So watch dogs

The dev team is completely dedicated to getting the most out of each platform, so the notion that we would actively downgrade quality is contrary to everything we’ve set out to achieve. We test and optimize our games for each platform on which they’re released, striving for the best possible quality. The PC version does indeed contain some old, unused render settings that were deactivated for a variety of reasons, including possible impacts on visual fidelity, stability, performance and overall gameplay quality. Modders are usually creative and passionate players, and while we appreciate their enthusiasm, the mod in question (which uses those old settings) subjectively enhances the game’s visual fidelity in certain situations but also can have various negative impacts. Those could range from performance issues, to difficulty in reading the environment in order to appreciate the gameplay, to potentially making the game less enjoyable or even unstable.
Thanks for playing Watch Dogs and stay safe on the mean streets of Chicago.
-The Watch Dogs Team

Ubisoft likes to fan the stink. Maybe they shouldn't have left those graphical features labeled E3 and then disabled them when they found out they wouldn't run well on the consoles. All without an ingame option to turn them back on. PC gamers expected the game at launch to look like it did at e3 as it was ran on a PC at the time.

PCs never have to be treated like consoles. If there is a graphical feature that is too taxing then you give the user the option to turn it off or on based on their personal performance.
PCs don't even have to be treated like PCs. Remember when Crysis first came out?
Didn't matter how much money you threw into a PC, there simply wasn't powerful enough hardware out at the time to max it out all the way through.

And yeah, they need to fire whichever PR fuckhead wrote their statement thing. Only making things much worse.

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