Is the government EVER going to legalize marijuana?

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MattAY said:
You have a point, but probably not the best example ;)

Perhaps the government are trying to keep it as strictly "prescription only", rather than it being sold in every dodgy corner shop.

No, in the federal gov's opinion, any place selling marijuana is in violation of the law.

Prop 19, which would have legalized and regulated marijuana in California, received nearly 70% no votes in Imperial County, which is directly on the border with Mexico. Makes you wonder.

If we legalized and regulated marijuana within the states, put a huge tariff on any foreign marijuana that might be brought in, and policed the border for smugglers better, we could put a huge dent in the cartels' cash flow.

But then how would they pay us for the guns we sold them?
here in canada it doesn't even matter to me, or anyone, at least in ontario.

anyone can get pot within minutes if they want to, and you can pretty much smoke it anywhere.

herp derp

pot will never be legalized. live with it. lots of more important shit to complain about. like perhaps the fact your country is getting continually deeper and deeper in the shitter and is run by a bunch of ass hats.
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
^Canada must really suck now adays. :eek:


Canada will never suck. well 90% of Canada, without Quebec, Canada would have untold powers.

they're our Achilles heal. Canada's cancer. Unfortunately it's slow growing and hard to treat. Patiently waiting for it to die.
Chris_Chrime said:
How old was this security guy who kicked your group out? I bet he was a kid. Virgin tier at that.

Yes, he looked like he was 18 or 19. We didn't take him seriously at first until he called over these two big bald butch brutal baddies who looked like they could win in a fight against a Grizzly Bear bare handed.

intoTheRain said:
I can't believe you got kicked out for doing something illegal. That's ridiculous. Next thing you know you won't be able to do anything illegal without being punished.

See that's what I'm talking about. People hear about Marijuana and assume you're some type of criminal who deserve to be punished. The brainwashing system that is our anti-drug program works wonders, doesn't it?

My friends and I aren't pretentious stoners; blowing smoke in others faces and thinking we're cool because we're getting high. No, we're adults. We were minding our own business, enjoying ourselves, drinking beers that we purchased at the venue. And while everyone around us were smoking cigarettes, we're targeted as the bad guys. It's a joke.

Eyebrowsbv31 said:
there may be link between pot and ball cancer. So yeah, I prefer having nuts, and lungs, so i don't smoke anything.

Ahhh yes, I remember hearing about that a couple years ago, which is when the article you shared was published. Since then there hasn't been any talk about the possible connection. Which leads me to believe the theory was wrong and there is no link, or researchers are still trying to find proof that a medicinal drug for cancer causes cancer.

I'm not saying you're wrong, it is possible. But that information came out, scared a couple people, then we never heard anything about it to see if it was proven.

WickedLiquid said:
And while THC leads to paranoia and in very rare cases schizophrenia, the chances of developing schizophrenia is far less than an alcoholics chance of getting liver disease, brain damage, cancer, lung infections, high blood pressure, stomach ulcers and a nasty hangover.


Ashalar said:
My questions: what the heck is up with this interest in pot you peeps seem to have in the Americas

I know, we talk about this a lot over here. It's mostly due to the fact that it takes FOREVER to see any form of change happen in our government. And to top it off, both sides of the argument have people who are stubborn and biased. It's like having Michael Moore on your side, he's passionate and will fight for you, but you know some of the things he's saying is total BS.

There are idiots who just want it to be legal so they can go around blowing smoke in a cops face and acting like a total douche. And there are those who think it should stay illegal because they've been brainwashed into believing anyone who smokes weed will become a coke-snorting schizophrenic rapist who robs banks so he can buy his next fix.

Sure, it works in Amsterdam. But anti-marijuana groups love to use the old "you guys have a high rate of suicides" as an excuse for not legalizing it here. Kinda sad, isn't it?

Wes said:
more than 400,000 Americans are arrested each year on marijuana charges, meanwhile more than 400,000 Americans die each year from diseases related to cigarette smoking. Over 150,000 Americans die each year of Alcohol abuse. But in over 150,000 years of usage nobody has ever died from smoking marijuana.

Well said.

