|OT| Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Eh I wouldn't say it doesn't effect you. It had a huge effect on how your character is treated, depending on your race. Well, not via stats, but by comments and whatnot... and no, the main quest doesn't tackle those issues, but various side-quests are interwoven with elements from all of the plot-points you mentioned. I mean, stop and consider that Tamriel is a big world, with so much potential, and likely, most of these will be addressed with DLC (Not that its an excuse but still).

I'm enjoying Skyrim, I think it does take some steps backwards, but it takes many more forwards. I enjoy the talent tree over the previous games, it lets me define my character more. I don't think its simplified, I think it's just different. I've felt more unique than in any Elder Scrolls game that came before. I can actually cut-throats, and build my character to do that specifically. I'm aware I could do that in the other games as well, but in this game, it feels more solid, more defined. But hey, you know what? That's just me. I'm not a very critical person of games, I'd make a horrible reviewer, because I can find something I like in every game. I'm one of those, "I don't believe in bad games" type of people.
NecroWolf said:
Eh I wouldn't say it doesn't effect you. It had a huge effect on how your character is treated, depending on your face. Well, not via stats, but by comments and whatnot... and no, the main quest doesn't tackle those issues, but various side-quests are interwoven with elements from all of the plot-points you mentioned. I mean, stop and consider that Tamriel is a big world, with so much potential, and likely, most of these will be addressed with DLC (Not that its an excuse but still).

I'm enjoying Skyrim, I think it does take some steps backwards, but it takes many more forwards. I enjoy the talent tree over the previous games, it lets me define my character more. I don't think its simplified, I think it's just different. I've felt more unique than in any Elder Scrolls game that came before. I can actually cut-throats, and build my character to do that specifically. I'm aware I could do that in the other games as well, but in this game, it feels more solid, more defined. But hey, you know what? That's just me. I'm not a very critical person of games, I'd make a horrible reviewer, because I can find something I like in every game. I'm one of those, "I don't believe in bad games" type of people.

Aye, but the problem is that yes, Tamriel is a big world, but the world has never been explored properly, it is only explored in a bubble in each game minus Arena, which no one has played.

I have fun with the game for the same reasons, but I just wish the world was a bit more aware of the continuity it has presented. Like, why can I join the Stormcloaks when I am a High Elf magic user, or an Imperial Archer? That should not be allowed, as much as I hate to say it. It limits the choices but makes sense with the world you are in. Instead we get a few comments on it and thats it, nothing else is said, no one really tries to stop you or kill you out of xenophobia, or go up to you with suspsicion or a warning.

I am all for cutting-throats of people, but the world needs to reflect every variable basically to work like this.
But if they took all of those variables into account, the world might grow more restricted to an undesirable degree. It would be... the real world. I mean, if it factored racism into account as a game mechanic, I would be hesitant to make a Khajit, due to stereotypes (though deserved) that Khajit are all thieves. Dragon Age presented a game with stereo-types, at least, the first game did. They did it, and did it as well as could be expected, but that game forced you to neglect certain things due to race, or even class, and that kind of sucked at times.

Also, the amount of coding required to make all of those variables factor in would be mind-boggling. Now, keep in mind, if you own the PC version, modders will likely have a field day with this game. Though mods should never factor in someones opinion over the game (just the base product should factor in), you may see something akin to Morrowind's Project Tamriel, which in Skyrim's engine, would be amazing.
See, the thing is that dragon age did it right in making these feelings of racism come to a head at times during the narrative. Dragon Age II took this a step further and made a conflict filled with accusations of corruption, racism, abuse of power and murder to an intimate level. In skyrim, its a miscellaneous quest, and one-sided based on the fact that you only hear select people talking about events, and the biased opinions of those around you, strangers who honestly, have no weight and really are hard to care about.
On a gameplay note, and glitches note, if anyone is experiencing the "no dragons" glitch on the Xbox 360 version, it seems to be an issue with having it installed on your HDD. Also, there is an issue on some xbox 360 units, usually older ones, with it not decompressing the textures correctly when its installed, and you can tell if its doing this by looking at your armor. If the armor is bland, and ugly, it's because its installed. Uninstalling it fixes the problem, the difference is night and day.

On a gameplay note, I've discovered something that's not obvious at first glance. Torches can be used as weapons, block with it, and use the push command. It also sets enemies on fire, and is a fantastic early alternative to flame weapons for Trolls. Fire stops their health regeneration while they're burning.
I've heard about a bunch of issues with having Skyrim installed on your 360 rather than reading off the disc, but honestly, I haven't ran into them. My textures are just fine and I don't have a problem with dragons. I originally installed it, then uninstalled it after reading about the install issues, but couldn't stand the longer load times and the noise of the disc being constantly read....

That's just me and YMMV obviously.
I think PS3 users have problems. My mate at work got it for PS3 and he's saying in one of the caves he went into, the walls start to flash spots of blue all over the walls and floor to the point where he had to restart it. Myself on the 360 - I've had absolutely no trouble...same for GL it sounds like.

