The last matchups were intense! I'm terribly sorry for Longo and Keepit. You're both still alive in the GRumble tournament in my heart.
And I wanted Uver & De-Ting to win just so Urban and I could spank them for being confrontational earlier.
And now they're turned against each other. Oh, the drama!
Uver because he writes poems and lyrics, does parkour, plays bass, is freaky tall, plays tuba in the marching band, is a hit among the ladies, and isn't bad to look at. As far as I'm concerned, the dude is pretty close to perfect. a squid.
MattAY, because of the comics, the Britishness (+1000 INT, +1000 Charisma), and his use of the word "ace." I've not told him this, but I get a bright tingling in my soul whenever I see MattAY's say "That's ace!"
Used & Ghost because Used is now the big man on campus what with him being GM now and the host of this here GRumble, and a pothead homewrecker...but he's nice :lol: . I must give love to Tankypanky though.
JCD & MattAY because they're great and Stal is a douche
(Just kidding, you know I'd make passionate love to you any time, StallyWally.)