question, it's a very, very real question.
It's a real part of life, I mean, what are the absolute consequences when there's no examples of a judicial precedent being made on cases such as murder?
Do we send every murderer to prison for life long sentences? Prisons see more federal aid then a lot of American citizen's neighborhoods (yearly). There are so many angles being played here, it's bigger than the death penalty in the end, we'll never
"kill 'em all" (damn); what, you thought prison construction was done by the prisoners?
But I don't think you can let a murderer live, it's hard for me to accept that. A murderer is taking your right to live, basically, without your consent. What gives the murderer the right to do it? To get away with it? To do it multiple times and get away with it? Send them to the overcrowding prisons, because that's a winning formula, huh...
Who's paying for all of these prisons and prisoners by the way? (Skip this question if you're 50 years of age or older, the American majority is heavily senior citizen btw)
I think the government, whether state or national, has to keep the death penalty intact for as long as the country prospers. I'm not looking forward to the day when major sections and areas of my state are lost to prison yards, I think it's much bigger than yes or no.