SFIV.... why the hype again?

Solaris10 said:
SF aint that bad...it just depends on your playstyle. Seriously, I like SF2 HD remix. For 15$ you get a good game at a high price. I won't pay 60$ for the same game with prettier graphics and a few more characters.

You cannot seriously think this is the same game. Different engine, new characters, old characters were rebalanced (any complaint of a 2 or Alpha character being broken will be met with such comments as, "Stop sucking", "Practice" and/or "You're an idiot") Parries were replaced with the focus attack, which is much, much more useful. Link combos are now much more than jab jab jab special move jab jab jab combo link. This is a very different game from SSF2THDR, its just more inviting for older players because they'll be familiar with most of the original game mechanics, but even the tourny regulars have had to adjust their approach to playing.

Solaris10 said:
As for king of fighter....what is it?

Brilliant SNK fighting game series but honestly, if you think Seth is difficult in SFIV then don't even bother renting an SNK fighter.

Longo_2_guns said:
Grey said:
Tag > All other Tekken games.
Thats like saying Marvel Vs. Capcom is better than Street Fighter. Of course it is.

No that's just, just, just wrong. MvC2 is fucking brilliant though. :D
HAHAHAHA I guess I'll pass SNK then.

I might actually purchase street fighter 4 later. I guess it will drop in price when tekken will be out. Games are getting so expensive anymore that I am becoming of a cheapass lately.

I know it is a different engine. I kinda like the fact that the game feels more alive and I like the graphics. If they balanced things out, could be awesome but doesn't justify 60 bucks....

Then again..... nothing is worth 60$ anymore in my point of view.

Say, why won't any SF player here share their experience (online, balance ect) on PSN, xbox-live and local. Could motivate me to buy this.
you can get the same experience of purchasing and playing street fight 4 by burning 60 dollars, putting on a pair of 3-D glasses and slipping wood splinters under your fingernails

i dont see whats so special
my way is cheaper too if you dont burn the money or burn like 50 dollars instead
I don't think I would ever buy a fighting game for 60$. Just doesn't seem to be worth it to me.
Solaris10 said:
Say, why won't any SF player here share their experience (online, balance ect) on PSN, xbox-live and local. Could motivate me to buy this.

That's a really touchy subject. It can be great fun when you're playing online providing you don't run into the scrubby Ken players. There are a lot of guys out there who are obsessed with winning, so they just use Ken and jump +hk, followed by Shoryuken over and over and over. The thing is, this is a very easy tactic to get around and they get incredibly bitchy if you beat them out of their supposed fool proof strategy, but its a scrubby tactic. The amount of people doing this has already resulted in the game being dubbed, "Ken Fighter IV" because unless you're playing against people you know who own the game, or are in same skill level matches, nine times out of ten you'll run into one of these Ken players.

That said, I think once they finally learn this tactic won' work against regular SF players they'll try to actually learn the game. I've got nothing against someone who sucks and is playing for fun and willing to learn, but guys who use cheese to win then get angry at you because you got around the cheap tactic are incredibly annoying. On top of that, you'll get people who may not be using Ken, but if they lose the first round in a ranked match they'll disconnect so as to not lose battle points, lame.

So really, just like any other online game. Has the potential to be great, but you get people who ruin it because they're so bent on winning. :/
Me? I've played about 10 matches online and have lost all of them.

I remember one when I was Chun-Li VS Ryu. I was almost dead and he was at 50%. I did my ultra combo, then I dodged his Metsu Hadoken. I got a few jumping high kicks in there, when it was literally next hit wins! - And I lost :O! After my proud comeback.

But yeah, I found that if you use the same skill option, you end up going against good online players, who are good obviously...but they dont play to win I dont think. They dont button bash the same move over and over again.

I played a Blanka once as wlel, and he just kept doing his electric field move over and over, I was literlaly just standing there haha. He eventually quit.
I'm planning on getting a PS3 before the end of the month. When I do we gotta have some matches. Although I have a feeling Grey will kick my ass. :p
grandmagoodtimes said:
I was playing my PS3 version earlier today and I can't beat Seth. Should I just return my game and also my testicles?

I beat him twice while drunk. When sober, I spent an hour trying to beat him and couldn't. :x
I would buy it from you if it's cheap! (Still will gave more money then gamestop :p)

I just went to my friend house and noticed a full hadouken fight....shit was intense.

I witness the Ken army you mentionned. When my friend sees a Ken.... he takes Sagat to taunt them....then he goes back to Zangief.

I have HD remix I can (finally) beat in easy mode.... I don't think I'm ready to SF4. Then again...I don't spam a button over and over. I try what I think it's best.
I'm an xBox man! GamerTag is "BarnesBoar"

I was sad today. I earned 75 battle points online...and then I lost them all :(
Trippysmurf said:
letusprey said:
Yeah. GF built me a game room for Christmas last year.

Your girlfriend built you a game room? Girls do that kind of thing?

Sure, when you're not trying to wear their clothes

You tell me this now? I've been doing it wrong this whole time. As for the gameroom I'd love to see some pics of it.

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