Mass Effect 2

again lethean, i had already said i hadn't played it, and even if i had, i'd still say the same thing. so there. suck it mr. ego. but no teeth this time. don't need another scrape on my mass effect.
Koala, If I had more posts and a say around here, I'd say that you're just being a huge troll-bag, but, alas, I won't.
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
again lethean, i had already said i hadn't played it, and even if i had, i'd still say the same thing. so there. suck it mr. ego. but no teeth this time. don't need another scrape on my mass effect.

You're an idiot.
Koala, If I had more posts and a say around here, I'd say that you're just being a huge troll-bag, but, alas, I won't.


You're an idiot.


again lethean, i had already said i hadn't played it, and even if i had, i'd still say the same thing. so there. suck it mr. ego. but no teeth this time. don't need another scrape on my mass effect.
Well I finally finished my play-through as a Paragon and I thoroughly enjoyed the game. I found the combat to be a bit light on the RPG elements but it was still enjoyable even if I barely made use of any powers beyond adrenaline rush. Story-wise I loved the depth of your companions quests and some of the characters, Thane for example, were excellent because they weren't the 'cookie cutter' stereotypes.

Having said that I think the game does deserve some of the criticism its been getting especially over the combat system but once I got into the story I found the flaws easy to overlook.
Again you prove your idiocy. I KNOW you said you didn't play it. I made mention of that in my post. I'm saying how can you knock something you have never played?

Anyways, I'm about 23 hours into it, landed on the planet where Tali is at. I'm wishing I had have recruited everyone before doing the loyalty missions though just so I can see other character reactions to the loyalty missions.
Lethean said:
Again you prove your idiocy. I KNOW you said you didn't play it. I made mention of that in my post. I'm saying how can you knock something you have never played?

well, lets see, how can someone say it's the best game to come out in 6 months when they haven't played every game that came out in 6 months? maybe from the games they have played, but every game in the past 6 months?
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
well, lets see, how can someone say it's the best game to come out in 6 months when they haven't played every game that came out in 6 months? maybe from the games they have played, but every game in the past 6 months?
Because that person has played 90% of those games.

Unlike your ass which hasn't played Mass Effect 2 AT ALL and yet is adamant it's bad.
so you have played 90% of the games in the past 6 months? even the ps3 ones, 360, wii, ds, psp, cell phone ones, all that junk, even the flash ones, or even the free mmorpg games, well, have you? cause i fail to see how ya have played 90% of games in the past 6 months. so either you are:

A: A liar
B: someone with too much free time
Stop trolling...It's really fucking annoying. If you ever actually play the game it's a different story and then you can actually form an opinion...

tl;dr GTFO
i'm not trolling, if i was, i'd be insulting your intelligence and calling you fag. i just don't see how anyone can say something is the best game to come out in the past 6 months when they haven't played every single game in the past six months.
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
so you have played 90% of the games in the past 6 months? even the ps3 ones, 360, wii, ds, psp, cell phone ones, all that junk, even the flash ones, or even the free mmorpg games, well, have you? cause i fail to see how ya have played 90% of games in the past 6 months. so either you are

My God you're retarded. You haven't even played ME2 yet, so your opinion in this thread is NULL.
Just leave.
your opion is null to seeming as you have yet to play every single game in the past 6 months to classify anything as the best game in the past 6 months.

look, i understand, you call it the best game in the 6 months out of the games you have played. out of the games i have played, i would suggest something different. if you can't accept that and care to carry on this argument, then thats your problem. not mine.
It's worse to say something is bad without having tried it than it is to say it's the best in 6 months without having tried every single game released in that time frame.

Ohh. He didn't play some lame Wii party game or a DS title :p.


Really though. I wasn't even bringing up the 6 months thing. I just don't think you can talk shit about this game without having played it. If it was Dynasty Warriors 8586873486 EXIII then sure ;).
Dropped by a friend's house and got to see some Mass Effect 2. As much of a departure that ammo is from overheating, combat seems to still be roughly the same. Wish this was on PS3, guess I'll settle with Dragon Age for my next game.
I'm loving the game so far: All of the squadmates are interesting and badass; I love that I can use all of my weapons and that when you snipe, you're not sniping during an earthquake; my FemShep is still a total badass; I could be running around in hot pink armor; Dr. Chakwas!; communal space bathrooms; before I left Omega I already had Merciless and Headhunter.

Things I don't enjoy: changing weapons behind cover makes me go out of cover; scanning for minerals (Nick, you were right, I feel like my left index finger is going to break off);

Biggest Gripe: I can't cuddle with Tali as my FemShep. Fuck you Bioware. I had to settle for interspecies loli lesbian sex with the most boring Asari of all time. You give us Tali, who was my Top Bitch in the first game, but I can't cuddle with her unless I'm John? I want Tali Cuddles!
I love reading two dumbshits argue about who is the bigger douchebag,,,,.give it up.

Anyway, yeh great game. Just finished my first play through with only one team causality but i honestly didn't like them anyway. I find the ending a bit short but to be honest the game felt like a complete story. I love the fact that one of the loading screens says be careful what you do, it will effect mass effect 3. Thats crazy, i hope gameplay effects more the third game then the second, that would be an intense experience.

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