Your top [insert number here] [insert topic here]


I started this topic after seeing Gamespot's Tenspot feature, and I thought what about we here at Game Revolution started making some lists of our own? This topic is here to facilitate this idea.

The following example is my top 5 robots in video games.

At number 5, we have Robo-Ky!

Robo-Ky is a robotic duplicate of Ky Kiske, a police officer in the game Guilty Gear. He deserves the number 5 spot as he sports some rather unique abilities, but ultimately is only a copycat and can't match the power of the real Ky.

At number 4, we have Xan!

Xan is the champion of the Liandri Tournament who is brutal and effective in eliminating his enemies. Xan gets the number 4 spot as although he talks tough, some people believe he's just a guy in a suit.

At number 3, we have R-110!

R-110 was a standard issue combat capable robot, until the day he was re-programmed by Cortez to help him find and kill Jacob Crow. R-110, on the same day, also received a virus that gave him a very psychotic personality. He receives the number 3 spot as R-110, although very amusing, starts off as a standard droid. Not very entertaining.

At number 2, we have Optimus Prime!

Arguably the star of the PS2 game Transformers, Optimus is a robot who shows both compassion and downright ass-kicking in vast amounts. He is more than capable in a fight, and can apply a reasonable amount of strategy as well. Optimus gets the number 2 spot as, although a great robot, he is mainly a TV 'bot.

And, of course, the number 1 robot is HK-47!

HK-47 is an assasination droid created by Darth Revan to serve as his companion. Revan programmed HK to refer to all living persons as 'meatbag' in order to annoy Revan's apprentice, Malak. Needless to say, given that HK has such an evil creator and a twisted purpose for being, his personality is somewhat psychotic. In fact, in many ways, HK-47 is a brilliant member of your active party and will no-doubt give any people who use him much enjoyment, both in his fighting ability and his somewhat homicidal conversations.
Good post Tyrranis...

Erm well, here's my top 5 PROGRESSIVE METAL bands -


Opeth are without a doubt a doubt the best Prog Metal band(my fave band overall). No other band can blend Death Metal, Progressive Rock, Jazz and Folk like these guys and do it so flawlessly. They can make music which is both beautiful and brutal, at different times or at the same time. Apart from the fact they are perfect live and every album so far has increased in quality each time, it's a band with awesome lyrics, an awesome frontman(Mikael Akerfeldt) and each band member is just cool. Oh, and their swedish..


These dudes are swedes again but on the totally different side of the spectrum to Opeth, their type of Prog Metal is like Funk, Soul, Classical, Folk, mixed with a high degree of technicality, strage time signitures and sudden tempo shifts etc with epic concept albums and rock oepras and things like that... They're a really good band and bloody underated. Oh, and Daniel Gildenhow is a musical genious.


Devin Townsend Band, once again a totally new type of Prog Metal, kinda Ambient psychedelic shit, with a streak of comedy always running through the music due the music which is courtesy of Crazy mad scientist Devin Townsend, the frontman(obviously) who used to sing with steve vai and has a industrial metal band called strapping young lad. Oh, and their canadian, which is kinda cute.


Dream Theater have been the most famous Prog Metal band for like 20 years but Opeth is probably starting to get more well known than these guys now. Their not my favorite band, even though their one of the most technically talented bands out there, with musicians like Mike Portnoy, John Pettrucci, Jordan Rudess and John Myung but the singer James LaBrie is just not really that good. If they had a better singer they could be one of the best bands out. Also Pettrucci has a tendency to fuck up live.


Fates Warning. These dudes are pretty obscure but they basically pioneered prog metal and while their not technicality the best the vocalist was just amazing.

Ifit was top ten I could include bands like Symphony X, Ayreon ... ah well...
Let's see here....

Here's my personal

Hí¼sker Dí¼

This Minneapolis trio formed Husker Du (named after a Swedish(?) board game) in 1979. Made up of Bob Mould (vocals, guitar), Greg Norton (Bass, backing vocals), and Grant Hart (vocals, drums), the trio became popular in the underground scene for their fierce hardcore punk. Around 1984, however, they released their double-LP "Zen Arcade," which became an instant classic as they ventured outside of their punk roots into various styles, a change that would stick with them for the rest of their years. Following 2 more albums under the SST independent label, they finally signed with Warner Brothers. They released two more albums with WB: "Candy Appley Grey" and "Warehouse: Songs and Stories," both of which did well, but never quite broke them into the mainstream. After the typical drug related problems, as well as a sort of power struggle between Hart and Mould, the band broke up in 1988.

The Replacements

Also from the Minneapolis area, and also beginning as hardcore punk, this band was made up of Paul Westerberg (Vocals, guitar), Tommy Stinson (Bass), Bob Stinson (Guitar), and Chris Mars (Drums), who all formed the band in 1979. For their first album and their first EP, they were hardcore punk. However, with the release of Hootenanny in 1983, they tried more musical styles, which would lead them to their masterpiece Let It Be. Let It Be received rave reviews, and is considered by many to be one of the best albums of the 1980's. Given the success of this album, they signed on to Sire records, releasing Tim soon after. After Tim, Bob Stinson was fired for drug use, so on their next album Pleased to Meet Me, they recorded as a trio, though guitarist Slim Dunlap joined them for the tour, and the remainder of the band's lifetime. After years of avoiding the mainstream scene, the band finally decided to try to become a part of it, with mixed results. Though their single Achin To Be did well enough, their album Don't Tell A Soul had mediocre sells. Their next album was practically a Westerberg solo album, and after touring the band broke up in 1991.

