Make me laugh, peons!(Funny stuff in here Vids, jpgs, jokes)

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You should have more respect for JCD's mother than that!

You should hit me up on MSN, I'd have a million billion points within the hour...ask JCD.
Listen you dickless rogue, you can't talk about stuff like that, since you didn't even have the common courtesy required to pay her. Ten bloody dollars is all she asked for but you didn't even want to pay that. I hate you daddy.

A million billion points sounds about right.
Common courtesy? You mean the same common courtesy she extended by not bothering to wash off the peanut butter from her previous client, Rover?
Hey, you know how it is. You're lucky she washes at all or you'd still be covered in cat food and Cillit Bang.
I figured I deserved the $10 more than her anyway, what with the moeny she's saving by "recycling" condoms (even if it IS just filling them with water, freezing it, and peeling the condom away for her own unique flavored personal popsicle) and word on the street that I had...relations with her, all the buisness she picked up. I mean, once people found out they could be where I (and...what's the population of Ireland? that many other people) have been, she became a hot commodity. Didn't she make it on Borat?
This earns points for being an incredible awsome picture

and then


I can't give you points based on the hilarity of the entire site. 15 points for that though. All those computer illiteracy stories crack me up.

EDIT: 10 points go to JCD for a totally sick grammar-style diss.
How about points for JCD and I? We are a hilarious duo! COME ON ME!

Err, I mean COME's just force of habit know, I'd probably be better off to just shut up right now...
trust_no_one said:
How about points for JCD and I? We are a hilarious duo! COME ON ME!

Err, I mean COME's just force of habit know, I'd probably be better off to just shut up right now...

It wouldn't go amiss. So it was you in "Canadians Go Wildly Bi Volume 2"?
Yes, it was, but I believe they never gave me any lines :(

The line was in East Meats West: Bukkake By The Bucketfull

And yes, they meant to spell meet as meat. :)
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