Politically correct, and all the bullshit that comes with it


So, I like many across the globe, am feeling the effects of the shitty economy and the unemployment that stems from it.

It's not that I'm a lazy bum, I've been working full time since 17, and only lost my last job as a result of them going out of business (job shipped out to India for cheaper labour).

I was among the resumes selected for a housekeeping job at the local hospital (as unglamorous as it is, payed like a champ, full time, full benefits.) There I sat awaiting my interview, along with 9 other hopefuls, and I noticed 2 things. A) Only two of us were what I would call dressed up for the interview and B) Only two of us were white. Now the other white guy wasn't dressed up either (who honestly thinks jeans are interview appropriate), the other was an Asian.. whom was pretty hot but that's besides the point.

Aced the interview, or so I thought, turns out one of the ethnic minorities got the job, despite what I hear, of him having no real prior work experience or qualifications, and showing up in a hoodie. Turns out the staff wasn't ethnically diverse enough so a couple of friends in there tell me.

Now, that's a load of shit, and pisses me off, but I didn't go on a racist tirade, however, I was discussing this with some friends and the subject of race came up, and I simply mention that despite being a lower percentile of the population, blacks and hispanics make up a substantial portion of prison populations, not intended to be bigoted, and not something that was a fabricated opinion with no statistical backing. However, instant backlash from my friends, and I'm now blacklisted as a closet racist...

so your opinions on affirmative action and political correctness?
More than anything, I hate how I can't comment on any issue of race or gender without being instantly labeled a bigot, be it racist, sexist, or whatever it is when you hate people with different sexual preferences. Now I don't hate anyone based on any of those things, but I disagree with anyone who says that everyone is equal and that none of those factor in in terms of personality, behavior, etc. Men think different from women. Men and women are made differently, both physically and mentally. People of different ethnicities hold different values, and race can affect more than your physical appearance. None of these are negative things. No race is superior or inferior, neither is there a superior gender. They're just different.

But I can't say that, since I'm a white male and thus apparently have all the power. I'm saying that because I want to oppress, and I say that women want different things in a relationship because it's a part of my "power fantasy," I say blacks are different from whites because I want to put them down, yadda yadda yadda.

Okay, maybe I'm a bit mad because one of my "friends" thinks I'm sexist because I said the reason that video games and comic books target men primarily is because men and women look for different things in entertainment, and entertainment presented through most video games and comic books are more appealing toward men than women. That's not an outrageous claim, I think. I mean, it's certainly backed up by sales. But every aspect of that statement was attacked, and since men and women both like storytelling I guess I'm sexist. Whoops!

I forgot my point. Those shifty blacks must've stolen it!
Longo_2_guns said:
More than anything, I hate how I can't comment on any issue of race or gender without being instantly labeled a bigot, be it racist, sexist, or whatever it is when you hate people with different sexual preferences. Now I don't hate anyone based on any of those things, but I disagree with anyone who says that everyone is equal and that none of those factor in in terms of personality, behavior, etc. Men think different from women. Men and women are made differently, both physically and mentally. People of different ethnicities hold different values, and race can affect more than your physical appearance. None of these are negative things. No race is superior or inferior, neither is there a superior gender. They're just different.

But I can't say that, since I'm a white male and thus apparently have all the power. I'm saying that because I want to oppress, and I say that women want different things in a relationship because it's a part of my "power fantasy," I say blacks are different from whites because I want to put them down, yadda yadda yadda.

Okay, maybe I'm a bit mad because one of my "friends" thinks I'm sexist because I said the reason that video games and comic books target men primarily is because men and women look for different things in entertainment, and entertainment presented through most video games and comic books are more appealing toward men than women. That's not an outrageous claim, I think. I mean, it's certainly backed up by sales. But every aspect of that statement was attacked, and since men and women both like storytelling I guess I'm sexist. Whoops!

I forgot my point. Those shifty blacks must've stolen it!

Sexist is the most commonly applied label around. There was a story in the news paper about a mining company, that was being sued by the women of the business because they were payed less than the men. Seems legit, but here's the kicker.

100% of the women working for that company, held office positions, secretaries, what not. The men, were miners, paid more because lets be honest, they were doing more. So rather than try and argue it in court, the owner shut down the office operations and outsourced them, but not to be held liable in court, he gave all the women the same pay, for the same job, they were all set to be trained for safety, and geared up to go mining. 1, out of the 15+ women employees showed up, all the others left. And than tried suing the company afterwards, because they felt such a move was sexist.