Daddio said:
Weed affects everyone differently. Sometimes they freak out." .. so does a drinker. if anything, someone super stoned is guilty of not shutting the f*** up about how big the universe is, and asking if there's anymore chips in the house. meanwhile the drunk is pissed because you said hi to his girlfriend. Both have the possibility to go into a sob story apology about an arguement you both had months ago.

So true! Weed DOES affect people differently. It is not for everyone, it can increase paranoia and cause people to freak out. However I've been around plenty of people who should not drink because alcohol affects people differently as well. I have a lady friend who has quit drinking for over two years because when she drinks she becomes violent. She pushed people away with her drinking. Now she smokes weed and she's calm, funnier and enjoyable to hang around.

StickyGreenGamer said:
I think one of the big hurdles that has to be overcome is the mothers. Even among girls I went to high school with, who I've seen smoke pot and drink, you hear the cry, "Won't somebody please think of the children!" Uh-oh, don't want little Jimmy Jr. to have access to drugs now do we?

To be fair, it's a mother's responsible to protect their children. If a mother isn't trying to keep her children of drugs then she's not doing her job as a parent. If Marijuana were to be legalized then there would still be an age restriction on it.

I don't agree with minors smoking weed but I can understand the desire to. It's that rebellious feeling all kids go through when they're teenagers, I was once like that myself. But I still knew a lot of burnt out kids from high school who are now working in a grocery store or worse these days

Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Canada must really suck now adays.

Yes, it does. I can't tell you how many times I've tried to stream something online only to be told it's not available in my country. Seriously? I live like 3 fucking hours away from the USA for Christ's sake.
intoTheRain said:
well 90% of Canada, without Quebec, Canada would have untold powers.

The whole Quebec versus the rest of Canada always came off as a slow news day for me, and for the rest of the world I can safely presume. But, hey, we're out of the loop.
So, once and for all, just what is it about Quebec that irks the rest of Canada so much?
And what is it about Canada that pisses Quebec off?

Hexagram said:
Yes, he looked like he was 18 or 19.
Yeh, just from the sound of it, I had a feeling the guy was going to be young. The eager beaver sort of loser.

Good stuff, Hex. It's time to get real about marijuana.
Chris_Crime said:
intoTheRain said:
well 90% of Canada, without Quebec, Canada would have untold powers.

The whole Quebec versus the rest of Canada always came off as a slow news day for me, and for the rest of the world I can safely presume. But, hey, we're out of the loop.
So, once and for all, just what is it about Quebec that irks the rest of Canada so much?
And what is it about Canada that pisses Quebec off?

Hexagram said:
Yes, he looked like he was 18 or 19.
Yeh, just from the sound of it, I had a feeling the guy was going to be young. The eager beaver sort of loser.
Chris they're French!
Chris_Crime said:
intoTheRain said:
So, once and for all, just what is it about Quebec that irks the rest of Canada so much? And what is it about Canada that pisses Quebec off?

They think they are better than us because they are French. But they are not, because they are French.

I think Marijuana is on it's way to being legal. There are laws springing about to take a tougher stance, and to me it feels like a last ditch effort to make everybody hate weed for some reason. Give it time.

Also, weed is NOT more potent now than it was before. It's a big time myth. One of many.
Well, in Toronto it gets as stereotypical as it can get: Hockey. We hate the Montreal Canadiens, they hate the Toronto Maple Leafs.

But GR has Wes, and he has shown me people from Montreal can indeed be awesome. So cheers to that.

As for the rest of the country, it's the same reason Americans hate the french over in France.
Hexagram said:
intoTheRain said:
I can't believe you got kicked out for doing something illegal. That's ridiculous. Next thing you know you won't be able to do anything illegal without being punished.

See that's what I'm talking about. People hear about Marijuana and assume you're some type of criminal who deserve to be punished. The brainwashing system that is our anti-drug program works wonders, doesn't it?

My friends and I aren't pretentious stoners; blowing smoke in others faces and thinking we're cool because we're getting high. No, we're adults. We were minding our own business, enjoying ourselves, drinking beers that we purchased at the venue. And while everyone around us were smoking cigarettes, we're targeted as the bad guys. It's a joke.
You know what else is a joke?

