ITT we post awesome things (Deez Sour Nets!)

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NickKmet said:
Bretimus_v2 said:
Nick, what do you play again?

saxophone, and a little piano. I'm a composition major though, so my focus is on writing music these days.
Composing, eh? If I ever think of the perfect tune for the theme song to one of my game projects, I'll give you a buzz.

And do you happen to use any kind of composition composition software? ._.
De-Ting said:
NickKmet said:
Bretimus_v2 said:
Nick, what do you play again?

saxophone, and a little piano. I'm a composition major though, so my focus is on writing music these days.
Composing, eh? If I ever think of the perfect tune for the theme song to one of my game projects, I'll give you a buzz.

And do you happen to use any kind of composition composition software? ._.

lol, right now I use the software we have at school for more modern projects, and it is most certainly not free. I do have a sample library, but that's also not free. hahaha. ummm..... I guess my Sibelius copy is pirated, but that's mostly because I can't afford to buy a legit copy right now or anytime soon (i will eventually - and I'm not just saying that). I don't know man, there are some good freeware programs, but good sounds cost money in my experience. A good DAW that's free is LMMS.
Haha, MAN I wish I could've grown up in America so I could play, even WATCH American football.
No worries brudda. No one else probably cared, I just get pedantic about scrolling unnatural! ;)

Enjoy your dreams, kids!

Edit: let's add the best way to introduce the director of photography
So many potential comments swam through my head as I watched that. I'll say this: Ugh, you're alright in my book.

And here's the first clip from the upcoming Wrath of the Titans.
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