ITT we post awesome things (Deez Sour Nets!)

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De-Ting said:
Also, who's up for a few hundred AoE II play dates?
I'd kick all your asses with my viking berserker rush.

Build a caste right next to your base with multiple fortified stone wall layers so the gates act like airlocks, and just keep clicking that build button.

At first glance, this would seem to be a good cartoon exhortation to parents not merely to hug their children, but to take an active role in their lives and interact with them, because they won’t be children forever. Perhaps a bit banal, but there is a much deeper meaning here. Look closer. Look at the items on the bookshelf.
The first clue is the print set of World Book encyclopedias. Since 1998, World Book has published a more convenient, less expensive and (via the Internet) more frequently updated CD-ROM version. On the shelf above that is a cap for NWA, the musical act which disbanded in 1991. Were this the work of a lesser artist, these anachronisms would seem to be the clumsy pop culture references of an out-of-touch middle-aged man who hasn’t met an actual child since before the Towers fell. But it’s the object to the right of the NWA cap which reveals the full story.
That framed picture is of Tommy Lasorda, who retired as manager of the Los Angeles Dodgers due to a heart attack mid-season in 1996. (Note the #2 on his jersey.) At the time, Ramirez lived in LA and worked for the LA Times. It is entirely impossible he would have missed what was the biggest local news story of the year, the end of a 20-year reign featuring two World Series wins and four pennant wins. Only a complete moron would think a kid would idolize a sports figure who has not set foot on a baseball diamond since a decade before the kid was born.
The “childâ€
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