Have you ever...

No. And that will never happen.

Have you ever fed an animal when a sign CLEARLY stated you shouldnt?
Crab apples.. when I was like 6. But nobody wants those anyway, so I ended up chucking them at old dudes in their Buicks with golf clubs in the passenger seat.

Have you ever made a joke about something, to soon find that the butt of your joke had suffered some horrendous tragedy?
I dont think i have.

Have you ever been chased by dogs or bees? Or dogs that shoot bees out of their mouth?
Yes, I hit a beehive with a golf club, that was the same day I found out I'm not allergic to bee stings (no swelling), but it still hurt like nobody's business.

Have you ever had...hurt feelings?
Yes...just now because i posted and i clearly hurt everyones' feelings

Have you ever pooped yourself when you were older than seven?
Holy hell! Once I went bike riding with a friend and we stopped mid-ride (~20 miles out) at a Mexican restaraunt. I remember exactly what I ate chicken enchiladas with a jalpaeno salsa and a limeade. I know this because I got horrible food poisoning. We were biking through the desert and were about a mile from my house when I had to get off my bike because of the stomach cramps. My friend backtracked to ask if I was okay, I was standing doubled over in pain. ...when...it happened. No warning, it was like my body was just done with taking the abuse from the enchilada because the next thing I know...ta-dow! So my friend rode the last mile to the house and got his pickup. Embarassing.

Also, my question was a Flight of the Conchords reference.

So...have you ever been caught by an authority figure (parent, police, etc.) while skinny dipping?
No, but I have skinny dipped before.

Have you ever eaten anything off a tree/bush found in the wild?
Yeah, well it wasn't really wild. It was a raspberry bush that the empty lot from my house in high school had growing on it. They were some DAMN good raspberries too!

Have you ever chosen a game (console, computer, or otherwise) over sex?
Yes. Fallout 3 really got me at one point...made excuses etc. Also less recently, the witcher did the same.

have you ever moonwalked, or tried to?
Wow, so what was more repetitive sex or Fallout objectives.

Yes, but my friend can do the knee moonwalk that Usher does though and that is even sweeter.

Have you ever farmed? If not was the most laborious task you've ever done?
I once dropped my controller on the floor, then had to get up and pick it up...fucking hell right?!

Seriously, I've worked for a factory lifting boxes...empty boxes, so nothing too laboured of a task.

Have you ever sneezed and farted at the same time? I will also accept coughing and farting.
How about a cough and shatting yourself at the same time? Don't drink tap water in Thailand. Just don't. Sneeze and fart is very usual at toilet. Best thing is to start laughing and the farts will keep at the rythm!

Have you ever eaten that much that you had to throw up?
Yep...and then i ate again, because if you pay about 50 dollars for a steak, you're going to eat it....I couldn't take it out because it was one of the rules, was something like 52 oz steak. It's just some odd tradition they had at this place in canada

Have you ever sung a song that everyone called you gay, fag, queer, etc for singing it?
Haha, plenty of times. British electro is always the quickest way to get called a fag here.

Have you ever drank a gallon of milk? (like, all at once) If so, why the hell would you do that?
No (that'd kill me. I have a dairy allergy), but I have drunken enough blueberry juice to poop purple.

Have you ever smoked a candy cig?
No. I'm too anal about my gaming stuff as it is, if I ever broke it I'd never be able to forgive myself. Ever.

Have you ever drunkenly sang karaoke and thought that you were the bee's knees?

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