The game was perhaps developed on the PC/360 then ported onto the PS3...and that's probably where the trouble comes from?
I got the PS3 and it has no problems. Apart from some occasional framerate drops, it works fine. Oh, and it froze like once.
Much, much soother and better looking than the 360 version, though.

Skyrim was actually developed for the 360 and ported to both the PC and PS3, and yet both of the ports seem to be having less issues and are overall better than the original.
I knew you'd clear that up for me haha.

Sounds like it's a gamble then! I got lucky xD
Only issue that I've got is the crazy control scheme for Skyrim on the PC.
Control for Crouching.
Alt for sprinting.
W for moving foward.

Have fun using Ctrl-Alt-W!

Skyrim does crash from time to time, like any good old fashioned Bethesda game. Strangely enough, when it does crash, and I go back into the game (doesn't take long), I received pop-ups from friends who are also playing it on Steam stating that they just started playing it. Are we crashing at the same time? Strange coincidence...
The game froze up my 360 once ... that's one time too many IMO. At times it gets really slow FPS, I do have an older machine (about 4 years old) but cmon ...
NecroWolf said:
Argh... Just argh. I've had it with my fellow gamers and their constant, non-stop complaining, usually from the more adult crowd. You know what? You don't like the game, don't play it. Go play Morrowind if you think it's better, because I'll be sitting here, playing this game, which I'm sorry, but it is better than Morrowind, Daggerfall, or Oblivion. You think Morrowind was better? Go back and play it... oh look... I've got... 3 faces to choose from, 3 hairstyles per race... and.. hmm... oh... there seems to be an ability to sit there, and jump up and down, and level from that... hrm... at least there is a lot of land to explore.. Oh... it's all the same... and.. its... empty, very... empty, with... lots of mushrooms. Alright, so I'll load up Oblivion, lets see-OH GOD WTF IS THAT! O.O It looks like John Goodman humped a frog, and thats just for the basic Imperial model! Oh... alright, cool, a dungeon... nice start, I'm a prisoner, as always... let's see here... goblins... rats..... more goblins..... some tool in a red robe.. more goblins... another rat.... another rat... goblins...

Whew, I'm out of that dungeon that copy-pasted their textures over and over. Alright, neat another dungeo-oh wait it looks exactly the same, and theres... about 12 voices in the entire game, hrm... Oh well, I suppose Morrowind is better than Skyrim though, it has more land! Oh wait I forgot... its empty, the combat system is tear-jerking, there aren't any likable characters or memorable characters. Theres... nothing. At all... and I was a fan of Morrowind.

Except you know, it's 2011, and Morrowind is, you know, old, outdated, ugly, and like playing San Andreas, as in, its empty, full of lands of grass, and the occasional giant mushroom. I loved Morrowind, I liked Oblivion, but Skyrim is an improvement in every way. OMG I can't believe I can't choose a Starsign! oh wait, yes I can... I just have to find 'em in the world. Oh, hey! The Racial Powers aren't useless anymore! Holy crap, they level up with me! Hey, look, memorable characters! Oh hey, I'm someone special, I'm the freakin' Dragonborn! I can craft, I can improve armor, NPCs do more than stand around and stare at the wall. They don't drift out of place like in Morrowind, fall off an edge and die, thus locking me out of playing some quests. Hrm, items don't randomly disappear, they're picked up.. the guards and citizens comment on things I've done, the leveling system has drastically improved and made less bothersome, the UI is better, because I'm not limited to a certain number of slots, I just press up on the D-pad and poof, a list of eveything I need.

The map doesn't suck... And yeah, I'm a fan of the Elder Scrolls series, but this game is far better than any previous installments. I could go on, but you know what? You aren't going to care, you're going to continue whining, and pick apart my post, or ignore it. It deserved the A it got, it is an improvement in every way.

i love that your point was you're tired about your fellow gamers bitching about games then all you did was rip apart previous games and tell us how much they suck.

*thumbs up*

ive stated many times i f***ing love this game, but there are a billion MINOR things that can be improved to make it that much better. nothing wrong with pointing that out as gamers. we can only hope they'll be addressed for round 6.
MattAY said:
I knew you'd clear that up for me haha.

Sounds like it's a gamble then! I got lucky xD

naw the ps3 and PC have the most issues. PC with bugs and quests not working and such, ps3 with framerate drops and freezes after your save file passes 6 MB. i can play skyrim for about 1-2 hours before i have to restart because my framerate dies.

madster just has a ps3 so you heard the biased madster POV

Xbox does have it's issues, but not nearly as common as ps3.
intoTheRain said:
NecroWolf said:
Argh... Just argh. I've had it with my fellow gamers and their constant, non-stop complaining, usually from the more adult crowd. You know what? You don't like the game, don't play it. Go play Morrowind if you think it's better, because I'll be sitting here, playing this game, which I'm sorry, but it is better than Morrowind, Daggerfall, or Oblivion. You think Morrowind was better? Go back and play it... oh look... I've got... 3 faces to choose from, 3 hairstyles per race... and.. hmm... oh... there seems to be an ability to sit there, and jump up and down, and level from that... hrm... at least there is a lot of land to explore.. Oh... it's all the same... and.. its... empty, very... empty, with... lots of mushrooms. Alright, so I'll load up Oblivion, lets see-OH GOD WTF IS THAT! O.O It looks like John Goodman humped a frog, and thats just for the basic Imperial model! Oh... alright, cool, a dungeon... nice start, I'm a prisoner, as always... let's see here... goblins... rats..... more goblins..... some tool in a red robe.. more goblins... another rat.... another rat... goblins...

