Suggestion that could possibly increase site traffic.


I got off on a tangent in another topic on Misc about how I have 'history' with this site, and to be honest I have no idea how well the site is doing traffic wise, but from looking at the message board I can only assume poorly compared to 2001-3 range.

I believe the webmaster has done an exceptional job at allowing users to contribute towards reviews and daily manifestos. I just think there lacks an incentive.

Back in the olden days, post count was important because you couldn't chose your own avatar, so you had an almost reward like system were you and other users could see with every post you were becoming a veteran. I'm not by any means saying to go back to that archaic system. I know for some users the 'reward' for having one of your reviews up is just the satisfaction unto its self. But let's be pragmatic about this, when the user review system began it saw an influx by contributors like "I can't remember his user name for the life of me, but it was something Links and he had a Zelda avatar" and others alike. I myself bought Bioshock before its street date just so I could get a heads up review on it. This is all great and everything, but Max Payne 3 has been out for awhile now and there's not a single user review.

Generally there's a disinterest in building the community.

Now I'm not saying this should be monetary by any means, but perhaps a token system would be the way to go. Now here me out.

Say you get one token for every review you make that is voted by fellow users to be the best user review. And you as an admin or mod consider it to be well written and thought out. Now let's say that user gets ten tokens. That in turn gives him certain privileges. For instance, the ability to sticky any topic on the message board, but he has to spend those tokens to do so.

I realize you switched your servers, so I don't know if this one would be possible. But the ability to access the archive of every topic going back to 2001..

Say a user gets fifty tokens, why not through him so GR swag. Hell, keychains and buttons can't be that expensive. That also brings me to marketing. Consider the cost of tshirts. Let's say everyone who got X amount of tokens would get a free tshirt. X person would most likely wear it with pride spreading a grass roots community to come to the forum and more importantly your website.

Hell you could have small adverts at the bottom of every page, that has to bring in some revenue.

Just my thoughts, feel free to ad yours.
I'm thinking about this and will respond at length later, but I just thought I'd let you know that I've notified the correct individuals about your post.
I actually have another idea to add to this that could mutually benefit this site and myself and would involve no cash or major layout change of the website.

As most of you are aware I'm currently in the works of a young adult novel. Now as an up-and-coming writer, that poses a lot of challenges for me to get published. Even Rowling was rejected five times. The key to get into the business is to have some already established work, no matter if it is journalism or fictional writing, you have to show something to publishers to let them know you're serious.

What attracts people to, easily Yahtzee. Now I'm not saying I'm stealing his gimmick, because I already have an established gimmick of my own that saw moderate success.

Budget Game Review of the week. Realistically, due to time constraints I couldn't do a weekly or biweekly review and fully review the game.

So here's what I propose. Budget game of the month, that would be easier on my money and time.

If you're not familiar with the premise, I basically went to the bargin bin each week with a twenty dollar spending limit. I would pick something out at random and give my impression on it. The point being is that it's radically different playing a decent game you only paid five dollars for, compared to sixty dollars.

1. I would do this completely free monthly.

2. I would only use Gamestop.

Now here's where it gets interesting, if you could somehow get in contact with Gamestop, that could provide you with even more revenue. I would only be using the prices from Gamestop so that would be basically advertisement for them. I'm sure someone in the business department could work out a deal with this.

3. If properly advertised, I really think this would be a hit. Everyone is looking for a cheap thrill or games they missed out on. And there's really nothing like it, that I know of, with the same premise.

4. This would need to be it's own official part of Game Revolution. Not just the Daily Manifesto. I also have a back catalog of games I reviewed so we could add those from the original Daily Manifesto to begin with.

So this brings us to the big question "Why should you pick me to do this?" Well obviously you have a hired staff of professional writers, however they seem to be tied down to playing and reviewing current games. This is also free labor, the only thing you would be giving me is a hypothetical title as writer. Now how you would want to proceed with this is completely your choice. Me personally, I would like to just write the review and PM it to Aniel Bischoff. That seems like the least amount of effort and it also keeps me from screwing up the page layout or something along those lines.

But frankly, you'd be helping me out more than you realize. With an "honorary" job without pay, I could go to a publisher and easily show them my work and be taken seriously.

Hope you consider this. I grew up on this website, I actually think it was the first website ever went to with the exception of AOL. I was eleven at the time, I'm now a twenty-five year old man.I really want to see this site succeed, and it saddens me, not to be melodramatic, in the state it is in now.You guys have always had the best writing staff with completely unbiased reviews. Please, let me help you guys out.