Believing you are entitled to do something illegal simply because you don't believe it should be illegal.

Let me make an example here. There's a stretch of road I have to drive to get home or to town. It's about five miles long, completely straight without any intersections or other streets or anything. The speed limit there is 55. Because it's such an empty road, it's perfectly safe to go 60 or 65 on there, and when there are no other cars on the road you can easily say that going 65 to 70 is perfectly safe.

Regardless of how good of a driver I am, the other cars on the road, etc, as soon as I go above 55 I know that I can get busted for it. I've been pulled over twice for going 68 when I was the only car on the road, and didn't consider fighting the ticket. Because, guess what, I broke the law.

So regardless of how dangerous weed is or isn't, it's still against the law. So when you go in public and break the law, guess what, there's a great chance there will be repercussions for it. And you aren't an adult until you realize that.

i don't think it should be illegal Hexagram, but you're an idiot for thinking it was wrong that you got kicked out for doing something illegal, rofl. laws are laws.
Longo_2_guns said:
You know what else is a joke?

Believing you are entitled to do something illegal simply because you don't believe it should be illegal.

Let me make an example here. There's a stretch of road I have to drive to get home or to town. It's about five miles long, completely straight without any intersections or other streets or anything. The speed limit there is 55. Because it's such an empty road, it's perfectly safe to go 60 or 65 on there, and when there are no other cars on the road you can easily say that going 65 to 70 is perfectly safe.

Regardless of how good of a driver I am, the other cars on the road, etc, as soon as I go above 55 I know that I can get busted for it. I've been pulled over twice for going 68 when I was the only car on the road, and didn't consider fighting the ticket. Because, guess what, I broke the law.

So regardless of how dangerous weed is or isn't, it's still against the law. So when you go in public and break the law, guess what, there's a great chance there will be repercussions for it. And you aren't an adult until you realize that.


A speeding analogy, hmm? I like to drive the speed limit. I find it oddly relaxing. I think it's something about the conformity of it all that I'm digging, my sickest, most secret fetish of all. You were an adult when you broke the law and was ticketed the first time. Well, I'm guessing, but you were at least aware of the speed limit.
I'm hoping you paid the ticket and not your parents, because what's the lesson learned if mom and dad are footing the bill and car insurance.
And then you did it again, so let's not undersell the power of free will here. That's the point you were making, or it's what I've gleaned. Having been ticketed twice for the same offense (ooh, speeding!) ((oooh, smoooking!!)), you should understand Hex's adult choices more than some eager to please 19 year old. The penalties were understood, but you chose to speed again. Hex understood, but he wanted to get high. Just because Hex explained his situation doesn't mean he had felt entitled to break the law. It didn't mean anything, he's just continuing with his story (post).

But I didn't read this as "Guy Gets Kicked out of Concert for Smoking Joint." I don't think Hex meant for it to read that way, either. I read it as wtf is up with this kid security guard? dude's lame as fuck. He understood...., but free will!
Longo_2_guns said:
Hexagram said:
intoTheRain said:
I can't believe you got kicked out for doing something illegal. That's ridiculous. Next thing you know you won't be able to do anything illegal without being punished.

See that's what I'm talking about. People hear about Marijuana and assume you're some type of criminal who deserve to be punished. The brainwashing system that is our anti-drug program works wonders, doesn't it?

My friends and I aren't pretentious stoners; blowing smoke in others faces and thinking we're cool because we're getting high. No, we're adults. We were minding our own business, enjoying ourselves, drinking beers that we purchased at the venue. And while everyone around us were smoking cigarettes, we're targeted as the bad guys. It's a joke.
You know what else is a joke?

Believing you are entitled to do something illegal simply because you don't believe it should be illegal.

Let me make an example here. There's a stretch of road I have to drive to get home or to town. It's about five miles long, completely straight without any intersections or other streets or anything. The speed limit there is 55. Because it's such an empty road, it's perfectly safe to go 60 or 65 on there, and when there are no other cars on the road you can easily say that going 65 to 70 is perfectly safe.

