ITT we post awesome things (Deez Sour Nets!)

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That's pretty damn cool. I'd like to see it navigate a course, provided they can work out an un-tethered power supply.
Eyebrowsbv31 said:

New robot from DARPA called the Atlas.

Hurray, soon we won't need humans to fight ours wars or police our citizens! :lol:

It is cool how this technology could help in disaster situations.

Not only does the "robotic dog" have the ability to carry all your stuff and dig people out of rubble.
It can throw cinder blocks! Making it terrifying to me!

Same robot but walking up a hill in the woods, also responding to voice commands.
I want to ride one, The thing is the size of a small horse!(One of its purposes is to carry the wounded)

Or just give it a personality like dog from Half Life. Really I would just enjoy having dog from Half Life.

New study finds senior citizens are the top consumers in video game market
Sourdeez said:
New study finds senior citizens are the top consumers in video game market

Ok, I'm ashamed to admit I tried five times to enter my birthdate before I caught on.

Check out this short film called The Flying Man. To me, it seemed like if you crossed Batman with Superman, but without the restraint of either. I'd love to see this expanded on in a longer feature.
haha, that Ronald McHitler.
Sourdeez said:
New study finds senior citizens are the top consumers in video game market
I believe it. Gotta get grandma and grandpa to buy me these cool rated M games. Also, sometimes senior citizens just like to play games. Do I really need to pull up that video of an old lady I met at GameStop (again)?
For me, if i was one of the bikers, i won't even try to stop this. I would just stare there and shed a tear. Their love is forbidden but they still try... they still try...
This blacksmith makes blades and other weapons for movies and stuff. He made his own functional version of Wolverine's claws. Very badass.
Paradox said:
This blacksmith makes blades and other weapons for movies and stuff. He made his own functional version of Wolverine's claws. Very badass.

I was gonna post that - saw it on kotaku. His other videos are pretty awesome as well.
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