
I'm surprised nobody's made a topic about this.. as far as I know. It looks kinda cool. Gearbox is making, it's a sort-of FPS-RPG combo with a focus on co-op, drop in-drop out gameplay. It's got a nice design to it, good graphical feel, but seems arcadey as hell, judging by the videos on Youtube. One of the coolest things, I think, is the weapon generation system. Each enemy that you kill will drop a completely random, unique weapon (over 600,000 combinations apparently) that you can pick up and use, with some pretty cool combinations available. In a gameplay video, I saw a sniper rifle-magnum combo that kicked ass. Anyone else heard about this game??
i heard about, seen the trailers, and not falling for it. a i can tell you exactly what the game developefs were thinking.

"Hey, I got this idea for a game"
"What is it?"
"Apocolypitic setting.."
"Liking it so far, fallout vibe, that hasn't been done to death"
"And you got guns"
"And the guns, we will remodel a hundred times over"
"That'll take to much development time"
"Oh no, they are the same 8-10 guns, all do the same mind you, just different skins. And everyone will be too dumb to care, cause it'll be a fps, online, and a wasteland setting"
"You know what will make them buy it even more? Cell shading!"
"HELL YEAH. The idiots, I mean gamers will eat it up."
I want to be really excited for it...But I'm going to have to see how much emphasis they put into the coop before I get it...

If the coop isn't necessary and you can easily play it single player then I will probably get it, cause it does look unique.
I'm really interested in this game. It looks like a Diablo-FPS.

About the offline, I'm concerned too. But according to the Gearbox forums, the game can be enjoyed both ways. If I understood correctly, the game will change it's difficulty according to how many players are playing, so it will never feel too easy or too difficult. I'm still gonna wait to see what the reviews say about this.
It seems Gearbox went back to study the small things that made the first Halo game so great, and I'm talking about the vehicles and the massive draw space you can lose yourself in.
I got to game test for Borderlands and the vehicles reminded me of Halo (arguably Gearbox's most popular game to date is their port of Halo for the pc, so they know Halo well).

Little bit of Resistance 2 coop, little bit of Halo's feel (the vehicle drives like the first Warthog but sounds like the second), and as for the rpg elements, well, they had yet to be implemented during the time i tested (i only went once). But I could see the blueprint was already in place.

There's a lot of cool little things going on that I appreciated.
One cool thing is the car or w/e has a Turbo button which is perfect for the huge maps were sprawling with ramps to jump off of, and one of the best things about halo was the downtime you could "waste" experimenting with the vehicle physics so I could see partying up and wasting hours with friend.
I just heard about this today. 3 of my co-workers are getting it, and I'm probably going to join them. We're going to give Aion a go too, but I;d say this looks better. I'll be getting it for PC. Looks to be a good time.
Chris_Crime said:
as for the rpg elements, well, they had yet to be implemented during the time i tested (i only went once). But I could see the blueprint was already in place.


When it comes tot he RPG elements, since they had yet to be implemented would you say there's a good chance they'll be your basic RPG elements and a very secondary feature in the finished product? I know it's guess work on your part but I'm curious.
There were 4 classes but I only got a chance to play as one. There was a sniper, a large brute, a female, and your hero rebel. They were testing for the hero rebel that day.
The group tester told us some of the functions mapped to certain buttons or keys hadn't been finalized, so not to worry so much about pressing R2 or the right bumper (we played on 360 units). So of course I pressed it. It was basically your character's Special.

The rebel dropped some kind of small turret gun with 2 shields on either side, like a gatlin gun (i couldn't get the gun to work though).
But since we had finally ran across some strong enemies, I basically used the turrets as cover (you could throw multiples) when picking up my downed teammates. You revive teammates like in GOW or R2.

I never saw any randomly generated weapons. When i picked up a shotgun it was a shotgun, everytime.
But it seems each character will have their own Special. It'll probably be like resistance 2's rank up system.
also, the guy hanging onto the side of the moving vehicle?
that came from our group B)

the melee animations looked terrible, i hope they fixed that. it was basically an extra arm holding knife clipping through your two arms holding a rifle

I really do mean it when i say huge draw distances, though it could've been just that map. also, there were bunkers buried in the sand with doors along the way (that we couldn't enter at the time) so it seems there's some close quartered action as well.

there was some freaky looking health robot thing, i think someone compared it to fallout (i've never played fallout so i dunno). also, the tester [gearbox employee] praised Valve numerous times which i kinda found interesting ("they know what they're doing, they know how to make a good game")

the rpg element seemed secondary to me, yes. again, only played it once with no story given, just dropped in and played.
Lethean said:
When it comes tot he RPG elements, since they had yet to be implemented would you say there's a good chance they'll be your basic RPG elements and a very secondary feature in the finished product? I know it's guess work on your part but I'm curious.

It looked very basic when i checked it out, 3 skill trees with 7 skills each plus the character's special (Big guy goes berzerk, soldier drops the turret, etc) and 5 levels for each skill. Doesn't seem to have any kind of stat system at all.
Most skills were also pretty basic, either enhancements or specs for the character's special ability or passive bonuses to basic stats like accuracy, damage or health.

But that didn't bother me much, it was still a lot of fun to blast through enemies colleting loot and the enemy AI was smart enough to keep things fresh. What really bothered me quite a bit was the cell shading. In dark areas it was ok and looked really good, but in well lit areas the colors got really bright, it didn't go too well with the wasteland theme of the game.
that reminds me.. for what it's worth, I suggested mouse and keyboard play for the ps3. he wrote it down in his notepad but I haven't read anything about it making it to the final build.
it's running on the unreal engine, and unreal ps3 allows for m/kb, so i figured why not give it a shot
Gearbox just released the character's skill trees on the game's website, in case anyone wants to check it out.

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