Remember, it's chivalry when it benefits them, sexist when it doesn't
Regarding your story right there icepick, i tend to find that feminists want equality only as long as it benefits them.
Blacks and Hispanics represent a higher number of prisoners because they're profiled more and handed harsher sentences than their white counterpart.

The rest of what you said is irritating however. Stupid ass quota that needs to be met.
For some reason, all I heard while reading this was Mallory Archer shouting, "Immigrants. Cramming their low riders full of free healthcare and... snow. That's how they do, y'know. Just drive around, listening to raps and shooting all the jobs."
Bretimus_v2 said:
For some reason, all I heard while reading this was Mallory Archer shouting, "Immigrants. Cramming their low riders full of free healthcare and... snow. That's how they do, y'know. Just drive around, listening to raps and shooting all the jobs."

God I love Archer but back to the point I feel like yes this country is stuck in where white is still oppressing the other races but the other races still get treated pretty good by the government or school, such as I went to Iowa State for engineering and got a few scholarships for about a total of 2,000 dollars of financial aid, now one of my black friends went to the same school dumb as a box of rocks and got a free ride, he is a business major and not doing any sports while being there, while I the smart one got only some money for being smart and none for being white, while he got a full ride for being black dumb our country just pisses me off sometimes

Also he already dropped out because the business college was too hard which is a load of crap considering I saw his homework and could have done it while heavily intoxicated.
This is a subject I find endlessly fascinating. I live in Chicago, which you may or may not know has an incredibly diverse population. I don't have the exact numbers in front of me, but it is literally almost a perfect split. Something like 30% white, 30% black, 30% hispanic, and asian & middle eastern making up the rest. But, diverse on paper doesn't always equate to diverse in real life. The neighborhoods are split up just like those numbers are.

In terms of work, I'm not a college graduate so I've had a fair share of blue collar jobs and I've been in several instances where I was the only white employee or the white employees made up the minority of the work staff. The front office though, sales for example was 100% white.

I went through a stage in my 20's when I really wanted to be a firefighter. I went out for half a dozen tests in various suburbs of the city. I passed every single written, physical, and board evaluation that I took. And I never once got past being put on a wait list for potential hire. Never once did I look around and blame affirmative action for it. If anything, I believe it was because I didn't have the right connections and that was my own fault for not playing the game. In Chicago, the old saying is: "It's not what you know, it's who you know." That old unqualified and incompetent supervisor I had at one job, how the hell did she get that position? Oh, she grew up and went to school with the manager, it all makes sense now.

There could have been a myriad of reasons why you didn't get the job. Maybe the person knew someone you didn't. Maybe they purposely hired someone without experience because they could get away with paying them less than you. Maybe they thought you were overqualified for the position (which is an actual thing, strange as it sounds)

The fact that the first place your mind went to was that the only way an "ethnic minority wearing a hoodie" could have possibly been hired over you had to have been a result of affirmative action is the reason your friends are calling you a closet racist, not because the world has become too politically correct (which for the record, I think it actually has)

And your statement about prison only made it worse. To add on to what Lethean was saying, Just look at the law when it comes to prison time for powder cocaine as opposed to crack cocaine. Prison is a huge business in this country and it's only going to get worse in the future with the advent of for profit prison systems for juveniles and illegal immigrants that are becoming more prevalent.

I won't even get into the sexism thing as that is a whole other topic unto itself.
C_nate said:
This is a subject I find endlessly fascinating. I live in Chicago, which you may or may not know has an incredibly diverse population. I don't have the exact numbers in front of me, but it is literally almost a perfect split. Something like 30% white, 30% black, 30% hispanic, and asian & middle eastern making up the rest. But, diverse on paper doesn't always equate to diverse in real life. The neighborhoods are split up just like those numbers are.

In terms of work, I'm not a college graduate so I've had a fair share of blue collar jobs and I've been in several instances where I was the only white employee or the white employees made up the minority of the work staff. The front office though, sales for example was 100% white.

I went through a stage in my 20's when I really wanted to be a firefighter. I went out for half a dozen testes in various suburbs of the city. I passed every single written, physical, and board evaluation that I took. And I never once got past being put on a wait list for potential hire. Never once did I look around and blame affirmative action for it. If anything, I believe it was because I didn't have the right connections and that was my own fault for not playing the game. In Chicago, the old saying is: "It's not what you know, it's who you know." That old unqualified and incompetent supervisor I had at one job, how the hell did she get that position? Oh, she grew up and went to school with the manager, it all makes sense now.