Regardless of how good of a driver I am, the other cars on the road, etc, as soon as I go above 55 I know that I can get busted for it. I've been pulled over twice for going 68 when I was the only car on the road, and didn't consider fighting the ticket. Because, guess what, I broke the law.

So regardless of how dangerous weed is or isn't, it's still against the law. So when you go in public and break the law, guess what, there's a great chance there will be repercussions for it. And you aren't an adult until you realize that.


I strongly disagree. My entire point is that it shouldn't be against the law, because it isn't hurting anyone. You're comparing speeding with smoking weed, they're two completely different scenarios. You can't lump everything that is against the law into one category. My entire point that you missed is that someone who chooses to smoke a joint is NOT a criminal. And to think so is an incredibly ignorant way of thinking. A jaywalker is NOT a criminal, but someone who mugs you is. They're both against the law but one is not nearly as bad as the other. You would show leniency towards a jaywalker, the same leniency I was looking for the night of the concert I paid $70 to attend. But instead I was talking to a punk kid with ego issues. Now if you were stoned while driving I can see how that relates to the topic, and I would agree that defending stoned driving would be going to far. But if you want to talk about speeding let's do it.

It sounds to me from your description that it would be ok to be driving 68 on this road that limits you to 55. But you still got a ticket because cops know it's an easy way to ticket you, not because they trying to protect other drives on this empty road. I've seen many sneaky cops hiding in spaces where they know they can unfairly bust people.

There is a street in my neighbourhood where the speed limit is 60 km, then there is a hill and at the bottom of the hill the speed limit changes to 50 km. And right at the bottom of the hill, there is always a cop car waiting in hiding. You can guarantee that more than a third of those people who were caught going over 50 were simply speeding because the speed limit suddenly drops 10 km and the fact that going down a hill will speed them up not slow them down. In a situation like that, the police aren't concerned with safety as much as they're concerned with filling their quota by making a sucker out of you. Does that sound fair? I don't think so. Life's not fair but we can rant about it, can't we? Another point I was making that was lost on you.

intoTheRain said:
i don't think it should be illegal Hexagram, but you're an idiot for thinking it was wrong that you got kicked out for doing something illegal, rofl. laws are laws.

And you're a troll for countering my argument by calling me an idiot and LOLing.

Chris_Crime said:
didn't read this as "Guy Gets Kicked out of Concert for Smoking Joint." I don't think Hex meant for it to read that way, either. I read it as wtf is up with this kid security guard? dude's lame as f***. He understood...., but free will!

Yeah, this kind of snowballed out of control. But you're always one of those guys that "gets it".

It wouldn't be GR though without a marijuana debate every now and then with anti-marijuana people doing a horrible job at trying to make us evil stoners look stupid. I miss that Stalfros guy, it was always enjoyable watching him resort to trolling when he was put in his place.
no im sorry youre an idiot for being angry for being kicked out for doing something illegal.

nothing trollish about that, just speaking the truth. in a few years you'll grow up, you'll either start doing real drugs, or just casually smoke pot, and it won't mean anything to you, and you'll know how to smoke it without getting kicked out of events. and all will be well, you won't be so enamored by marijuana. it will still be illegal and the world will keep spinning.

new 14 year olds will discover marijuana and it will be all they can talk about for a few years too.
As much as I think marijuana should be legalized, it isn't. And until you're willing to accept that fact Hex, then everyone here has the right to call you an idiot for what you did. Sure, the security guard could have been a nice guy and let the fact you were smoking a joint slide. But he has every legal right to have you removed for doing so. Frankly, you're lucky they didn't call the cops and have you arrested too.

Possession of marijuana and use of marijuana are both considered crimes by federal law. Therefore, anyone doing either is considered to be a criminal. You break the law, you're a criminal. Plain and simple. Just because it shouldn't be illegal, or is acceptable by your standards doesn't make it so. It doesn't make you any less of a criminal. Either you're breaking the law, or you're not. It's pretty black and white when it comes to such things.

