
Rowing, it was between Britain and New Zealand, with NZ right on their tail for half the race. And China dead last for 3/4 and not onscreen until they surpassed Argentina. Watched the entire thing and was actually pretty close on who would get first for the qualifier, but who would make it through was a given early on.

And that soccer match? Belarus gave Brazil a hell of a run! First goal and only lost near the end. Was on/off for this one but pretty amazing for a soccer game.
Icepick said:
LinksOcarina said:
Icepick said:
Green_Lantern said:
Icepick said:
I quite enjoyed the womens gymnastics, I have no idea how the f*** any of it is scored, but women in singlets bouncing around works for me, give them all a gold, except the Romanians...

Most female Olympic gymnasts are in the 15-16 age group.......

If they were 13, I'd get what your hinting at, but come on, they were 17, it doesn't make me a horrible person, there's nothing wrong with admiring a tomato before it's ripe, just don't bite into it

Well, the chinese team still looks like it's twelve last I saw.

man the boxing and beach volleyball has been exciting so far. Now if I can only watch the Archery, but f*** work man...

I was thinking more along the line of the American team, Weber in specific

Yeah, I'll give you that one.

that'd be her

in my stoned stupor, I clearly did not see the serious case of man face she has going on
But honestly, she looks 13 to you Links?
Are they her abs I see? It actually looks like she's wearing body armour.

PS - Remember, European age of consent is 16 here fellas.
Icepick said:

that'd be her

in my stoned stupor, I clearly did not see the serious case of man face she has going on
But honestly, she looks 13 to you Links?

Not her...

There was one black chick (don't know her name) that looked to be 13 ish...
LinksOcarina said:
Icepick said:

that'd be her

in my stoned stupor, I clearly did not see the serious case of man face she has going on
But honestly, she looks 13 to you Links?

Not her...

There was one black chick (don't know her name) that looked to be 13 ish...

Yeah... that is her, at least the one I was referring to anyways

edit: you're thinking of Gabrielle Douglas, yeah, I'll pass on that one
http://deadspin.com/5928972/the-haters- ... r-olympics

GYMNASTICS. There are an awful lot of people who question the morality of watching football when football is so harmful to its participants. But those same naysayers will happily turn around and watch Olympic gymnastics knowing full well that the sport is essentially sanctioned child abuse. Teenagers were not meant to stop growing at 36 inches and go flying off of fucking vaults in order to please some lunatic Ukranian coach they have no relation to. That's unnatural and weird and gross. And yet, this sport is allowed to continue.

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