ITT we post awesome things (Deez Sour Nets!)

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Lien said:
aaah... the punisher. They don't make comics like you anymore.
That isn't the Punisher.

But this is.

The one Lien posted is a Punisher. It's Jake Gallows, Punisher 2099.

There's no substitute for Frank Castle though.
The ancient Israelites and Romans knew the significance of testicles. The words testify, testimony and testicle all come from the Latin testis, for testicles. When Roman men gave testimony, they held their testicles in their hand, for they regarded them as sacred. This custom is mentioned in the Old Testament. In the King James translation, the passage reads, "And Abraham said: 'unto his eldest servant of his house... Put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh: And I will make thee swear..." ... 105AAu5uth

In short, testifying is basically swearing by your balls.
Paradox said:
UrbanMasque said:
Forget where I saw this, but yea, its pretty cool

It's from The Flash: Rebirth, and yeah agree, pretty cool.
Thanks for getting that one. Flash: Rebirth is one of my favorite comics, honestly. It was so great.

And so it was Punisher 2099. I could've sworn it was some other company, but I guess not. There were only two good 2099 series anyway...
De-Ting said:
In short, testifying is basically swearing by your balls.
S'fair nough. Seems more effective than swearing on the bible, after all, having your bible cut off or crushed isn't all that bad.
Hehe the best part? i think that was for an add about internet providers. Since the kid can now share the internet in the same house and still videochat as he wants. Something like that.

Seen it in a TV show like 8 years back.
Lien said:
Hehe the best part? i think that was for an add about internet providers. Since the kid can now share the internet in the same house and still videochat as he wants. Something like that.

Seen it in a TV show like 8 years back.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was a Dutch commercial. And Urban's right, she's not bad looking, but would you still want that if that was your sister, Urban?
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