Graphic Novels

This is a solid topic and a lot of great reads have been mentioned. But can we please just accept that "graphic novels" are comic books and that the term "graphic novels" was invented so people wouldn't feel embarassed (for no good reason) to be reading comic books?

ANyway, I've been planning on reading the Sandman series, but I haven't gotten around to it. I also want to read Blankets by Craig Thompson, which I hear is great, and Habibi, his new one.
incognito said:
This is a solid topic and a lot of great reads have been mentioned. But can we please just accept that "graphic novels" are comic books and that the term "graphic novels" was invented so people wouldn't feel embarassed (for no good reason) to be reading comic books?


Though there legitimately are graphic novels. They're mostly super pretentious though. Everything else is comic books.
Completely true.

Though I'm not embarrassed about reading comics. I'm in a comic book class right now. So I don't care much.

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