Now I will say this, and Daniel can vouch for this, my positives reviews weren't all that great. My negative reviews on the other hand, let's just say my Soldier of Fortune for the 360 review did pretty well. I'd be more than willing to just go for the absolute garbage games for the majority, with the occasional gem every so often. But I'm not going to lie, the only current generation console I own is the 360. and I'm really scrapping the barrel to find the bad ones that stand out. I do however know a system that's full of them that are exclusives.

If you could hook me up with a wii for around forty dollars, or just have an old one laying around. We'll be in business, Hell, you could even change the name to budget Wii Game of the Month. The absurdity would be breath taking and I have a loathsome relationship with motion controls.

Just something else to consider.


I actually take back finding a wii, I think if I made that hundred dollar purchase myself, it would put more gravity in it for me.I'm sure you guys can relate with being tight on a budget, but I think it would give more fuel to my fire if I paid for it in my own expense. It would give me a more realistic sense as a writer.
Love you, FBF, but this is the strangest topic. Send your application in private next time.
I figure if I'm open and honest there would be nothing lost in communication. I really do want to see GR return to its former glory. That was the intention of this topic, and yes it turned into me begging for a job. Yet another topic I made an ass of myself in. But that shouldn't distract from my original post. I think there's really something that could help with a token system. I've seen it work on other boards before. And if a user busts his or her ass for fifty tokens, fifty top rated reviews, I think they damn sure deserve a little swag. Like I said, how much is a Tshirt really?
Silios said:
Like I said, how much is a Tshirt really?

You'd be surprised. Anywhere from $5-$10 depending on the company that's making them. Graphics are not cheap. Especially screen printing.

(my current job is at a company that does campaign signs, we do t-shirts for campaigns as well)
NickKmet said:
Silios said:
Like I said, how much is a Tshirt really?

You'd be surprised. Anywhere from $5-$10 depending on the company that's making them. Graphics are not cheap. Especially screen printing.

(my current job is at a company that does campaign signs, we do t-shirts for campaigns as well)
Yeah that's five to ten dollars loss, it's also advertisement and said hypothetical user has actually managed to review fifty games in a well written essay that meets a certain length, if considered the best by the users, and before the token is handed out an actual staff member has read and agreed that the token was deserved. If the system was well balanced and checked, it wouldn't be exploitable.

Let's say you invested in fifty black T shirts with the iconic R loga on the front and "" on the back. You still would have plenty to give out. The way I'm envisioning this system would breed competition among fellow users.

If T shirts are too expensive at the moment, buttons can't be that much.

Moot-point, everyone loves cheap swag if it's hard to get. I use to work at Chuckee Cheese, I know this all too well. Even the parents go crazy.
See, I just want to be the color-commentary on the podcast. I don't actually want to bring any content. Just color-commentary.

That or be a mod. Hmmm...
Silios said:
NickKmet said:
Silios said:
Like I said, how much is a Tshirt really?

You'd be surprised. Anywhere from $5-$10 depending on the company that's making them. Graphics are not cheap. Especially screen printing.

(my current job is at a company that does campaign signs, we do t-shirts for campaigns as well)
Yeah that's five to ten dollars loss, it's also advertisement and said hypothetical user has actually managed to review fifty games in a well written essay that meets a certain length, if considered the best by the users, and before the token is handed out an actual staff member has read and agreed that the token was deserved. If the system was well balanced and checked, it wouldn't be exploitable.

Let's say you invested in fifty black T shirts with the iconic R loga on the front and "" on the back. You still would have plenty to give out. The way I'm envisioning this system would breed competition among fellow users.

If T shirts are too expensive at the moment, buttons can't be that much.

Moot-point, everyone loves cheap swag if it's hard to get. I use to work at Chuckee Cheese, I know this all too well. Even the parents go crazy.

I wasn't so much trying to say that they're prohibitively expensive, just that they can be more than people expect. You do have some good ideas. Whether or not they have the budget to do something like this though is not a question I can answer. It would be cool though. I'd be proud to wear GR swag.
Bretimus_v2 said:
See, I just want to be the color-commentary on the podcast. I don't actually want to bring any content. Just color-commentary.
I would so love to partake with the recording of GR Podcast one day, but not to be much of a color commentator. Instead, like I suggested before, perhaps have a community member partake and have a "Get To Know" type of questions. Xbox LIVE has a Gamer Spotlight, perhaps a GR Spotlight? FBF does have some great ideas, but i wouldn't give out any sorts of powers to just anyone, even if they earned tokens.
Regardless of how good these ideas may be considering that a palette switch has taken 5 years and counting I think you'd be better off creating this system yourself and gifting it to GR than waiting to see if it happens.

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