Post your pictures!!!!!!!!

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SweetSurrender said:

Me being a sexy beast.

Right you keep telling yourself that.
Longo_2_guns said:
SweetSurrender said:

Me being a sexy beast.

Right you keep telling yourself that.

Pfft, I don't really think that I'm a sexy beast, that's a joke picture. :roll:

And I'm trying to grow full facial hair.. but... yeah, right.

Who's Adam Morrison?

That's awesome, I just painted mine over spring break. I think the color was called "summerland".
Autrailopithics- said:
Crazy_Cune said:
intoTheRain said:
Last time I checked, pictures are rather accurate.

Did you even read what I wrote?
You can't even see their faces in two of the pictures you commented on pimp juice.
To ITR, not CC

There are two pictures of girls, one their faces are completely shown. And the other, I said she was hittable, so I hardly understand why you have your panties in a twist...

Oh wait, you're right, I commented on his cousin to, and she is clearly attractive.... Sure you can't see her full face, but whats wrong with complementing someone again?

Thats my gf in the top left, my best friend on the top right, me in the middle, and three random little kids we met @ the bowling alley =]

hey intotherain.. man you seem really critical on how everyone looks.. and its usually not very posotive.. what te hell is your problem?
MrHimashi said:
hey intotherain.. man you seem really critical on how everyone looks.. and its usually not very posotive.. what te hell is your problem?

If you re read my post, you'll see I told Raine he looks like a guy from a TV show, I called One the best looking guy I've seen post, I called three girls hot, and Dobby extremely cute, I asked a kid if the pink belt was his, and I asked if three kids that looked the same were triplets.

I said I'd hit one girl with a truck...

Now let's do the math...

Six positive reviews on appearance...

One neutral..

One negative, whom is not even a poster on these boards...

Review that, and shut the fuck up. You seem to get off on following me around and telling me you don't like me. Do I threaten you?

EDIT : Forgot I told Raine his best friend is mint...

Add another to the positive pile...
Ahh shit, I forgot the emo bashing.. But keep in mind, I complemented one, and stated i found not much wrong with Jared. The other three do not post here, so I am hurting no feelings..

And I have every right in the world to laugh at a guy, who I thought was a girl... Theyre emo, they live off the attention they get, why do you think they dress like that? The negative attention, because they want to be "different", and depressed, and suicidal.. I'm just feeding their interests. Hell, I'm doing them a favor.

EDIT : That said.. go away.. go get drunk for a second time and tell us all about it..
in the PC forum on the world of warcraft topic you said everyone should get a life, that doesn't seem too positive.... ! post a picture of yourself plz
MrHimashi said:
in the PC forum on the world of warcraft topic you said everyone should get a life, that doesn't seem too positive.... ! post a picture of yourself plz

a) I was kidding on the WoW boards, obviously. I'm on a video game forum, what right do I have to tell other to get lives? Sarcasm... Maybe be hard to see it in writing, but use logic, and you'll come to the conclusion I was obviously kidding.

b) Jared and his g/f are emo... is this supposed to be a secret?

c) I was simply asking if it is possible for an emo relationship to work, as change is inevitable. I was a punk once, I liked rap once, I liked only heavy music once, I wore baggy pants that hung off my ass once, I was really into drugs once, theyre phases.. I wasn't bashing it.. but clearly he won't be emo forever..

Stop disecting everything I say, and try to look on the positive side... I say what I think, and I find nothing wrong with that....
Some white hair dye and a few more chunks of hair and i think we've got xmas early.
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