Lamest Super Hero you can make up? Illustrations?


I think Sewage Man or The Passwordler would be be pretty weak ass heroes...or villians for that matter.
Whalin Palin
After a freak explosion at the Alaskian Lumber factory, regular political female Sarah Palin gains the extraordinary abilty to smite foes with super-human strength. With sidekick Used-Clues they keep Alaskia safe from bears.
De-Ting said:
Cue the Whose Line videos.

Personally, I think of the Stephen Lynch song "Superheroes," especially the live version where he takes audience suggestions, like Valtrax Man, Fuck You Dude, and Pussy Man.
On a high school fieldtrip, awkward teenager Thomas Palamo gets pushed into a trash can. When he emerges, he's covered in trash and the smell mysteriously never goes away. With the ability to repel anyone that comes near him, Thomas becomes You Smell Like Shit Man!
De-Ting said:
Cue the Whose Line videos.
I was thinking of that, but didn't want to post it man.

Whenever Carl Wilson sees someone in need of posting a witty response or a random status update, he calls only one person, the person who is in need of posting a witty response or random status update and gives them some ideas.
Room Temperature Man
De-Icer Man
Deep Fryer Man
Rape Boy

Illustrations to follow
Aunt Artica

Once an unassuming spinster aunt, she now has the ability to always serve you dinner that's still frozen in the MIDDLE!!!!
ya know.. i make the effort to actually post a picture of my lame super hero, and it ends up being the thread killer. i don't even know why I try, maybe I should just give up.

Don't forget Passwordler's spunky side-kick the Key Generator. Together, they fight to protect the world against corporate "greed" and all notions of privacy
Room Temp Man then nestles your coffee mug between his buttocks, instantly dropping the temperature. HIS SPECIAL MOVE.

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