I could care less

maca2kx said:
It bugs me, not because it's the incorrect phrase but because it conveys the exact opposite of what the speaker wishes to say. The phrase is meant to say that the person doesn't care about whatever they are talking about, not one bit. Instead, what they're actually saying is that they care at least a little bit; they could care a lot or they might care a smidge but on a scale of 0-10 of caring with 0 being not at all they're at least a 1.

To anyone saying there are better things to be concerned about well, yes there are. But pedants are capable of multi-tasking just as much as anyone else.

Yeah, that.

Seriously, I don't know where this came from. People used to say couldn't, and then it all of a sudden turned into could. I never understood why a saying would transform into a worse version of itself.
While we're at it may I just say that the correct wordage is "could/should/would have", not "of" I understand that the truncated form (could've/should've/would've) could sound like the latter but it's not. It makes no sense with 'of' and as Old Biff once said "you sound like a damn fool when you say it wrong!"

It drives me nuts when people pronounce "have" as "of," or more commonly, something sounding like "uhv." So lazy.
I have to disagree with you guys, as the contraction 've is properly pronounced "uhv."

However, if they type it "should of," yes, that is annoying.
De-Ting said:
I have to disagree with you guys, as the contraction 've is properly pronounced "uhv."

However, if they type it "should of," yes, that is annoying.

Well that's what I was saying; that I understand where it came from (the misguiding pronunciation) but 'of' is still wrong.
There are so many illiterate kids out there with horrable grammer with speeling
(Google: Did you mean Horrible grammar and spelling?)

So I just tune out everyone raping the English language.
keepithowitis said:
I could care less about that. However, what bothers me the most is that when you pull the first tissue from a tissue box, you end up getting 2 instead of one. Every single time. f****** annoying.

u need to pull it quick, use you're wrist. i never get 2. snap it up
De-Ting said:
Diabolus said:
I witnessed someone calling somebody else a "pre-Madonna" the other day.
It's "prima donna," unless you're saying you saw somebody type that, but you would have said so.

Well no shit, I didn't think that needed to be explained.

If it was a person talking out loud it wouldn't have been wrong.

Just like "should of" and "should've". You wouldn't know the difference while someone is talking.

I've seen people on IGN use "Fuh Q" to get around the profanity rule.
Haha, Diabolous you seem a bit uppy since you've come back. Calm down son, just a bit of English language. It's simply for his info to type prima donna next time.
And people who say "should of" really piss me off.
Diabolus said:
I've seen people on IGN use "Fuh Q" to get around the profanity rule.
They have a profanity rule?
So can they use the BBcode to get past the censors, like 'fuck'?

That's pretty funny. GR cares so little they swear even in the reviews, although i bet the cunts at crave will stop that too.
You can't say anything that wouldn't be allowed on network television. It has to be completely censored, like this- **** you, ****er.

If you leave the 'f' on there, you can still be banned for it.
Diabolus said:
You can't say anything that wouldn't be allowed on network television. It has to be completely censored, like this- **** you, ****er.

If you leave the 'f' on there, you can still be banned for it.
Ahahah, what a shithole.

Whoever dreamed up those rules should be forced to spend a day in the average Australian manual labor job.
If there aren't at least 10x 'FUCKING CUNT!'s a day when shit goes wrong, the blokes you work with are gay or pussies. Or both.

Seriously though, we need to come up with new swear words. 'Shit' is used more commonly than 'The' these days.
HANG on, are you saying people are gay if they dont swear?

What an absolute fricking pile of fudge.

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