Ow, ow, ow...

How's pain for ya?

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  • I am not a descendant of Marquis de sade, sir.

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Had a toenail removed the other day and it continues to throb and ache, it's not the worst thing I've had done to me medically, that involves a really really long tube, but I hate having no choice but standing and walking around on it, so wanted to share my insignificant yet disturbingly prevalent pain.

What would be the most painful thing that has ever happened to you? Any kind of operations or such that anyone would like to share?

Share the pain and heal, even if it's already healed long ago...

The most painful thing in general would be the shattering of the bones in my hand when I was goalie for soccer/football and had the ball in my hand and a giant flailing douche kicked the ball THROUGH my hand, and yeah, I swore a whole lot. :)
not surprised! I hope you're in his nightmares still!

I haven't had much painful stuff happen to me. But when I was 11, I remember jumping off my climbing frame from too high up, and when I landed on my feet, my leg bone (fibia??) jammed into my hip bone. I was in hospital for about 3 days when they put my leg up on a little support. Was awesome, I was in the kids ward and I basically watched shows like he-man for the duration of my rest!
Sliced my thumb down to the bone with a Machete.

That's right, a fricken' Machete. Slipped on a pineapple bottom at work, knocked it off the counter and my hand landed on the damn thing.
I came down with a strange stomach illness a few years back, it felt like I was constantly burning inside. This went on for nearly a year. Had doctors appointments, tests & experimental medicine trials every other week before it went away.

It got to the point where I would not eat (eating made it worse)& I lost a bunch of weight (and I'm a thin guy to begin with). I also had trouble sleeping.

When you go through alot of pain for a long time, eventually you sorta "deal" with it, you still feel it; just it becomes part of your routine I guess. I was angry all the time, and very irritable.
This is a scarily well-timed topic... as i just returned from the Emergency Room late last night.

(As a prelude to the story, I have been sick with a sinus cold / borederline flu for about five days. I had nothing to eat or drink all day.)

At work yesterday, I was installing cabinets on a wall backed wtih FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic). So to get a countertop to fit, I had to ream the white trim out the FRP with a razor knife. As I was cutting some of the trim, the razorblade snapped in half, and part of the blade sliced through my thumb. Now, it wasn't a really bad cut. Worse than a papercut, but still just into the skin, not the meat.

So, I went out to put a band-aid and some antiseptic on the cut, couldn't get the band-aid wrapper open, kept bleeding and bleeding, couldn't open the bandage... So I walked over to my boss so he could open the band-aid for me. As I was standing there holding my thumb out, I guess I said something like "I don't feel good," and by the time my boss looked up from my cut to my face, I was falling backward.

I passed out. Fell like an oak tree. I'm 6' 2" and about 200 lbs. My head slammed off ot the concrete floor of our shop.

Anyway, to quickly finish a long story, I was unconscious for about 90 seconds. The paramedics arrived in six. I was immobilized and taken to the ER. I was given an IV, I barfed a LOT, and got six stitches in the back of my head. I was out of it for about seven hours. I only remember bits and pieces (Like telling the doctors to shut the hell up because it was LOUD to me).

It was the first time I've ever passed out. I guess you can say it was because of the blood, but it had more to do with me being very lightheaded from my illness, coupled with that, i guess. It was really strange.

In conclusion:
Major concussion. Whiplash.

Not the most pain I've ever been in, but I just thought I'd share my fun yesterday. I'm off to apply heat to my neck.
The topic name continues to be applicable for all of your stories :(, and Used, I hope you heal soon and get better quick.
@Lentium, I used to be like that too, glad it went away apparently though after all the shit, at least I hope it did. :( I still continue to take tons of pills every day, and the for the rest of my life I shall. :)
And Nesman, something similar happened to me too, it's not cool to be young, scared, and in pain.
A machete too... holy wow, that sounds terrifyingly painful a cut.

And He-Man?! :O Only pussies watched that, Thundercats was where it was at. :p (I don't actually remember watching any kids shows obsessively, just saw them in passing.)

And and double dang, my own topic is depressing me, so many things that can happen or be wrong with people... But continue on describing, bearers of human pain. :) And for all the pain, I hope that it's over or can be fixed and healed and better. :)
When I was 10 I stayed home sick from school the week after Easter and my mother told me no candy.

