The Comic Book Showdown: FINAL MATCH!

batman, he can kill anyone. hes actaully the most dangerous dude on earth, by comic book standards.

cept for green lantern, who would kick his ass. i mean, just send him up to space and boom, dead.
Yeah you're right, that's why everyone else kicked Superman's ass too. [/sarcasm]

Batman did it without Kryptonite. And did it good. Not to get trumped by Superman at the last minute or something. Like all his other foes. (with a few exceptions, like Doomsday).
EliaSoZ said:
Yeah you're right, that's why everyone else kicked Superman's ass too. [/sarcasm]

Batman did it without Kryptonite. And did it good. Not to get trumped by Superman at the last minute or something. Like all his other foes. (with a few exceptions, like Doomsday).

How the fuck did he manage that? Please, do tell.
Did you happen to miss the greatest Batman graphic novel, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, written by Frank Miller, by any chance?

I would put Naruto in "comics" and not "graphic novels".

Batman, Superman, all of them. Come from comics. Now, alot of Batman is comics. But there are a bunch of graphic novels, some that are exceptional.

Like Batman: The Dark Knight Returns and Batman: Year One. Both done by Frank Miller, the person behind Sin City.

And there's The Killing Joke, by Alan Moore, who's considered a comic genius. So is Miller but Moore is like the biggest name in graphic novles. He made V for Vendette. And "The Watchmen", the biggest graphic novel ever. Award and critique wise. ... ht_Returns (was gonna be a movie directed by Darren Aronofsky, but now on hold) (this will be a movie soon)

So are you a DC Comics fan? I'd rather hear how you became a fan of DC comics when Marvel so easily owns the bizz past, present, and future.
No sweetheart. I'm not a fanboy. I read what I find good.

I read DC, I read Marvel, I read Vertigo, I read independant, etc.

It just so happens that I was talking about the Batman. And The Watchmen.
My thanks to Typewriter for doing a bang-up job!! :D

And the match comes to a close with Batman destroying Pyro 13-0



The Hulk
EliaSoZ said:

As for Green Lantern, The Pheonix would pwn his ass.

er... no, Pheonix is weak, shes so... useless. shes just really pointless. the gardians would give the green lanterns enough power so they can send her to a differnt realm. end of story, Pheonix brushed aside. Truthfully, Green Lanterns, are the most powerful heroes. 3600 of them, you cant beat that, AND you had a green lantern (Kyle Rayner) who became god and gave it all up, so really, no chance. And of course, you also needed a green lantern (Hal Jordan) to save your asses from the sun eating creature.

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