Meat Puppets

Curt Kirkwood (Vocals, guitar), Cris Kirkwood (bass, backing vocals), and Derrick Bostrum (Drums) formed this band in Phoenix, Arizona, in January of 1980. Beginning as a hardcore punk band with oftentimes undecipherable lyrics, they evolved over time to a more psychedelic sound, and also explored areas such as hard rock, power-trio, grunge, cowpunk, etc, etc. Having little success, their biggest break was when they played as guests on Nirvana's MTV Unplugged in New York. This made their next album, Too High To Die, go gold. However, their fame quickly faded, and their next album didn't do nearly as well. For 5 years the band was practically broken up, until Curt came back with a whole new lineup of people who, although a different band, were still signed under the name of the Meat Puppets. After releasing an album, this band to broke up, and just recently it's been announced that the band is back together again with Curt, Cris, and Tim Alexander on drums (former drummer of Primus). A new album is expected this Spring.


I'm not hugely into this band, but they definitely deserve to be in the top 5 slot. Beginning with their album Murmur, in which the vocals are tuned down so as to let the listener decide for themselves what they are, this is perhaps the earliest band to venture into the alternative realm of music. Beginning as more obscure and becoming more mainstream as time went on, they are pioneers of the alternative movement and are probably one of the best-known bands of the eighties alternative scene.


Formed in Boston in 1985, Black Francis (Vocals, Guitar), Kim Deal (Bass, Vocals), Dave Lovering (Drums), and Joey Santiago (Lead Guitar), made music completely original to it's time. Combining surf rock and punk with other styles, their sound was and still is very unique, and have inspired many bands to date, the most popular one being Nirvana. Though they broke up in 1993, they have since reformed as of 2004. They've been touring, and there have been reports that they've began recording an album this month.

Honorable Mention:
fIREHOSE, My Bloody Valentine, Minutemen
...heres mine

Here's my fave. top 5 bands

5.Jimmy Eat World

Songs I love:
-Just Tonight
-Hear You Me

4.30 Seconds To Mars

Songs I Love:
-The Kill
-From Yesterday

3.Rise Against

Songs I Love:
-Paper Wings
-Anywhere but Here
-Prayer for the Refugee

2.Quietdrive (LOOOVE THEM)

Songs I Love:
-Take a Drink
-Time After Time
-Maybe Misery
-Rise from the Ashes


Songs I Love:
-Cant Be Saved
-Calling All Cars
-You're Cute When You Scream
-Buried A Lie
-Still Searching
-Bloody Romance
-Handguns and Second Chances
...+ more..I LOVE every song..[/size]
Um, if you guys are going to keep posting top 5 bands, maybe we should get this thread moved from 'General Gaming Topics' to 'Misc.'
My top 5 RPG characters

number 5 is Sephiroth


My favorite badguy of the FF/KH series.

number 4 is RAmar


PSO, you are able to name the person, but one of my favorite rpgs.

number 3 is Cloud


Cloud, star of FF7/FF7Advent Children. My favorite FF game of all time.

number 2 is Sora

hero of KH/KH2, set out to save his friends Riku and Kairi.

and my number 1 favorite is Riku

Mislead by the heartless, he is one of the bad/good guys who is just got to be in the #1 spot.
id do video games, but those are dime a dozen.

I think putting this in Misc would be a good idea.

Anyway, my contribution for now, the TOP 5 BATMAN VILLIANS. Watching old epsiodes of the excellent Batman: The Animated Series and Mask of the Phantasm spurred me to do this one. Considering the numerous tellings, gimmicks, retellings and intriguing backstories of almost all of the batman villians, it was hard to pick my top 5. But, I think I did a good job.

5. THE PENGUIN (Oswald Cobblepot)


The Penguin can be seen as one of the few Batman villians that is not totally crazy.A short, ugly man, he has an ego, and a passion for money, bigger than his portly potbelly. Throughout the comics he is depicted as a social elite, owning nightclubs and doing silent criminal activities. His passion for birds and trick umbrellas were his gimmick in the old days of the comics, but have become iconic vices to his namesake. The campy rendition in the live action Batman TV series made him more popular, and the dark, sociopath version in Tim Burtons film made a more maniacal figure that we have seen for years. What tops it all is that at times, he is not even a villian, but an informant and stool pidgeon that aids batman and the police when he is threatened, or more importantly, his social status.