Frankly, you should have known better. Smoking a joint in your own private residence and expecting the cops to show up is being paranoid. Smoking a joint in a public/private venue is just asking for trouble. You should know better than to be so stupid. Because it is illegal, and as far as the law is concerned, that's the end of it. The law doesn't take should or shouldn't scenarios into consideration. You broke the law. That's it.

Just because I think the drinking age should be 20 doesn't make it so. It doesn't mean I can go parading into bars demanding they serve me. It's still against the law.

But perhaps the most idiotic thing you've stated is the idea that paying $70 for a ticket somehow entitles you to break the law on the premises, as if they should give you leeway for some reason. The fact is, they don't have to, and they shouldn't, because the legal risk they assume for doing so is pretty incredible.

So really, stop trying to pass the blame onto somebody else for doing something that really wasn't all that intelligent. Not to mention, you're assuming that the guard didn't get a complain from somebody else there. At which point, they are legally obligated for removing you since you were doing something illegal.

So please, stfu, because you're being dumb, and that's it. If you want to have a discussion as to why marijuana should be legalized, then I'm fine with that. But if you want to make this an argument over whether or not you did anything wrong under the purview of the law, you've already lost, and you should really just accept that.
Chris_Crime said:
But I didn't read this as "Guy Gets Kicked out of Concert for Smoking Joint." I don't think Hex meant for it to read that way, either.

Neither did I, until I read this part:
Hexagram said:
intoTheRain said:
I can't believe you got kicked out for doing something illegal. That's ridiculous. Next thing you know you won't be able to do anything illegal without being punished.

See that's what I'm talking about. People hear about Marijuana and assume you're some type of criminal who deserve to be punished. The brainwashing system that is our anti-drug program works wonders, doesn't it?

My friends and I aren't pretentious stoners; blowing smoke in others faces and thinking we're cool because we're getting high. No, we're adults. We were minding our own business, enjoying ourselves, drinking beers that we purchased at the venue. And while everyone around us were smoking cigarettes, we're targeted as the bad guys. It's a joke.
At this point, he immediately assumes that he's saying that he's being called an idiot and is a bad person for smoking weed, which is never said. IntoTheRain called him out because he broke the law and then complained when he was punished, not because he was smoking pot.

This is why I brought up the speeding thing, which I don't think I emphasized properly. Both times when I was ticketed, there was no one else on the road. No one was at risk except for myself, but I still broke the law. So when I was busted for it, I accepted the blame because I was to blame. And yes, I did pay for the ticket and drivers classes (to drop it from my record) myself.

I could go on, but I know I'll be demonized, because apparently everyone who disagrees thinks that all stoners are satanists and godless criminal scum who should stop right there.

As to the main point of the thread, should pot be legalized? Probably. I don't smoke it, but it's not really that big of a deal. As long as you aren't a douchebag about it, I don't care.
intoTheRain said:
in a few years you'll grow up, you'll either start doing real drugs, or just casually smoke pot

How old are you? Because unless you're over 29 please refrain from telling me to grow up. Have you ever been to a concert? People get away with smoking weed INSIDE, it's not a big deal. But people like you see it as a crime and that's where the problem lies. I bet you'd make a great police officer for all the wrong reasons.

NickKmet said:
As much as I think marijuana should be legalized, it isn't. And until you're willing to accept that fact Hex, then everyone here has the right to call you an idiot for what you did.Sure, the security guard could have been a nice guy and let the fact you were smoking a joint slide. But he has every legal right to have you removed for doing so. Frankly, you're lucky they didn't call the cops and have you arrested too.

I have an opinion that you do not agree with. Brushing me off and calling me an idiot is incredibly ignorant given the fact this began as a rant and then moved on to reasons why Marijuana should be legalized.

And you think smoking a joint the size of a toothpick with no other quantities of weed on us justifies calling the police and having us arrested? Seriously... do you seriously believe I should be thankful I was not thrown into a jail cell with real criminals? ...... :roll: Where do you live? Because if that's the norm in your country/state/province/whatever then I'll be sure to stay away.

