GRumble 2010 - MattAY/Sinlges: Longo & MattAY/ Doubles!

De-Ting said:
Next, I'd like to thank everyone who has shown their support. After 3 and a half years, it seems I have finally grown onto most of you here, in one way or another. This site has been full of good people who I am proud to call friends, that have helped me better myself. To be able to go online and know that people are who they say they are, and that those people are good people, is an amazing feat that we have accomplished here.

...dude.. I love you man..

De-Ting said:
To be able to go online and know that people are who they say they are, and that those people are good people
I let this run a little longer so that everyone could get a vote in and, well, it was Memorial Day weekend and I had some stuff going on.

First off, I'd like to say thank you to any of you who at any time participated. The beginning turnout was a little less grand than I had expected, and then several people popped up to say they missed the entry time. I say, blame MattAY, he's the one that kept pushing to "get it started already". ;) Even though this is an online popularity contest, you guys have made it worth coming back every day and writing up a new blurb to describe the the contestants. Thanks for your (well, most of you) patience with my AZ trip. You've been wonderful sports and I look forward to next year's, and seeing whether it gets done in January-February or Midyear. We may not be the most active website, but the collection of people we have and the "guest cameos" we get from old friends have made this place worth posting at for the past year of so. I'm glad I finally stopped lurking.

So with no further to do...drum roll, please. Gather round because it's officially time to call to close this year's GRumble.

In the third place match up, UrbanMasque triumphed over Used44, 9-5.

And in the Final of all Finals where two, giants of GR!...faced off,
MattAY slayed the De-Ting, 9-5!
But as he walked off to celebrate his victory a clenched fist broke through the rubble...

And if any of you who never made it out of the first round because of all the three ways wants a GRudge match, let me know.


It's so nice to feel accepted by one of the best communities out there. Thankyou all for your votes and love! And a personal thanks to my partner in crime Longo! If you were here we'd be sipping victory Earl Grey right now. YES MA BOY!!
Well done to all the winners, losers, and losers who won.
Especially to MattAY, who owes me a beer. Or a cup of tea. Either way. WE DID IT BABY!
And also, way to go Urban and De-Ting, who went all they way to the end in pretty much everything. I would buy you guys a cup of tea, except De-Ting would go to hell if he drank it (Mormon joke) and Urban would kill me and hang me from a billboard (Predator joke).

Also, way to go Bretimus. Very well hosted.
Hey. I can drink herbal tea. With a lemon front of a warm fireplace...until the neighbors start causing a ruckus, and I accidentally squirt myself in the eye and drop my cup, and a rouge snowball flies through my window and douses my fire (SpongeBob joke).
Great GRumble, Bretimus! I just don't know how anyone who hosts next year will top your zany antics! It kept me entertained throughout and you get an internet high five!
Antics?!? Who am I? Barney Fife?

Thanks, consider me both hugged and high fived.

Also, mods, feel free to unsticky this if it pleases you.

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