Post Your Pics: The Official Topic

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UghRochester said:
I mean if a woman is muscular than you, or even has some lethal weopon thats when you can hit a woman

So to sum things up: No hitting women unless your life is at risk

...Thanks for that great, insightful, and relevant analysis.
Krowsnose said:
Jesus, ya serious? Tylzen's kid doesn't look anywhere close to 3.

He's just a wee little thing.

I don't know! I mean there is no way he looks three but I've seen some young looking three year old kids and some old looking two year old ones so I just couldn't be sure.
speed drinking!

needed more cow bell

brotherhood of evil mutants
UghRochester said:
Tylzen said:
Wicked: Marius would win. When he wants he shows his big temper.
Tigerlily, Tykk- and JCD was on Skype yesterday with Marius talking with him.
JCD made Marius spew chocolate all over me.

Marius has also begun saying "ae ae" at all animals and insects. (Including bees) (ae = pet). He also does that at small children and starts petting their heads.
Whatever happen to "No hitting women?"
I mean if a woman is muscular than you, or even has some lethal weopon thats when you can hit a woman

So to sum things up: No hitting women unless your life is at risk

Haha I like the way you thought that needed summing up.

Also...Marius, Marius spewing chocolate.....fighting women...

Ah yes, I see how you connected that now :p
Piracer, add me on skype and I will make sure you will experience the awesomeness of the Skype orgies we have.

(the skype group is currently waiting for the next podcast hoping our question will be answered).

anyway here are some photos.
They are in link form since they are sort of big.
- I love danish billboards this picture was captured right outside my apartment.
- Marius earlier today we were heading for the local library (Where I got Stuntman Ignition for PS3.)
- The town square. Marius in his stroller and Ditte asking me why the fuck I am taking pictures with my phone.
- More town square in the middle there is a small fountain thing. It is still too early for the water.
- Ahead of me is the 4th largest city in Denmark across the water.
- And the small street with some random shops.
- Ending it all with a blurry shot of Marius in a sea of balls. (Wearing a tiger costume)
Tylzen said:
Tigerlily, Tykk- and JCD was on Skype yesterday with Marius talking with him.
JCD made Marius spew chocolate all over me.

Skype is the new AIM.

I should really try to remember my Skype name so I can talk with all you fine people.
All you have to do is host the image at an image hosting site, copy the image location (right click, copy image location), past it in your forum message and make sure it has
at the end. (You can also highlight the address and click "img" on the GR user panel when making your image and it will automatically add the tags for you.
Puppies, cute babies and awesome looking chicks are always a good thing when posting your first pictures on GR.
Hmm. It didn't work and when I put the link in my address bar it said content not found. You selected the image location to copy yes? Everything else was right - The image tags and whatnot.
JCD may have an orgasm...another one with Irish blood (judging from your avatar).

Have a ditty!!
How do you define cool?

Lethean said:
Me enjoying a Dos Equis:

There is your answer!

What do you guys think about the facial hair? Keep it or shave it?


And if you wonder what we're doing, we're not in a special class. Just screwing around with pasta and marshmellows haha
Tylzen said:
Puppies, cute babies and awesome looking chicks are always a good thing when posting your first pictures on GR.

Well, since it was more or less requested, here's my boys. And besides someone needs to throw in more contenders before GR starts a toddler boxing tournament between Marius and Lethean's niece.


The older one is Noah (2 1/2) and the younger is Cooper (1 1/2).
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