The Comic Book Showdown: FINAL MATCH!

omg... wtf. green lantern could so kick batmans ass ANYDAY.

ok, this is what will happen if they got into a fight.

batman comes in his plane (lets say GL is flying)
batman tries to shoot gl down
gl raises sheilds, beams the batplane up into space.
batman dies.



and green lantern doesnt wear underwear on the outside... hmmph.
^^^but batmans not stupid. what GL doesnt realize is that the batplane was being remotely operated by alfred back at the batcave. as soon as GL defences go down, batman swoops from behind in his glider and shoot gl with a tranq dart. GL falls to earth. but batman swoops and saves him because he prefers capture over kill.

nothing agianst green lantern really though. i think hes awesome. i just think batmans a bit awesome-er.
Paradox said:
^^^but batmans not stupid. what GL doesnt realize is that the batplane was being remotely operated by alfred back at the batcave. as soon as GL defences go down, batman swoops from behind in his glider and shoot gl with a tranq dart. GL falls to earth. but batman swoops and saves him because he prefers capture over kill.

nothing agianst green lantern really though. i think hes awesome. i just think batmans a bit awesome-er.

it doesnt matter if he does that, green lanterns cant be killed anyway, not even with the yellow weakness colours. the green lanterns dont take off their rings and if they cant take it off, they cant be killed. nuff said.

green lantern would win. anyone who votes for batman only does cos he/she doesnt know his comic book characters. batman is cool, but green lantern just kicks everyones ass.
Batman wins it 15-6!

Batman takes down the Green Lantern and emerges as the comic book showdown champion!

Thanks to everyone who took part in the showdown! It's been a blast guys!

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