Well I thought, in my 10 year old mind, that I could just lop the ears off of my chocolate bunny and she would never notice. The bunny was in the freezer and the best loping tool in the kitchen was the butcher knife.

I held the rabbit with one hand and with all my might I went to the ears.

We were halfway to the ER when I woke up from having passed out. The pain hit me then too. I cut my left hand pointer finger half off.

You can still see the stitch marks from the surgery to this day.
*waits for someone to tell us all about the pain of a broken heart*

And Lentium, sounds like Crohn's disease.
Haha, sweet, though I don't know how many people will catch on as to who Marquis de Sade is...err, was.

Worst was when I was...I dunno, maybe 12, give or take a few years, and I had ingrown toenails (they were shaped like the Bat symbol...cutting and growing in my skin) and had to get 'em, first, cut along the sides. That didn't work, so they pulled them out completely, a couple times.

That's not the painful part. It's the needles. In the tip of the toe, between them, underneath...f*cking OW!

Since then, I dunno, maybe fracturing my tibia, or the needles used when I had my wisdom teeth removed some years ago.

I do have a rather high pain tolerance though, so I very well could be a decedent of the late de Sade (and Caligula too, for that matter :bigpimp: ). When I was a youngin', I'd get strep throat and the infection would get to the point it got up into my eyes and ears. Yeah, they pussed. My eyes. Pussed. I don't remember it, but my 'rents do. I said I was fine, but the doctor was astounded I hadn't been in tears from the pain.
I was shot 9 times, and yes, I am 50 Cent.

But seriously, one time, while playing street hockey, I was in net, and I fell awkwardly and hurt my ankle. Of course, I thought it was nothing, and continued playing, because I didn't want to look like a little bitch. The pain eventually subsided, but it was still hard for me to walk. I went to the doctor a few weeks later, and he said that I twisted my ankle pretty badly.

So I wasn't allowed to walk for a few days, but since my ankle had recovered quite a bit, I didn't bother using crutches, and walked around with a cane for a few days.
3 weeks ago i fell about a foot onto the side of my ankle and tore some ligaments. It felt terrible and i couldn't walk for a week and a half. its no fun.
I've been pretty lucky. Only major pain I've ever been in was after I got a rock hit off of my head. Other than that, accident free!
Once I was playing football in my cousins back yard and I was running towards the touchdown which was between the two clothesline poles. Well my cousin was running towards me and we got closer to the clothesline and he tackled me into it. I hit my head at the soft spot behind my ear and then smashed my head off the cement it was grounded in. I was knocked out for almost 3 minutes. When I woke up everything was super bright and loud. I went to the doctor and I had a mild concussion. I have also broken most of my fingers playing football too, having people step on them and such. Then in 2006 I found out I had cancer and it was removed and I went through 15 sessions of radiation. Now its gone.
I have gout and a gout attack on the 4th day is the most painful thing that I've had to deal with.

On three separate occasions, I've had it my left and right ankles and the big toe on my right foot.

It's a throbbing pain, well pulsating is more like it because the pain was in time with my pulse. And unlike the other days (week in total) it hurts all the time instead of when that part of my body moves. Unless I have anti-inflammatory pills, I can't even get to sleep.
I got the explosive diarrhea from Hong Kong Palace once in the 9th grade. Well, not really, but I did prank call them and tell them as much.

"Mam, we have 15 cases of customers from your store in the hospital with dehydration... caused from explosive diarrhea! Yes, you tell me!"

i still got the tapes. This is what me and my friends would do back in the day, I guess. It's still hilarious, though. Maybe not the text, but the tapes are awesome :D
Last year during a baseball game of mine, I went to lay down a bunt and the ball nailed my left index finger. I thought nothing of it until I got back to the dugout and took off my batting glove. My whole hand was covered in blood and my index finger swelled to the size of my thumb. Over the course of a few days the pressure under my nail caused my finger to stay swollen and started to tear my nail off, upwards. Yeah...ouch.
used44 said:
*waits for someone to tell us all about the pain of a broken heart*

She was a new girl in our class. We fell in love, and kissed in my best friend's treehouse. My friend got jealous and told her parents. She then went to an all-girl school run by french Canadians.
GhostTrip said:
used44 said:
*waits for someone to tell us all about the pain of a broken heart*

She was a new girl in our class. We fell in love, and kissed in my best friend's treehouse. My friend got jealous and told her parents. She then went to an all-girl school run by french Canadians.

I personally would have went with

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