4. HARLEY QUINN (Harlene Quinzel)


In the 14 years of her existance, no character in the Batman universe has had so much of an impact as Harley Quinn. Introduced as a character in the acclaimed Batman: The Animated Series, she became a quick fan favorite for her strange stockholm syndrome love/hate relationship with the Joker. We are amazed that she not only put's up with the Jokers abuse, but thrives on it. Another neat part of her persona is her relationship with villianess Poison Ivy, one of the few friendships villians have. The rumors of the sexual relationship aside, Harley Quinn is not only a popular character, but a very dangerous one as well, coming close to killing Batman numerous times, something few people can claim fame to.

3. MR. FREEZE (Victor Fries)


forget the mad scientist gimmick during the 40's,50's, and even the campy 60's. Think of the new age version, the one which spawned from his revival in the Batman: The Animated TV series show. Here is a man who would kill anyone in his path, freeze an entire city, and even preform surgery with a live patient, all so he could save his own wife from a terminal illness. That is true characterization. Add to the fact that the backstory is now the cannonacal one, and throw in some great episodes involving Freezes own life being threatened by the tragic accident he endured, and you have one of Batmans most determined and brilliant foes.

2. TWO-FACE (Harvy Dent)


Two-Face has always been my personal favorite of the Batman villians. A once great lawyer, who struggled through his early years, suffers from bipolar disorder or even scitzophrenia before his accident due to supressing anger, was turned from a gimmick villian to perhaps Batman's most ruthless and personal foe. Harvy Dent and Two-Face are one in the same, which is why his coin, his look, even his own deformity is not only metaphorical, but physical. He is also one of the few Batman ivillians to be not entirely evil, and attempts to do what is right, when Dent is controlling him. Two-Face is without a doubt one of the more conflicted foes Batman must face, as Bruce Wayne and Dent were close friends in the comics. Batman hopes that he can be cured, but it is hard to cure a split personality.



The Clown Prince of Crime, the Ace of Knaves, the Jester of Evil, The Harlequin of Hate, whatever name you call him by, the Joker is perhaps Batman's oldest, deadliest, and even most important foe. The Joker is the anti-thesis of what Batman is. He is a psychopath, plain and simple. He has killed men, women, children, even people close to Batman, like members of the Gordon Family. In the comics, he is explored more-so than any villian in the entire franchise, in the movies, portrayed by some of the best actors in the day. Even in the campy TV show, the Joker, while turned into nothing more then a maniacal petty thief, still used tricks that even Batman once said "I can never predict what he will do."

Without the Joker though, Batman would not exist. Many see the Joker as the chaos incarnate, the purest form of evil, random, mindless violence that makes little sense to those around them, while Batman is a form of rigid order, stoic, and emotionless. The Joker's obsession with Batman is perhaps his true reason for his inasnity. The Joker has quit numerous times, when he believed Batman has died, from his criminal life, go so far to once have plastic surgery and attempt to live a normal life. The Jokers obsession with Batman borders insanity, and what makes it better is Batman himself cannot kill him. Without the Joker, Batman cannot exist.

The Joker is without a doubt the most dangerous, and most popular, villian to ever grace the comic book hero genre, and is an easy choice for the number 1 Batman Villian.
I got it!

Top 5 Gaming Heroes.

10) Serious Sam.

Not alot to say about Sam, apart from the fact that he is undeniably tough.

9) Ayane

Probably the least sexual picture of Ayane on the net, this was hard to find.... Anyway, Ayane is often overshadowed by her bigger *Ahem* sister, but I have always preffered her as a character. The strange infatuation some people seem to have with videgame "babes" aside, she could kick the asses of every GR member.

8) Postal Dude

While not exactly a hero, no-one can say that playing as this warped motherf*cker isn't fun.

7) Fox McCloud

Fox is a super cool spaceship flying mutha. The Lylat Wars version of him is actually banned in many countries. His coolness was deemed a threat.


I admit, I never liked this guy. He just seems a bit.... ********************** (I edited that for fear of fanboys. Let's all pretend it is something nice.) But judging by the shear number of fans he has, he must have a little something special that I just can't see.

5) Solid Snake.

Not alot to say about Snake is there? Tough as nails... In fact, he is the gaming equivalent of Chuck Norris. The upcoming MGS4 version of him is appaling, we all know he cannot age...

4)Master Chief.

This guy is cool. Look at him. Amazing eh? Yup, he could kick the shit out of my Alien any day...

3)Cloud Strife.

Nuff Said.

2)Martin Septim

A strange descision you may think, but this guy sacrifice his life to save an entire world, after just discovering some shocking details about his past, and his future. I would also like to acknowledge Baurus and Jauffre. They always seem to be dead when I return from shutting down the great gate...

1) You!
Who is the one constant throughout all games ever made? YOU! The player. You are the one who control these other Heroes. You are the one who save the day, so therefore, you (and me) are the #1 heroes.
I agree with LinksOcarina. There are quite a few names missing from that list, actually.

- Link
- Dante
- Kratos
- Serious Sam
- Mario
- Sonic
- Duke Nukem
- Leon Scott Kennedy
- Max Payne
- Parker
- Alias
- Jak
- Ratchet
- Sly
- Kasumi
Don't patronise me. If I have to roll up my sleeves....
I knew you guys were joking. (Better have been.)

But I shall revise my list to satisfy ye.

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