Phrases you hate.

UghRochester said:
The most hated phrase I hear all the..."It's not you, it's me."

Haha, go for the anger bang Ugh.

I may hate people who call me "bro". But nothing bothers me that much. You're all just hating bastards really ;)
Chill, chillax, lol, epic win/fail, duuuuuude,

They are already annoying spoken with english, but when you throw them in randomly while speaking finnish, it really gets on my nerves.
Brah is definately included Maddy.

I just thought of one I really hate, making me a hating bastard...just like you guys!!

People who put "-age" at the end is words. Drinkage, Beerage, and I'm pretty sure I've heard someone say "Fuckage" before.
^ wow, someone's all high and mighty with his distaste for the everyday person.
"mate" is just the British version of the US "dude" or "man" and I have to say based on my parents' status I'm upper-middle class, not working, and I use "dude" all the time.

Not necessarily a phrase but anyone who says they like Nickelback and then passionately defends them when you point out they're terrible annoys me
malakian said:
The working caste consistently stick 'mate' on the end of sentences. I'm not your 'mate', commoner.

Well in that case do you get pissed at people (more than likely women) calling you 'duck', 'love', 'sweet', 'hun' or any other term of endearment? If the person calling you mate has a broken bottle in his hand I can see your point but if it's just a friendly term to place at the end of a sentence I don't see the big deal.

"Shovel ready projects" - anyone else outside of Canada hearing that phrase a lot in relation to economic stimulus projects?
making love ,bro,bromance,white kids using the N word as a term of hello. Shovel ready projects I hear it for my sisters friend all the time i,m ready to kill him for it nice to now there other assholes out there that use it.
^ getting texted "K" or simply the response? I hate getting texted "K" but when someone says it to me I don't mind
MattAY said:
People who put "-age" at the end is words. Drinkage, Beerage, and I'm pretty sure I've heard someone say "Fuckage" before.

However, the suffix "-ery" is quite awesome (i.e. dipshittery, jackassery).
also, when women refer to themselves as a bitch like they are all proud of it. for example: "I'm a bitch. you don't want to mess with me."

also gtfo. so goddamned annoying.

also bitchboy

also anything ugh says.
Flaming_Tiki_God said:
Woo, starting the new year with hate!

srsly... (oops, is that truncated form an outdated/overpopularized "phrase" by now?)

There's something to say about the, shall we say, suffocation of language, but I think what's far more overlooked is the human desire to constantly "own" a language and be inventive, creative, and adaptive (oops, is the -ive suffix too much like -age?).

And really, what more is this topic than an expression of how successful certain linguistic changes are that they're used so much they inspire hatred.
Most hated thing ever:

When people say LOL or ROFL or any other dumbass online acronyms in real life. Its not funny. Its not cool. Its not even geek cool. Its completely retarded and people think you have a severe brain defect when you do it. Somebody actually said "WTF" to me yesterday. I told him if he says it to me again I'll punch him in the face.

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