GRumble, year 4.

Oh my oh my. Here it is, the finals of the GRumble. Rainemaida and Link56, commonly known as Sexy2some, are again in the finals against some of the toughest opponents in Nes Man and Joker. As the manager of the 2some, I can't even say anything is wrong with Nes Man or Joker, they're both stand up guys. Both great fellows, but let me ask you this: when you think of Joker, do you think of Nes? They're great, but they aren't an inseperable team. Okay, guys don't let thisget out, but I need to share this with you guys. In my work with the 2some over the past year, I've discovered a striking secret. It explains everything from the moment they stepped into GR. You see, RAine and Link are conjoined twins. It's true.

They're so close for a reason: they're always right next to eachother. Here is my documented proof. Under me is a picture of Curtis taken during his rendevous with Katie a year or so ago:


To the naked eye, there would be no Raine in sight; but anybody with Curt's clever style would notice the Chewbacca in the way blocking Raine. But, when you zoom in you will find a striking discovery:


The truth is out, and my concience is clear. You might ask why they kept this a secret. But why don't you try to live life that way? It can be hard with people wanting to beat you up and ridicule you for being different. They didn't want it here, so they didn't say anything. Then when they becamed welcomed into the GR family they were too afraid of being outcasted and rejected for the new discovery. But now you guys know the truth and why they're so close. Why can't we all just get along? I'm sure the world would be a better place if we can start one conjoined twin at a time.

I'll vote for 2some and Blackstar
TheNesMan said:
No fair, we don't have a manager who makes voting for them so i change my vote?

Yeah, it was a good call by them to get a manager, even though they probably don't need it.
And now that the tie is broken, it's time to announce the winners of this year's GRumble.

Coming out number 1 in the singles division and in a big way, Black_Starrrrrr!

We all love you Black_Star! Say a few words for the microphone! *holds microphone up eagerly*

Coming out number 1 in the doubles division is no surprise, it's THE SSSEXXXY TWOSOME!!!!!!!

What are you going to do now that you're the champions, guys!?
I won? I WON??!?? I'M SO HAPPY!


Wow! I have alot to thank! But most importantly, I'd like to thank Joker and Maca because those guys are truly the Bee's Knees!

To my fellow comrades, I salute them!

To my partner, Hexagram, we may have not won in the doubles, but you have a special place in my heart! So from one star to another, I grant you with... well, a star!

Finally, Shane, what can I say? You've grown up quite a bit from the little kid I knew nothing about. Since you hosted the Grumble, and you like FF7 so much, I'll give you this...

Only one condition, you must use it to kill this person

And finally, to everyone who voted for me, you're all invited to the Victory party!

Bingo cards and markers are all on me toinght! Let's have some fun!!
That may well go down as the 2nd best post in the history of Game-Revolution, the first obviously being kurtcobain94's "i was naked, they was cold, they froze" post, or however the hell it went.

Four years in a row. I'd like to thank my wonderful, sexy partner, Raine and, of course, my awesome manager, without whom we'd probably never have won the 3rd or 4th year.

Thanks for voting guys!
This year, we had some tough challengers as some of the boards most popular hunks hooked up for some action! However, no other tag-team could take down the mighty peni power of the sexy-2-some and their superhero manager Ben!

I thank you all for 4 years of wonderful reign. Link and I appreciate the love, especially as GR has been changing this past year.

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