Post Your Pics: The Official Topic

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i rep to da 4u11357
Lethean said:
Here's just a few wedding photos.


Yeah, congrats Colin, I'm really happy for you. It's so cool to see the progression of all the lives of the people on this board. I remember a time before you knew her (or at least were with her) and now you guys are married. It's weird, but awesome.
used44 said:
Can't you just line up outside 7-11 and jump into a mysterious truck full of day-workers and do drywall like all of the other illegal immigrants?


..Used... you complete me.
-FCM- said:
Lethean said:
Here's just a few wedding photos.


Yeah, congrats Colin, I'm really happy for you. It's so cool to see the progression of all the lives of the people on this board. I remember a time before you knew her (or at least were with her) and now you guys are married. It's weird, but awesome.

I have to say, when i first saw her i thought she looked very Bollywood Indianish, which is kinda hot.

Anyway, congrats like everyone said, and your niece is in the running for cutest kid posted on GR. Tyzlen, you better watch out buddy.
Lethean said:
The reason why a lot of them are getting fat when their older is because of their metabolism slowing down as they age. In Mexico a lot of traditional Mexican foods are made with a lot of fat/lard and they like to eat a lot.

Same thing in Cuban culture. I love Cuban food, but it all is made with lard. Makes it delicious but so bad for you.

Lethean said:
Not to mention not all will hurt you and not all smoke cigarettes like chimneys.

I don't know... whether they are Puerto Rican, Columbian or Cuban they usually make threats of physical violence, but again, that may be the whole Miami influence.

Lethean said:
And never shut up? We're talking about f****** women dude. (Not to mention I know a lot of guys who never shut the f*** up as well.)

Ok, you got me there.
Haha...Well, since you left Mexicans out of that list I really can't comment on Cubans, Columbians or Puerto Ricans. I'll definitely give you that one!
I live in Ohio, and I have dated two Puerto Ricans, one wasn't so bad because she was only insane, the other was bad because she was insane and an alcoholic, we got into a fight and she threw a half full bottle of tequila at me. The first threatened to "cut me" on 3 separate occasions, and actually took her shoe off and beat a girl with it. I don't think Miami has anything to do with it. I think they just have some sort of crazy gene.
downwitdaclown69 said:

i rep to da 4u11357

Getting back to pictures, that is one badass hat. Also, I don't really know you (aside from going through the archives and seeing that you are a rapper of some sort, usually donning a red t-shirt), but its good to have some vets back.
Trippysmurf said:
downwitdaclown69 said:

i rep to da 4u11357

Getting back to pictures, that is one badass hat. Also, I don't really know you (aside from going through the archives and seeing that you are a rapper of some sort, usually donning a red t-shirt), but its good to have some vets back.

Yeah what Trippy Said

That's weird DWTC is back, and now thetank is leaving?
Lethean said:
Here's just a few wedding photos.
n750344644_1305239_6984981.jpg you lucky A**hole..

me at teh bar w/ mah frendz


(i dont know who that black guy is tho)

......annnndddd after a few drinks
Me having a debaucherous one man party at 4am. Scouts honor for no fuggin reason.


Albino monkey decided to make it a 2 man party, then I got hungry.

Krow the use of scouts honour has made u my new best friend.

Love the way Urban's friend needs to fully extend his arm to reach his high five - making it one HIGH five >chuckle<
MattAY said:
Love the way Urban's friend needs to fully extend his arm to reach his high five - making it one HIGH five >chuckle<

^ I was thinking just that haha. Urban next time you are with him put your hand as high up as you can. I want to see him jumping in the next picture. :)
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