Harry Plopper and the Cash-in Movie Split


So tired.

Don't think I've witnessed much HP chatter round here, but is anyone interested or seeing this come 11/19? I'm excited and just really hoping that by splitting the movie they will actually flesh the movie out and not just keep it just as hollow as the others while cashing in on splitting the movie and making TWO movies.

Which brings me to another thought I had recently. I love that they've stuck with the original cast through this whole venture and that they haven't recast. I love how average Harry and Ron look. As they cast all these movies based on books and you get these glossy movie versions of them, I think it can sometimes take away from the material. Anyways, rant aside. Anyone? Anyone?
I will see it probably next week sometime...The movies have seemed to get better as each new one comes out, so who knows about this one.

Big fan of the books though, and DH was probably my second favorite book behind Prisoner of Azkaban.
I'll watch it on Sky (Cable to you yanks) when it comes out on there. And the ONLY reason I'd watch it is for Emma Watson.

Sky is owned by murdoch isn't it?

I feel I know more about england than the US. too much HIGNFY. I could name more MPs than people in the house and senate over here.

Blimey! and eww emma watson. Dun like here. I'd rather have ron, that dreamboat.
I rarely go to the theater and i much enjoy waiting for movies to go to dvd, but I think I have somehow seen all of the HP films in theater (maybe not the first but definitely all the others).

We usually take my mother-in-law.

I am sooooo gaaay.
Liked the first movie
Loved the second
REALLY loved the third
REALLY loved the fourth
Got tired of it by the fifth
Lost interest in the sixth

I went to the premier of the last movie with my family. I wore a "SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDOR" t-shirt. It was awesome

Then I slept through the movie.
Hopefully this one is more climactic than the last. Although I did really enjoy the last entry in the series. I just want the final chapter to have some more oomph to it. Other than you know, Dumbledore being killed off. I suppose that had some oomph.

Helene Bonham Carter's character should get decapitated. Yeah. Only because she's annoying. Although being Tim Burton's wife is it her character or her coming off that way...
I haven't seen all of the movies, but I'm being dragged into this at midnight tonight by the GF. I don't have to pay for the ticket, so I'm alright with it. lol
Lethean, I think they're following the books close enough that she won't be getting decapitated. Though that would be cool.
Unfortunately, I'm hearing back that it's very anticlimatic because it sticks to the first half of the book very closely. So there's more character development than flashy stuff.

I'm also hearing a lot of push back from parents for nudity...but it's only bare backs in an embrace.
Yeah, I guess Harry and hermione have bare shoulders in this part where they make out, in a jealous Ron dream sequence. Oh won't somebody think of the children!
WickedLiquid said:
Liked the first movie
Loved the second
REALLY loved the third
REALLY loved the fourth
Got tired of it by the fifth
Lost interest in the sixth


I'm kind of the same. Although it's because the sixth was spoiled and I've heard the fifth is arguably the worst one of the series. So I'll see how it ends out of curiosity and the fact that nothing from the last book was spoiled.

I was thinking of reading the books now that the teenage fad has moved over to Twilight and I wouldn't feel embarrassed buying them.
The Fifth being the worst? Really? I liked that one. Or at least remember liking it. Number 1 is still probably my least favorite. Followed by 2 and 4.
If I were the execs in charge of the budget for part 2, I'd make it about 2 million. Think about it, you spend 150 million making a movie and bring in 500 million, or spend 2 million and bring in 400 million? It's the last god damn Harry Potter movie, it'll sell.

I'll see it, but I'm in no rush. I'm still waiting for Tron Legacy

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