My cousin just encountered the most infuriating glitch.

400+ hours?

That guy needs a hobby, or a dog, or a girlfriend, or something else to spread that 400 hours around.
MattAY said:
Is it made by Bethseda? Because My Fallout 3 game on 360 freezes fairly frequently now.

Do you mean Like At Random The Screen Will freeze And You'll Have to Reset, I'm Havin That Too

And Yes Its made by bethesda Like its BEST franchise
You know i run oblivion on the PC and 360, yeah?

in 06 i had like 60 hours and left it at that cause i got bored.
07 is when i got it on PC.

on 360, i've had only 1 issue in the last year like i said before, but on the PC version i have never had a glitch.
and i have mods, too.

Armor textures and whore houses FTW!

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