So apparently....

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...There's an X-Box 360 emulator which runs Dead or Alive 4 perfectly fine on a computer with an "ATi x6800 video card". It's ATi mixed with nVidia, but says ATi on it and is a bootleg.

The PS4 came out a few years ago, a lady had asked if we had any in stock about three or four years ago claiming she saw one at another store. SOny must have scarpped the entirely unsuccessful PS2 after two years, skipped past the PS3 and went right to 4 to get the one up on MS since...

...The 360 melts games! Not warps them or causes them to freeze, burt actually melts them!

That isn't near as bad however as....

...The one that burnt down someone's house!

I can't deny any of this because the customer is always right in retail!
White_Rabbit said:
The PS4 came out a few years ago, a lady had asked if we had any in stock about three or four years ago claiming she saw one at another store. SOny must have scarpped the entirely unsuccessful PS2 after two years, skipped past the PS3 and went right to 4 to get the one up on MS since...
you should have told here that it would cost 1000$ to get one, and send her a ps2 with the 2 crossed out.
White_Rabbit said:
I can't deny any of this because the customer is always right in retail!

LOL, this has happened to me many times.

Once when I was working I had some dude dishing me some BS about how he had a PS3 already; that he just had one imported from japan because "they are already out there"...The best part about it was; our Sony Rep was standing right there, and told the guy to "shut the hell up"
I heard that people have removed the chip from PS3 and now you can insert it into your SNES and play SNES games with PS3 graphics!
White_Rabbit said:

...The 360 melts games! Not warps them or causes them to freeze, burt actually melts them!
I told my friend that and he started cracking up.
Black_Star said:
I heard that people have removed the chip from PS3 and now you can insert it into your SNES and play SNES games with PS3 graphics!

Nah, the graphics of the snes games, or any games created for that matter, cannot be upgraded by anything, they are represented with the quality of the engine they were created with.

anything is possible Mortel.

If you were to go back in time 100 years and say we've controlled reproduction in pill form they'd think you're nucking futs! SO DON'T DOUBT SCIENCE!
..dear god, when i went to buy my 360 at gamepower, this one guy.. 14-16 maybe, told me i was a fool because none work, yet he was playing a display one.. :/ me and the owner just started laughing
Black_Star said:
anything is possible Mortel.

If you were to go back in time 100 years and say we've controlled reproduction in pill form they'd think you're nucking futs! SO DON'T DOUBT SCIENCE!

It IS impossible, unless they remade the game.
Mortel3 said:
Black_Star said:
anything is possible Mortel.

If you were to go back in time 100 years and say we've controlled reproduction in pill form they'd think you're nucking futs! SO DON'T DOUBT SCIENCE!

It IS impossible, unless they remade the game.

Their's that word again! It's not impossible! The SNES is fully capable of displaying PS3 graphics through mod-chip technology!
Black_Star said:
Mortel3 said:
Black_Star said:
anything is possible Mortel.

If you were to go back in time 100 years and say we've controlled reproduction in pill form they'd think you're nucking futs! SO DON'T DOUBT SCIENCE!

It IS impossible, unless they remade the game.

Their's that word again! It's not impossible! The SNES is fully capable of displaying PS3 graphics through mod-chip technology!

Hate to burst your bubble there Mortel, but BlackStar is 100% RIGHT!

I removed the chip from my PS3 and inserted it into my SNES (under the dongle port, next to the dolphin flipper xy3) and look at me now baby!

My PSN3S Chrono Trigger > your SNES Chrono Trigger!

From this


To this!


From this


To this!


From this


To this!


Yep, irrefutable evidence my man! IRREFUTABLE, .
^^^AHAHAHAH lmao.

gawd you are all soooo stupid!!!

do you not understand?!??

Games created with an engine in that time are DRAWN with either the polygons or sprites that bring out the maximum potential of the system they are being put on. That pic comparison is grade A bullshit. The only way that could be even REMOTELY possible, is if the people creating SNES games ANTICIPATED the PS3 ggraphics in the future, and hid fantastic graphics in their for the future generations to find. This is very unlikely but undoubtedly you would even believe THAT.

I'm going to have to take Chris' and BlackStar's side on this one.

Not only has science made the impossible possible but Chris brings to the table proof!

I just have one thing to say Mortel and that is...
Chris_s said:
I removed the chip from my PS3 and inserted it into my SNES (under the dongle port, next to the dolphin flipper xy3) and look at me now baby!

Liar. Did you mean PS2? Because there's no way your fooling me into telling me those are PS3 next gen graphics, those are current gen graphics spawned from a PS2 chip inserted into an SNES.

However this is what happens when you add a PS3 chip to a windows 95 PC and play doom. ... h=Doom%203

This my friends is next gen graphics, and the low-resolution is due to lack of HD.
Emulators are 'as is' matter how close a gaming platform gets to a PC chipset there are always going to be things that can be done that can make the chipset only understand so much.

I mean do you know what this means?


Your chipset might...and XBOX360 might see it as greek. Trust me programmers who write assembly can make it greek to everyone if they want. Emulation is like going to Mexico only knowing how to ask 'Where is the Bathroom?' when you want to ask where the fairgrounds are. Sometimes the question gets the right answer and sometimes it doesn't. Plus if someone doesn't want to get the question they will find a way to ignore you.

remember Gold, use the edit button! Thanks.
Since I don't know anymore there a way you can PM me my deleted message? The part you shot still made good sense about emulation and I can't remember exactly what I said other than trying to say sometimes 'bad translation' happens in human words. (yah I'll edit)

Other than that...yeah everyone is having great fun poking fun at the question (and I'm laughing too) but there is an answer that makes sense as to why it just doesnt work.
No, I'm sorry, I don't know of anyway to recover the contents of the post-I do apologize, but hopefully you won't keep doubly posting!

He didnt bring hard evidence. he brought pics of upgraded versions of the game. it wassnt of the same game for the snes.

i cannot beleive you are all so nooby.

and i dont use that word much. but seriously.
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