The Avengers |OT|

Noritama said:
intoTheRain said:
Im personally extremely disappointed by everything TDKR I've seen so far :( I really hope it delivers, though I still think it will. The trailers just suck.
Yeah seriously. Freaking catwoman really? Thats not the thing that really bugs me it's bane. Why is bane the main villian? Gothams vengeance? You would think that someone like Mr. Freeze or hell even Clayface to be something of that nature. Bane is just a lame steroid up luchadore with pipes all around.

Nolan is a risk taker and it usually pays off. The trailers for Inception were very vauge but it ended up being one of the best movies of the year. And I'm sure if Heath Ledger were still alive Nolan would have continued with The Joker. But perhaps Nolan wants to re-invent Bane how he re-invented Joker.

Trilogies are tricky, you've got your disappointments like Godfather 3, Spider-man 3, Terminator 3 and Return of the Jedi. Then you've got the best one of the trilogy like The Last Crusade, Return of the King, Army of Darkness and Revenge of the Sith.
Bretimus_v2 said:
If you don't like Bane then it's clear that you only watch your comics.

I love Bane, he's my favorite villain. But Bane looks nothing like he does in the comics. The trailers blow :(

But like I said, I'm still fairly confident the actual movie will rock.
At this point I find it hard to doubt Nolan. He just seems to know what he's doing with his villians. I mean, if you're going to complain about Bane being too small time, what do you have to say about the first movie? Nolan's batman movies have never been about over the top and ridiculous villians. Mr. Freeze, poison ivy, etc. do not fit into his narrative. You can go watch Batman & Robin if that's what you're looking for.
Longo_2_guns said:
And ten bucks says that Bane was just a puppet anyway.

I'd hate to see that, but agree nonetheless; let's see if Nolan comes full circle and decides Lazarus pits aren't to far-fetched.
If Nolan comes full circle I'd expect Bruce Wayne to suffer from short-term memory loss and search for John G.

Wait, how did we get on Batman? Damnit people, you all ignored my Bruce Banner question! You ruin everything ruiners!
Sorry, Wicked. We got off on a tangent.

For continuity's sake, I was wanting Norton in Avengers, but Ruffalo does make a better Banner. Also modeling Hulk's face after Ruffalo's and having him do the mo-cap really helped bring Hulk to life.

Ruffalo also has an option in his contract for another stand-alone Hulk movie if Marvel decides to do so. They had Samuel Sterns in the last one. Hulk vs The Leader, maybe?

A question about the mid-credit scene: What do you guys think about the villian tease for the next Avengers film? I definatly marked out a little.
You can't really compare The Dark Knight Rises to The Avengers, Avengers is eye candy fun and The Dark Knight is a dramatic emotional roller-coaster.

And I actually like Bana as the Bruce Banner. But the Hulk in that movie was terrible.
Wasn't the Hulk's face in that movie modeled after Jennifer Connely? I remember shaking my head a lot whenever I read Ang's interviews.
AND I just saw it after you as well....Really enjoyed it though. The huge bag of weed line had me rolling.
NickKmet said:
At this point I find it hard to doubt Nolan. He just seems to know what he's doing with his villians. I mean, if you're going to complain about Bane being too small time, what do you have to say about the first movie? Nolan's batman movies have never been about over the top and ridiculous villians. Mr. Freeze, poison ivy, etc. do not fit into his narrative. You can go watch Batman & Robin if that's what you're looking for.


What I'm loving right now is that Avengers turned out to be awesome and everyone loves it. Usually when there's an awesome movie there's that hand full of people who just hate it. I understand you have the right to your own opinion but sometimes your opinion is wrong...... I'm kidding.... But everyone whose seen Avengers has said positive things, nerds and non-nerds. The only negative review I heard came from comedian Doug Benson on his podcast, he said he thought it was "eh". He also said he didn't like The Muppets and inception but I guess that's fine..............
Go and see it. If you're seen all the movies that tie into it, it's great. If not, it's really good still.
Longo_2_guns said:
Go and see it. If you're seen all the movies that tie into it, it's great. If not, it's really good still.

I will. Just haven't had a chance yet due to school and finals week. I'll go see it when I get home.

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