Post Your Pics: The Official Topic

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intoTheRain said:
StalfrosCC said:
IntotheRain, from the looks of you- Get new friends and shower.

edit : lol, bashing my friends and telling me to take a shower (clearly grasping pretty hard for strings), all because i told a guy i thought his girlfriend is an 8.

IntotheRain... it was a joke. People think the internet is serious and this frightens me. I do enjoy how you took my joke so close to heart you kept calling your friends losers and you posted pictures of them. That was a nice touch.

Also, the phrase is "grasping at straws". Just thought I'd help you out there since you were grasping at them yourself.

You still haven't showed me that you shower though. Can we see some pictures of that?

(FYI, that was also a joke... since I obviously have to throw out disclaimers because you offend so easily. Also also, if you read earlier I said you looked like a cool guy, but you know people get what they want to out of what they read on the serious internets.)
StalfrosCC said:
intoTheRain said:
StalfrosCC said:
IntotheRain, from the looks of you- Get new friends and shower.

edit : lol, bashing my friends and telling me to take a shower (clearly grasping pretty hard for strings), all because i told a guy i thought his girlfriend is an 8.

IntotheRain... it was a joke. People think the internet is serious and this frightens me. I do enjoy how you took my joke so close to heart you kept calling your friends losers and you posted pictures of them. That was a nice touch.

Also, the phrase is "grasping at straws". Just thought I'd help you out there since you were grasping at them yourself.

You still haven't showed me that you shower though. Can we see some pictures of that?

(FYI, that was also a joke... since I obviously have to throw out disclaimers because you offend so easily. Also also, if you read earlier I said you looked like a cool guy, but you know people get what they want to out of what they read on the serious internets.)

you're lecturing on the "jokes"

clearly calling my friends losers in my pictures wasn't a joke

and damn on the grasping for straws thing! sucks when you own yourself!
if your girlfriend has been with Colin make sure and get yourselves tested. The burning is unbearable... :(
:( Hasn't taken long for this to get derailed. Almost half a page with no pictures whatsoever? Let's not get this closed so soon guys.


HALLOWEEN, i'm shrek. mask isn't on cause it's too big! and once again, per usual when i've had too many beers, i'm doin weird things with my hands that embarrass me when i look at the photo the next day

oohhh man if only you could see my pants
Here's me as Jeebus pwning a ninja for Halloween 2 years ago.


It's sad how well I pull this off >.<


Fun with a black light.

I wasn't expecting me asking your thoughts on Rosa to turn into this. I was playing around because Urban usually comments on all the women in here but hadn't said a thing about her. I really didn't expect all this :(.

Oh and Shaft. I told you the burning will go away. You just need to rub the cream twice a day for 14 days, followed by the pills I gave you. You better take them. I gave them to you from my own prescription. I know you were just too embarassed to go to the doctor yourself.

Edit: Ty, I like the new place!

intoTheRain said:
wow, i'm learning some cool things about Colin. but i shan't say. what a small f****** world. my girlfriend was in Colin's house :shock: Colin did you bang my girlfriend you sly dog you!?

Haha wtf. No. No I did not. Not to say your girlfriend isn't pretty but I can't quite tell who she is from the pictures, if I know her or not. Hopefully she didn't have too many bad things to say! Only incident I can remember about Burford is throwing a party that the cops showed up at(noise complaint - no drugs or anything.) and people were jumping off the balcony of my apartment and my neihgbour being pissed because some guy sped out of there and almost hit him. (I can't be held responsible for their stupidity though :(. First and last time I ever threw a party. )
Lethean said:
I wasn't expecting me asking your thoughts on Rosa to turn into this. I was playing around because Urban usually comments on all the women in here but hadn't said a thing about her. I really didn't expect all this :(.

Oh and Shaft. I told you the burning will go away. You just need to rub the cream twice a day for 14 days, followed by the pills I gave you. You better take them. I gave them to you from my own prescription. I know you were just too embarassed to go to the doctor yourself.

Edit: Ty, I like the new place!

intoTheRain said:
wow, i'm learning some cool things about Colin. but i shan't say. what a small f****** world. my girlfriend was in Colin's house :shock: Colin did you bang my girlfriend you sly dog you!?

Haha wtf. No. No I did not. Not to say your girlfriend isn't pretty but I can't quite tell who she is from the pictures, if I know her or not. Hopefully she didn't have too many bad things to say! Only incident I can remember about Burford is throwing a party that the cops showed up at(noise complaint - no drugs or anything.) and people were jumping off the balcony of my apartment and my neihgbour being pissed because some guy sped out of there and almost hit him. (I can't be held responsible for their stupidity though :(. First and last time I ever threw a party. )

she said ur a good guy! do you know a girl named LORETTA :D LORETTA Is famous in those parts. i'm not gonna say my girlfriends name till ufigure it out though. and she looksa lot different than she did so you prob wouldnt recognize her. she used to be a devil child like myself. but we're both epicly awesome now.
See, I love this. I love how we can come together over news of Colin banging our girlfriends instead of fighting one another.
We can change the world people. Let's hope more men take cues from our example.

So Mikey... feeling like taking any cues? Austin isn't a far drive for me. Sarah acts like she's not down, but I know her - she'll come around to the idea.
2 of my tattoos:


(upper right back)



and since this seems like a good place to put it...
look what I got with my prize from the pumpkin carving contest (There are waaaayyy too many awesome things on that website so I picked a bunch I liked and had my friends vote and they decided I should get two of my favorite Lost characters)
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