So not too long ago I finished watching all 6 star wars movies....and I felt like looking for a lightsaber on ebay. Unfortunatley, they did not have a real one. Yeah, a pain in the ass. But then it came to mind that I didn't really know if anyone has created one. And thats where you come in! What do you think? Then again, I don't really know how much power something like this would take. I'm guessing it would be some sort of laser, but myself am not sure how much power it would take to be able to cut someone. Not only that, but you would have to control it to reach a certain distance, without being too weak so it can't cut, or too strong, so that it doesnt keep going. And what kind of battery would it take? I'm sure something like that would suck the power out, unless someone has come up with some way of converting the suns light into energy. But really,. would it be so hard to make one? Tell me what you think.