Post Your Pics: The Official Topic

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whoa whoa whoa, what'd you mean by hopeless case? I wasnt that bad... was i?

And i needed to have a hair cut anyway and have had one since.
Flaming_Tiki_God said:
It also helps that Lethean's a mod. :)
Anyway, I thoroughly disapprove of the word 'fag', but I'm sure the lot of you would know that and label me too sensitive.


Just kidding sensitive Sally.

Kidding! You aren't sensitive, just gay. Of course the word "fag" would bother you. Which is why I will never call you one :). Except of course...I just did. But only as a joke!

Anyways, pictures...Hmm. I wish I had some from the NIN concert but the batteries in our camera died fifteen minutes in...AND WE WERE RIGHT UP FRONT. FUCK.
Well, we were close enough that you could see all the details on Reznor - His wrinkles, arm hair, sweat. I'm pretty sure he made eye contact with Rosa and I at one point while he was sitting, playing the keyboard for one of the more melodic songs off the Ghosts album.
I want to fuck you like an animal
I want to feel you from the inside

I'm drunk
And right now I'm so in love with you

I am a big man, yes I am
and I've got a big gun
got me a big old dick and I
I like to have fun
held against your forehead
well, I'll make you suck it

What woman could possibly ever resist those lines? :wink:
I say it was a good choice, Colin!

*btw, this is a bad and out-of-context sample of NIN lyrics.*
Here you go
Post pics of yourself in a dominatrix costume and I guarantee UrbanMasque will some how track down your phone number and you'll soon have to change it...

Anyways, here's me playing Creep


Once you sober up you start to feel the cold!
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