So we need to talk about old media


And how they're a pack of filthy cunts.

Remember that whole thing with pewdiepie when the WSJ went after him? Well other news companies saw that whole saga and how well it worked, so they decided they too want to get rid of youtube in order to become relevant again, targeting advertisers to force them to pull ads from youtube. Now it seems that more deadtree/cumrag media has jumped on board.

The dailymail is going after Jorg (the big happy german dude who evil laughs when he makes overpowered slingshots) because he posted a video showing how un-stabproof some 'stab-proof' vests are and how they shouldn't be sold as such. Their title? "Google blood money: Web giant cashes in on vile seven-minute video showing ‘knife expert’ penetrating a stab vest like the one worn by murdered Westminster PC".
They call it 'extremist training', because apparently you need training in order to fucking stab something with a knife.

There's the ticket. Get some 'vile', 'disgusting' or 'horrific' in there, use a recent tragedy, make sure 'google' and 'extremist' or 'terrorist' is in it, take some things out of context, twist some words to fit your narrative and BOOM, time to roll in that sweet money.

Disgusting pricks ruining peoples livelihoods with hit pieces and profiteering off pain and suffering as much as possible, all while helping the 'hurr terrorists are bad ban everything' bullshit bandwagon that too many governments seem to get off on these days.

All this just a couple days after h3h3 calls the media out on this crap:
The media is right to ruin the lives of deviants. More power to them, I say. We should all be thankful there are people out there looking out for our well being by telling us about all of the vile, disgusting, horrific things extremist terrorists like Joerg Sprave are up to.

Buy Yooka-Laylee now and support our social justice warrior overlords!
Madster and De-Ting are like
A large portion of the written media market has been devoured by the rise of YouTube. We do well because of our guides and smaller staff size, but sites like CNN are in serious trouble right now. Controversy is everything, even if it means pushing a completely false agenda beyond reason.
And now they've actually managed to kill youtube.

Pewds, demo ranch, forgotten weapons, primitive technology, slow mo guys, etc have all had a bunch of their videos put on restricted. Basically anything that isn't 100% kid/advertiser friendly is gone.

Fuck cumrag media and fuck google for giving into this attack on new media and freedom in general.

The only bit of good news in all of this is that google have basically bent over a desk with 'PLEASE TAKE ALL OUR MARKET SHARE' written on their ass, and it would now be extremely easy for a competitor to jump in and offer all these content creators a new platform. Pornhub already has large servers that can deliver HD videos 24/7, all they need is a SFW sister site (Vidhub?) and to get a few big names on board and they're set.

Jonathan_Leack said:
A large portion of the written media market has been devoured by the rise of YouTube. We do well because of our guides and smaller staff size, but sites like CNN are in serious trouble right now. Controversy is everything, even if it means pushing a completely false agenda beyond reason.
Did you ever consider trying to make the switch to a youtube or other video platform method?
I've seen a bunch of computer part review sites do this, having a video with a link and companion article on their website for people who want more info, seems to work fairly well.
FrozenBacon said:
I just want youtube to have an option to view all videos on a channel I haven't watched.
The playlist function really needs to be supported better, because when it's done correctly (all videos, chronological order) you can just watch the playlist and bookmark where you leave off and see by the link colour if you've already watched the next one
Vet Ranch is a channel that saves animals, shows people what it takes, and the recovered animals. It was really interesting to me to see the surgeries as my girlfriend is a surgery tech at an animal hospital. They now have to blur the surgeries. :(
Yeah... I'm depressingly pessimistic about the state of literacy in general, and/or apathy. It definitely feels overwhelming to me. Just start the world anew, etc. But I cycle through that feeling daily, and will feel a bit better in the morning.

Anyway. Capitalism.
Eh...most of youtube is a wasteland of stupidity.

Then again most of television is already that.

I will do what normal people will do, sift through things and make a judgement call based on my findings.

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