GR's Advanced Search feature


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I thought we were a bit overdue for a positive GRandmasters topic. :]

Today I used GR's Search feature for the first time - and I have to say that I was really impressed.

The search results were always what I needed. Each listing for each game was very polished, including direct links to the review, cheats, screenshots, downloads, videos, etc. It was all right there.

The Advanced Search was even more impressive - allowing the ability to limit searches not only by the standard 'System', but by 'Content Type' and 'Genre' as well. It was even possible to search by member - including Games In Collection and Consoles In Collection - and a blog search!

Very cool and helpful stuff, guys. Just another example of you keeping this a user-first site.
Well, I guess no one agrees.


They all agree sooo much that their heads explode upon viewing my topic.

I have to agree with used44. The search system is very helpful.

Although, it does suffer a bit when games are under two names on GR, such as there being two entries for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic for PC, those being the afformentioned entry and the SW:KOTOR entry, of which I have a member review under.

That can hardly be the search engines fault though.
masterchris said:
I just finished wiping the eye juice off of my wall.

I knew it!

Tyrannis, I did notice that. For example Socom 2 seems to have two different listings, one with a preview and review attributed to it, and the other with the FAQ attributed to it. I doubt a determined searcher will mind a bit of scrolling, though.

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