This lineart, drawn by well-known comic artist Guido Guidi, features front and back views of Wheeljack, who is on the Autobots’ roster of playable characters, in both his robot mode and vehicle mode. Something to note about the back view of his robot mode is that one design (left) features a more G1-accurate, backpack-less design while the other (right) features a backpack formed by the back of his alt-mode, which is more accurate to his Generations figure from a few years ago.
Transformers: Devastation is slated for release October 6th and can be pre-ordered on the official Transformers Game site or at any game retailer and will be available for Xbox One and 360, Playstation 3 and 4, and PC.
Transformers: Devastation is slated for release October 6th and can be pre-ordered on the official Transformers Game site or at any game retailer and will be available for Xbox One and 360, Playstation 3 and 4, and PC.