There could have been a myriad of reasons why you didn't get the job. Maybe the person knew someone you didn't. Maybe they purposely hired someone without experience because they could get away with paying them less than you. Maybe they thought you were overqualified for the position (which is an actual thing, strange as it sounds)

The fact that the first place your mind went to was that the only way an "ethnic minority wearing a hoodie" could have possibly been hired over you had to have been a result of affirmative action is the reason your friends are calling you a closet racist, not because the world has become too politically correct (which for the record, I think it actually has)

And your statement about prison only made it worse. To add on to what Lethean was saying, Just look at the law when it comes to prison time for powder cocaine as opposed to crack cocaine. Prison is a huge business in this country and it's only going to get worse in the future with the advent of for profit prison systems for juveniles and illegal immigrants that are becoming more prevalent.

I won't even get into the sexism thing as that is a whole other topic unto itself.

A few clarifying points, I know some of the staff already, and no-one knew him/he admitted he was just recently out of jail
Secondly, he was wearing a hoody...I was at the interview along with him and several others, he has no past experience and is overly clumsy/unreliable in the two weeks he's had to work there, as through tales from my friend again

Moreover my prison statement, was exactly that, a statement of the numbers, nothing more, nothing less. But because I pointed out a obvious statistic, I'm instantly a racist, despite any context? Fucking political carebears
Whether or not he was in jail is irrelevant. It is against the law to not hire someone solely due to them having a criminal conviction on their record. And there is a large difference between say, armed robbery and possession of a controlled substance. Do you know what exactly his offense was?

The hoodie thing is questionable. Were you applying for a bank manager position? Seeing as he is fresh out of jail he probably didn't have the funds to get himself a suit and tie. Hell, I only have one myself. I've worn it to both a job interview and a funeral.

Only two weeks on the job and you are ready to fire him for being a poor employee even though most places I've ever worked for has a 90 day trial period where you and your employer decide whether or not the job is a good fit for both parties. Termination only happens earlier than that in cases of the extreme from the employee. (No call, no show for consecutive days for example)

I'm not saying that affirmative action is right, but at one time it was something that was needed because if you were not the right race/sex combo (white/male) you were simply not going to get the job even if you were qualified for it.

Having said that, you still haven't provided anything that shows this was the case in this instance. You have circumstantial evidence at best.
I'll be honest...it is what is preventing me from getting a job. That, and the fact I can't get my foot in the door.

Icepick we need to go into business together and hire people qualified for the position...what say you?
Icepick said:
Moreover my prison statement, was exactly that, a statement of the numbers, nothing more, nothing less. But because I pointed out a obvious statistic, I'm instantly a racist, despite any context? f****** political carebears

Glad you brought that up by the way. What exactly was your context for bringing that up in your conversation. I hope it wasn't something like: "Hey, I didn't get the job. Some black dude got it. God I hate affirmative action. Oh, by the way did you know that blacks and hispanics make up the majority of the prison population? Just throwing that out there."
You can't be serious. This first article I clicked on he manages to mention Nazis and Ayn Rand among other things. What a load of horseshit. I've seen kids in elementary school argue with better logic than this guy.
C_nate said:
Icepick said:
Moreover my prison statement, was exactly that, a statement of the numbers, nothing more, nothing less. But because I pointed out a obvious statistic, I'm instantly a racist, despite any context? f****** political carebears

Glad you brought that up by the way. What exactly was your context for bringing that up in your conversation. I hope it wasn't something like: "Hey, I didn't get the job. Some black dude got it. God I hate affirmative action. Oh, by the way did you know that blacks and hispanics make up the majority of the prison population? Just throwing that out there."

You nailed the context perfectly, after that I unzipped, slapped a innocent female bystander in the face with my genitalia, all the while screaming "you don't deserve to vote"
C_nate said:
I don't know, that's why I asked.

I don't know, it was a conversation? Someone said oh well blacks have had it hard enough they're owed one, which spawned a conversation regarding equality vs hand outs, someone said some statistics which I couldn't be bothered to remember, and I said the prison one, instantly labeled racist..

Merely pointing out numbers made me racist, reason for the thread.
I get what you are saying but were you using the numbers to make a larger point in the conversation or used them just to be contradictory?

What I mean to say is the people you were talking to may have felt the numbers you were quoting had little relevance to the discussion. If they were talking about job numbers or some such statistic and you come back with the prison one they might've been wondering what one had to do with the other and why you'd even bring it up in the first place.

If that's the case, just tell them it was a misunderstanding or whatever and in a short amount of time the whole thing will have blown over.

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