Pics of yourself

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Frodo_Bag_Feet said:
Goddamn you people get the scent of epussy and proceed to go ape sh!t

You couldn't have waited until that's actually warranted? I mean since she posted her picture we've had one person saying the name BigCow isn't justified, one saying (jokingly I assume) it is, the first saying that was harsh, another post reminiscing about the past girls of GR and then my post making a subtle joke about what will happen based on my previous experiences on this board.

You people being...?

EDIT: posted before maca's. Yeah, that. Real poor attempt at some superiority there, frodo.
Rainemaida said:

ha dude not the beard im looking at! (sorry if thats ur sister or anything). by the way for some reason u remind me of anthony kiedis from red hot chilli peppers..... meh

this is me fancy dress as mario (i had 3 hours notice and couldnt find dungarees or correct theyre substituted with braces and an xmas hat heh!)

lost the tash...

then the hat heh...
^ Somebody is jealous!
Bah, I was pointing at Frodo.

Drinking and smoking will kill you, we're all dead.

Pointing and laughing at my drunk friend.

Then she put her head in my lap, but I'm still a gentlemen

And me with my wizard pipe, I dunno why I call it a wizard pipe. It just looks like something a wizard would smoke out of. And I wore a wig for the speical occassion.
Ask yourself this, if bigcow was a guy and posted the almost exact same post; would this thread have been this active? Hell you guys probably already scarred her away.
Frodo_Bag_Feet said:
Ask yourself this, if bigcow was a guy and posted the almost exact same post; would this thread have been this active? Hell you guys probably already scarred her away.

The thread is active, cause there is like 15 people here right now. That's the most I've seen on in one time in awhile.
Frodo_Bag_Feet said:
Ask yourself this, if bigcow was a guy and posted the almost exact same post; would this thread have been this active? Hell you guys probably already scarred her away.

You can't act as if there are no gender boundaries, the fact is that girls are different from guys physically and a lot of time emotionally and psychologically. It's human nature to be attracted to the opposite sex (let's leave homosexuality out of this, if included my post could reach epic proportions) so yes, her post did elicit a different response to if it was a guy posting the exact same thing. Mind you, do you really think a guy would name himself BigCow with a sig as "all you need is love" and then post a picture of himself holding a sign with BigCow written in purple ink? I don't think so, and oh! I guess that's another difference between the genders. Can you honestly tell me you act exactly the same way around any female friends of yours as you do around any male friends? If you can then I'm just going to go ahead and assume you're asexual and breed by splitting yourself in half every hour or so in a warm, moist environment because, while you no doubt give each gender the same level of respect it'll be tailored to the particular person, therefore if they act like a girl (and no, I don't mean anything chauvinistic by that) they'll be treated as a girl. Please, no one take anything in this post as being in any way chauvinistic, it is not intended as such, women are delightful, deserve equal rights and equal respect, but they're not the same as guys and I can't envisage a time when that will be so (thankfully).

Frodo_Bag_Feet said:
Ask yourself this, if bigcow was a guy and posted the almost exact same post; would this thread have been this active? Hell you guys probably already scarred her away.

It's ok fbf, they haven't scarred me away yet :lol:

Rainemaida you're kind of cute too :wink:
BigCow said:
Rainemaida you're kind of cute too :wink:

He is a complete man whore, he slept with every member at GR at least twice. Always the cute ones.

EDIT: After looking through the pictures, you guys look totally different. I remember seeing you guys pictures a while back.Ya'll were just little big eye kids then. Now look at yas, everyones all grown up. *sniff* DAMNIT FROZEN YOU ARE NOT GOING TO CRY!

Well, actually you guys don't look that much older but yea... whatever, I'm bored.
That's uncalled for!
I only slept with Jared, Curtis, Derek, Shane, Ben, Sam(Krownose), You, dUKE, voice....


Nah, none of them are my sisters.
All friends.

But seriously, i'm not a man-whore. Or a pimp!

p.s. i really only slept with curt.

edit - I do get anthony keidis alot...
when i had my beard i got jesus though =[
Longo_2_guns said:
The best ride picture ever.
Me on bottom right:

Cool picture, but do you know what's even cooler? The fact that you rode Space Moutain with Vince Mcmahon, and I don't even think you realised it.
Incidentally, after watching the DMC4 trailer, i'm a lot keener on the likening me to dante thing.

Give me my handguns!
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