

Forum Moderator
Staff member the colours of my miiiiiind.

Longos education topic got me thinking about when I first started here at GR. Signed up in 2006 (6 years ago - eeek), where I was 19 and just starting my first year at university.

But my strongest GR memory is my first ever topic. It was basically entitled, "One handed controller!!! WHY!???!?!?!!" (I'm not exaggerating in punctuation marks either). I made some enemies, and some friends right off the bat. I remember the very first reply was someone posting a picture of the nunchuk attached to the wiimote and simply stating, "do more research next time". I thought of that and it made me laugh at how much of a jerk I was back then!

Another GR memory (Bret would name it a GRemory), is the good old days of when a user called "narutofan" was with us. A spam artist who annoyed the crap out of anyone, but I was none the wiser because I was actually quite into naruto just then! I backed him up quite a lot and made a fair few enemies again. Honestly, what was I thinking?!

After that, I suppose the rehabilitation began, and look where I am now....winner of 3 GRumbles and I've scored a chick as hot as

Anyway, I invite you all to post your GRemories!
Until late 2010 i choose to believe that i was simply retarded.
Now i am less retarded.

2006, 7 and 8 do not exist. Never speak of them again.

Also, i remember being at war with Longo and PM spamming the shit out of someone.
I joined and didn't start posting in the forums until couple years after I registered. Had no idea who John Bruce"Jack" Thompson was until I joined this site. Actually, I was about as moronic as trolls are when I joined. After years of abuse from the community and the winner of six awards for being the antonym of the word "awesome," I created a resolution to educate myself more, respect the "old skool" GR, and try be skeptical of what is already there. I know my resolutions sounds dull, but members said I was "Most Improved," correct? Now, I'm just a member with a sense of humor that somehow entertain you fellas with my YouTube vids.

As for my favorite memory. It was when original PYP thread was locked, because Stal got upset (I was getting upset a little as well) when members quoted pictures, especially mine. Lethean, playing by the rules, locked the topic. Now, I remember Stal calling me creepy. He probably still does find me creepy. Anyone else find me creepy or as creepy couple years ago?

*NOTE* Didn't sleep, yet. Been up roughly 32 hours.
One of my favorite memories was an April Fools prank the GRandmasters pulled 8 or 9 years ago. They made it seem as if GR had been hacked and renamed all the forums to hilarious and outrageous titles as the "hackers" took over. Good times.
Happy six years, Matt. <):-{D

Yeah, I've also gone through several phases of my life on GR. I remember being ub3r 1337 for a while, but that slowly died out, I think, around the time I became depressed and posted those lyrics. I was also a heavy Sony supporter and Xbox basher during the Console Wars, which I look back on now and, even though I was right about most stuff, I'd like to strangle my younger self.

Of course, everyone remembers the "Ugly" incident. But good always prevails, and here I am.

And remember (excepting the time right after that big forum poot), I'm Squidward! I'm Squidward! Squidward-Squidward-Squidward!
For some reason I remember very vividly somekind of US army pop up ads. Annoyed the hell out of me at the time.

I also remember lurking for very long time before I got the guts to join the forums.
I remember the time we organized ourselves into an army, and spammed some small christian forum with goatse and the like. The forums went down for a week, and afterwards was password restricted. Must have been 05-06.

Or when I joined and link56 and I spammed the boards and got 500 posts our first week.

I remember when Shane "killed" himself, or when jared and dobby dated across the country, and you cant forget the ENTIRE el dorado community,

Dave, Nelson etc from Athens.


I also rememebr a photoshopped picture with kaanchys face on the head of a donkey.

I also recall firewall eating a bunch of ectasy

I remember winning the first (two) GRumble's tag-team with link, I forget our team name.

I also remember the old boards, with the old ranks (thus basically why i left)
I remember my early years here. There were like 4-5 female members; Enigma, Tigerlilly, white-noise, Dobby, etc Now this place is full of dudes. But at least it's all guys and not guys in drag. That type of psychological scarring belongs on Playstaion Home.

But my best memory is probably being made mod and Assistant Regional Manager of the GR forums.

WL imitating Dan said:
Assistant TO THE regional manager...
Enigma was the best girl we had, Dobby was crazy, and anyone remember Brighteyes? She lived near me IRL but she was like 6 years older than me hahaha. no chance.
Dobby may have been crazy but she was the only female poster i ever wanted to have relations with. I remember some broad who always posted pics of herself with her car. She was atractive but too over the top with makeup and such.

I remember ilovemycouch, i loved him. I remember shane benchng 400 lbs. I rememeber winning best new poster under my second account "swole4life". Hmm.. Lots of fun stuff ill add more as it comes.

I remember kurt cobain having emotional breakdowns. I remember lethean going througj various stages of ups and downs. I remember icepick and myself wanting to fight irl. I remember firewall, and spoon, and davematthews. I remember ted wolff posting disturbingly graphic but very well written stories about shooting up schools...

I wonder what dave is up to now. That was one intelligent 13 year old.
Firewall sometimes joins the GR Chat along with masterchris, Zorak, Kapow, Shaft, Sightless and Orphic. Wished those guys would come join the forums more often.
The chat is a secret society only a select few are chosen to participate in. I have been there many times but was not chosen to be in the prestigious clique and have always left because nobody is chatting.

Here are some moments I remember in my 8 years at GR...

-The Eldorado Gang and their preachy sXe attitudes that were soon silenced when one of them got into a car accident while avoiding the dangers of drugs but not avoiding the dangers of seatbelts.

-BlackStar VS TNO, BlackStar's valentine's thread, BlackStar's troll account godlikepwnage, BlackStar being BlackStar

-Ugh VS Stalfros, Stalfros VS pretty much everyone

-Dobby + Jared... which later became Dobby VS Jared

-PYP threads and how they always had to be closed due to drama

-FTG being the PC voice at GR,

-masterchris (sony fanboy) VS Sounds (nintendo fanboy)

-White Rabbit and Frozen when they were the Lenny and Carl of GR

-Shane, who had to learn the hard way that not everyone is stupid and gullible

-GhostTrip and his 100 games of all time

-Longo's pic of him dressed as some chick

-Asian girls. Yes GR had not 1 but 2 female Asian posters; Judy and white noise

-NES man posting 40 times a day and was somehow able to do it without spamming

-Cubemaster aka the biggest fanboy on GR, he eventually changed his name to Don something after he grew out of the GameCube obsession. One of my first threads was back in early 2004 where I made a thread in Nintendo discussing the lack of mature titles for the GameCube. What followed was the ramblings of a 14 yr old fanboy.

-When GR was black, 1 page was 40 posts, and we had to warn 56k users about threads with lots of pics...
WickedLiquid said:
WL imitating Dan said:
Assistant TO THE regional manager...
Nah, I promoted you to ARM after I put you in your place with my rap. There's a three year probationary period where you have to do anything Longo says. How do you think MattAY came upon the rediculous case of Stockholm Syndrome he's got right now.

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