Sayings & Phrases that make no sense.


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I was thinking last night with my mates after I said. "I know it like the back of my hand"

...what?! I dont know about you guys, but I dont know the back of my hand too well. Unless it's a masturbation joke, in which case it's in very poor taste for us sophisticated lot.

"I wouldn't go near her, she's like the village bicycle"

What IS this bicycle they speak of? I live in a village, and there isn't a shared bicycle we use to get the paper from the shops or something. Maybe it's from the old times? Why would you compare a whore to a bike anyway?!

"A feather in one's cap"

...I like achievements, but a feather as a reward - piss off!

Can you guys think of any popular phrases that make no sense whatsoever!?

and maybe we should make our own up! But let's not "beat around the bush".
De-Ting said:
Quit beatin' around the bush and tell us some British ones, you chocolate teapot.

I know one. In my British regiment in Mount and Blade, they're always telling me to "get stuck in".
cyberjim2000 said:
De-Ting said:
Quit beatin' around the bush and tell us some British ones, you chocolate teapot.

I know one. In my British regiment in Mount and Blade, they're always telling me to "get stuck in".

I believe that is a reference to the bayonet or a sword being "stuck in" to someone.
MattAY said:
...I like achievements, but a feather as a reward - piss off!
lol, how about "If it was a snake it'd bit you." Fuck man, I've met some nice friendly snakes in my time. We need to stop jumping to conclusions based on stereotypes.
MattAY said:
"I know it like the back of my hand"

That person clearly has never taken psychedelics. The back of my hand becomes crazy intricate and seems to go on forever. Like it's a foreign world.
All the British phrases I know are from my short time there and Killing Floor.

MattAY said:
I was thinking last night with my mates after I said. "I know it like the back of my hand"

...what?! I dont know about you guys, but I dont know the back of my hand too well. Unless it's a masturbation joke, in which case it's in very poor taste for us sophisticated lot..
Actually, this was on Mythbusters before. They did an experiment with (don't know how many) volunteers. All of them passed except for one. I can be mistaken, because it's been a long time since I saw that.
Why ever make your bed when your just going to get back in it later?

Infact my bed stays made all the time. I have one fleece blanket I use to keep me warm and I just sleep on top of my already made bed.

Chillin' like a villain, like Matt Dillon on penicillin.
"I wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole"

Well no shit, I don't know about you, but ten-foot poles can't be easy to maneuver, unless you're a pole vaulter...and I've never met a pole vaulter, and I don't know anyone who has.
"The sun shines even on a dogs ass somedays."

I get the gist of what it is supposed to mean, but I always thought it was a really weird way to to say it and doesn't make much sense. Though I have to admit it is fun to say and I've found a few occasions to use it

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