Harry Plopper and the Cash-in Movie Split

madster111 said:
2mil won't cover the actors, though.
Make it 20mil and bring in 420mil at the box office.

Already done filming though. Budget already been spent.

I just got back from the premiere. I thought it was pretty good. Not great. But it's hard to stand alone when only 1/2 - 3/4 of the material is actually present.
OK, but seriously, no movie will ever be as guilty of this as The Hobbit. THREE FUCKING MOVIES out of one book? That's insane, unnecessary, greedy, and in the end the films themselves will suffer for it.

NO I haven't seen the first one.

Three movies? Damn. I thought they'd be hard pressed to get two. And I haven't seen it yet either. I'm waiting for HBO.
But this Trilogy isn't just The Hobbit. It expands on other works from Tolkein about Middle Earth.

And Dan has a thing for 2010. It's when we first became Thunder Buddies.
Haha, I remember I started in 2009 and posted in the News and PR forum for most of my first year, but yeah I always seem to land on 2010 threads when I go necroposting. Guess it's my way of seeing what I missed while I was posting all that stupid shit Blake told me to.
WickedLiquid said:
But this Trilogy isn't just The Hobbit. It expands on other works from Tolkein about Middle Earth.

And Dan has a thing for 2010. It's when we first became Thunder Buddies.

Yeah, they're using a lot of stuff from the appendices. That's where Radagast and all that shit is from.

Still, I think 3 movies is a bit of stretch. Especially since (from what I understand) the hobbit is supposed to be wrapped up at the end of the next movie with the death of Smaug. So I don't really understand how they can do a third movie and keep people interested that much just using stuff from the appendices.
There is plenty of stuff in the Hobbit after the death of Smaug. Personally, I'm pumped for the next two.
Bilbo is unconscious for the battle of the five armies, so I imagine they'll just flesh that crap out and take on the Necromancer.

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