NickKmet said:
Possession of marijuana and use of marijuana are both considered crimes by federal law. Therefore, anyone doing either is considered to be a criminal. You break the law, you're a criminal. Plain and simple. Just because it shouldn't be illegal, or is acceptable by your standards doesn't make it so. It doesn't make you any less of a criminal. Either you're breaking the law, or you're not. It's pretty black and white when it comes to such things.

It's only black and white for people who choose to view it as such. Others believe these issues are far more complex and decide to protest and fight for what they believe is right and wrong. Perhaps if you find yourself in an unfair position regarding the law you'd understand.

Frankly, you should have known better. Smoking a joint in your own private residence and expecting the cops to show up is being paranoid. Smoking a joint in a public/private venue is just asking for trouble. You should know better than to be so stupid. Because it is illegal, and as far as the law is concerned, that's the end of it. The law doesn't take should or shouldn't scenarios into consideration. You broke the law. That's it.

And I pose the same question to you as I pose to Rain: have to ever been to a concert? If so, you've never smelled the scent of Marijuana in the air? Smoking weed and going to concerts go hand in hand. Considering I don't know where you live, it could be possible nobody smokes marijuana at concerts you've been to because people are too scared of getting arrested, but not here. Canada was at one time very tolerant of Marijuana so the fact I was thrown out is incredibly rare. There's no reason to get one's panties in a knot. Security is there to keep people safe, this security member in particular was merely on a power trip. Your misconception is that I am not allowed to be upset over something you don't understand.

NickKmet said:
Just because I think the drinking age should be 20 doesn't make it so. It doesn't mean I can go parading into bars demanding they serve me. It's still against the law.

Are you under the impression I was parading around the concert with a giant joint demanding my right to smoke it? If not, then i don't understand what this has to do with anything. If yes then rest assured we were smoking it nonchalantly, not making a political agenda out of smoking a $5 joint.

NickKmt]But perhaps the most idiotic thing you've stated is the idea that paying $70 for a ticket somehow entitles you to break the law on the premises said:
So please, stfu, because you're being dumb, and that's it. If you want to have a discussion as to why marijuana should be legalized, then I'm fine with that. But if you want to make this an argument over whether or not you did anything wrong under the purview of the law, you've already lost, and you should really just accept that.

Ah yes, the good old "STFU, you're wrong" approach. Nice one. Like Longo, you too missed the point of my rant. What is a rant? It's when you are upset about an issue, such as being treated unfairly and choose to preach about it. I hope you took all the misconceptions I pointed out in your post to heart. I'd really hate to have to repeat myself again.

Longo_2_guns said:
Chris_Crime said:
But I didn't read this as "Guy Gets Kicked out of Concert for Smoking Joint." I don't think Hex meant for it to read that way, either.

Neither did I, until I read this part:
Hexagram said:
intoTheRain said:
I can't believe you got kicked out for doing something illegal. That's ridiculous. Next thing you know you won't be able to do anything illegal without being punished.

See that's what I'm talking about. People hear about Marijuana and assume you're some type of criminal who deserve to be punished. The brainwashing system that is our anti-drug program works wonders, doesn't it?

My friends and I aren't pretentious stoners; blowing smoke in others faces and thinking we're cool because we're getting high. No, we're adults. We were minding our own business, enjoying ourselves, drinking beers that we purchased at the venue. And while everyone around us were smoking cigarettes, we're targeted as the bad guys. It's a joke.
At this point, he immediately assumes that he's saying that he's being called an idiot and is a bad person for smoking weed, which is never said. IntoTheRain called him out because he broke the law and then complained when he was punished, not because he was smoking pot

His obvious sarcasm was implied and his point is a deserve to be kicked out of the concert because I did something that was "illegal". There are many things that are considered illegal which aren't a big deal. If you eat two grapes in a grocery store, you are stealing. Stealing is against the law and you deserve to be punished... But it was just two grapes, do we really need to arrest this person? Should we even bother to ban this person from the store? Who cares if it was just two grapes even if it technically is considered stealing. That's my whole point. He thinks it's ok to make a big deal out of something because it's classified as breaking the law. I'm here to say it isn't.

But Chris was right, it was never meant to go this far, it just snowballed into this debate and here we are.
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