The Comic Book Showdown: FINAL MATCH!

piracer said:
Paradox said:
^^^but batmans not stupid. what GL doesnt realize is that the batplane was being remotely operated by alfred back at the batcave. as soon as GL defences go down, batman swoops from behind in his glider and shoot gl with a tranq dart. GL falls to earth. but batman swoops and saves him because he prefers capture over kill.

nothing agianst green lantern really though. i think hes awesome. i just think batmans a bit awesome-er.

it doesnt matter if he does that, green lanterns cant be killed anyway, not even with the yellow weakness colours. the green lanterns dont take off their rings and if they cant take it off, they cant be killed. nuff said.

green lantern would win. anyone who votes for batman only does cos he/she doesnt know his comic book characters. batman is cool, but green lantern just kicks everyones ass.

Piracer, shut up.
piracer, i already said i like GL too, i just like batman more. and yes you can kill a green lantern. if they are forced to use enough of thier rings powers until they weaken or drain away the protective barrier that surrounds them, then they are vulnerable.

but this showdown wasnt a RTS of comic characters. it was a popularity contest.
/\ It was SUPPOSED to be both.
Wes said:
You can vote depending on who would actually win in the fight or who you prefer better, it's up to you.

Still, I wonder why we need a popularity contest? The world knows that Superman, Batman, and Spiderman are the 3 most popular characters. Could we just end it at that?

Suggestion for next showdown: Keep those 3 people out.
What about wolverine? He's certainly up there with those 3.

But the best way to do it is just to have a previous winner retire. So next time there's a show down list the winner of previous showdowns and just not include them anymore. That's what gamefaqs does for it's character battles.
^ i agree on that part, good idea btw.

i dont see whats the big hoo ha about batman, spiderman and superman. their sooo boring. superman espically. sure batman is kinda cool, but so overrated. spiderman is meh, hes all urban and thats it.
piracer said:
^ i agree on that part, good idea btw.

i dont see whats the big hoo ha about batman, spiderman and superman. their sooo boring. superman espically. sure batman is kinda cool, but so overrated. spiderman is meh, hes all urban and thats it.

thats because those are pretty much the main superheros we are exposed to as children :P what little boy doesnt aspire to superman?? :P
fair enough, but his powers are sooooo boring. and hes too overused its just lame. and who wouldnt want to be a member of the green lantern corps, i mean, seriouisly.
goddamn man, NO ONE is disputing you. weve already said GL is cool. what more do you want from us? im sorry if hes not everyones #1 favorite superhero like he is yours. just chill out and respect everyones opinions.
I personally like Beast the most, me being the guy who doesn't conform kicking in there, so when Green Lanturn beat him I was upset about that.

In the end though, Superman, Batman, and Spiderman are the big cheeses, so they will probably always win anyway.

Wolverine is not so popular. If he was he should of trumped Magneto easily.
I didn't need to take out last year's champion because he wasn't even in the top four.

The top four last year was..
#1 Venom
#2 Spider-man
#3 Wolverine
#4 Magneto

And this year's top four were
#1 Batman
#2 Green Lantern
#3 Superman
#4 Gambit

So while you can all point out who you think the top three are, GR as a whole makes things alot more diverse in terms of popularity.
well, the showdown was very well done. for a bit i thought it was going to be all marvel again, but towards the end dc stepped forward (with the exception of gambit) to reign supreme.
ya, agreed, thks for it, i guess it was fun even though green lantern SHOULD have won. oh well, next year i guess.

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