Whew, I'm out of that dungeon that copy-pasted their textures over and over. Alright, neat another dungeo-oh wait it looks exactly the same, and theres... about 12 voices in the entire game, hrm... Oh well, I suppose Morrowind is better than Skyrim though, it has more land! Oh wait I forgot... its empty, the combat system is tear-jerking, there aren't any likable characters or memorable characters. Theres... nothing. At all... and I was a fan of Morrowind.

Except you know, it's 2011, and Morrowind is, you know, old, outdated, ugly, and like playing San Andreas, as in, its empty, full of lands of grass, and the occasional giant mushroom. I loved Morrowind, I liked Oblivion, but Skyrim is an improvement in every way. OMG I can't believe I can't choose a Starsign! oh wait, yes I can... I just have to find 'em in the world. Oh, hey! The Racial Powers aren't useless anymore! Holy crap, they level up with me! Hey, look, memorable characters! Oh hey, I'm someone special, I'm the freakin' Dragonborn! I can craft, I can improve armor, NPCs do more than stand around and stare at the wall. They don't drift out of place like in Morrowind, fall off an edge and die, thus locking me out of playing some quests. Hrm, items don't randomly disappear, they're picked up.. the guards and citizens comment on things I've done, the leveling system has drastically improved and made less bothersome, the UI is better, because I'm not limited to a certain number of slots, I just press up on the D-pad and poof, a list of eveything I need.

The map doesn't suck... And yeah, I'm a fan of the Elder Scrolls series, but this game is far better than any previous installments. I could go on, but you know what? You aren't going to care, you're going to continue whining, and pick apart my post, or ignore it. It deserved the A it got, it is an improvement in every way.

i love that your point was you're tired about your fellow gamers bitching about games then all you did was rip apart previous games and tell us how much they suck.

*thumbs up*

ive stated many times i f***ing love this game, but there are a billion MINOR things that can be improved to make it that much better. nothing wrong with pointing that out as gamers. we can only hope they'll be addressed for round 6.

Yeah I didn't really notice the beautiful irony until after the post, and after I went to sleep. But, they didn't really suck, just trying to say what Longo said a few posts later, only I sucked at saying it. Too many gamers are like "NOT MORROWIND, FAIL". Or they say that it isn't Oblivion, and thus fails... which I understand even less than the Morrowind complaint. I do love the previous installments, don't get me wrong.

As for the minor issues (most of which I agree with), they will be... but you'll lose out on other stuff. That's how the industry works, you can't have everything, unfortunately. So the next Elder Scrolls game will have X feature from Skyrim, but missing Y feature from Skyrim, but also putting in Z feature from Morrowind, but losing B feature from Oblivion. Morrowind was amazing... for it's day. So was Oblivion.
I have the PS3 version also and i don't really see any problems so far besides the occasional frame rate issue and how it froze once on me i have not had any issues at all besides that. Other than that i F***ING love this game, might be because its my first elder scrolls game makes me feel like a retard not playing the other ones. :disgust2:
Trying to do the Sneaking / Archery / One Hand type of character, but man, gettin my ass handed to me on the first Companions quest rofl. That damn cave has some mean bugs up close.

Also, where in the blue hell do I find minerals to mine?!
I'm walking around with an iron arrow pointing at my left elbow, and another one lodged in my left hip.

I've tried reloading and dumping all of my arrows on the ground, but they are still there. Sleeping, healing, and getting arrested don't help, either. I'm just gonna try getting naked and see what happens.
Daddio said:
Trying to do the Sneaking / Archery / One Hand type of character, but man, gettin my ass handed to me on the first Companions quest rofl. That damn cave has some mean bugs up close.

Also, where in the blue hell do I find minerals to mine?!

minerals are very hard to see as far as i'[m concerned unless i'm missing something. i've mined about 5 nodes in all the time i've played. they look like red scratches or something on the wall. it should be a lot more obvious.

that said, i found it completely unnecessary, as it's so ridiculously easy to make mad amounts of gold in skyrim i've just bought everything i need.
De-Ting said:
I'm walking around with an iron arrow pointing at my left elbow, and another one lodged in my left hip.

I've tried reloading and dumping all of my arrows on the ground, but they are still there. Sleeping, healing, and getting arrested don't help, either. I'm just gonna try getting naked and see what happens.

This goes away when you get shot by more arrows or other projectiles. It's a weird glitch, but that's the only solution.

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