Games you wish somebody would make

An MMO in the style of Mount and Blade, in which the fighting is basically exactly the same with a few revisions: quick dodge moves, better shield mechanics, and slower skill gain/leveling. Also, the map camera would be gone and it would all be in the third person or first person.
Icepick said:
eve online, just where you control a character, an actual walkable character

to log off, you dock your ship, your able to walk around the space station, single passenger crafts like fighters is what you start out with, but lets say you get a group, clan, coorp, whatever, it would take multiple people online at once to operate it, multiple gunneries, a pilot, a copilot

anyways back to real time, the ship never disapears, you can dock it in a secure station with police and security to prevent theft, or you can perform smugling and illegal activities, but have to dock ina less secure area, and some group with the right ammount of hacking skills or whatever could bust in while yoru walking the station or logged off and run off with your ship,

peices get placed on the ship, you dont just purchase one whole (although on the aftermarket you could sell your own ship you just built)

Dude, it's already in development ...Well, at least your first point.

Second paragraph would be awesome.

Hacking would suck. Stations are one of the only safe spots in EVE, so imagine you just dropped 120 M ISK on a shiny new battleship, only for a super experienced player to come in and steal it. What a slap in the face.

Building ships piece by piece would be cool. Heck, go all out and have fully custom ships - it would be as mouth-watering as a free 2 kg cinnamon bun.
Solaris10 said:
A sequel to Chrono Cross that actually FOLLOWS and EXPLAIN wtf happened after chrono trigger!

I was gonna say that. :lol: It's a shame the Squaresoft monkeys gave us the finger with their Chrono Brake, whatever it was called.

Maybe a magical one of those game maker "games" out there will do for us... You guys have seen the RPG Makes? Think something like that, for every genre, and for the PS3/360: it reads your mind and makes the perfect game... And you have instant role playing games, real time strategies, action games/plataformers, first person shooters, karting/football/rugby/golf/basketball/tennis/pary spin-offs... In a massive quad-layer BD-ROM (which somehow manages to work on the 360) or holographic storage thing.

What a cheap answer! It'd be beautiful, though.
Tyrranis said:
The second can be described easily as 'Large scale Dead Rising in MMO form'. You're in a city with other humans. There are zombies. You must defend yourself, whilst also gathering supplies and stuff in order to survive. It's a sandbox MMO, where you don't get any quests, you don't have guilds, you're just surviving either on your own or alongside other people. There are no designated safe areas, which means that you must either create your own safe place from the zombies or join up with a group of human survivors and stay in their safe area.
totally sweet. reminds me of hellgate:london.
A good Turok game. No wait, keep reading. Think of it is sort of like a true survival/horror game. The whole game would take place on an island, an entire open world like Oblivions. Lush jungles, scorching deserts, tall grass, a whole plethora of biodiversity. And in its earthly glory is Turok. Armed with 2 weapons the entire game, his knife, and his bow. Now think of the story as something like Lost. He has to find a way off the island.

This would allow for non-combat gameplay to come in. Think of it like the new Alone in the Dark, you have to scavenge items, combine them together, to make new and useful tools to get you through the game. Of course you would be able to "upgrade" your bow and knife for some weapon variety and to take down certain enemies.

And the enemies. GTA 4 made the first game world that actually feels like it doesnt care about you. This is a city, and just because your a murdering psycopath doesnt mean the city stops for you. It functions on its own. It doesnt need you to play it, it can play with itself. Thats what I want to see. Not just some dinosaurs on a path for you to kill, and then some stupid human enemies (does anyone that plays a Turok game give 2 fucks about the humans anyway?) I want there to be an entire ecosystem. I want to come upon a T-Rex as hes feasting on his fresh kill, I want to see a raptor on the jungle trail in front of me and know, that one is just the bait, the others are already about to flank me. I want to be chased through a forest by a mad triceratops that breaks trees into splinters as I dash for cover. Be able to climb trees to hunt your prey. And you would need to hunt, for food, and because dinosaur bones can fashion some of the most unique weapons youll ever play with. But all the time you would know that at any moment you are being hunted yourself.

It would be really cool if the sounds of the level could give you warning signs as to whats approaching. You would know that when all of a sudden the forest got completely silent, that something bad was approaching. Or if you could hear the branches snapping off the trees as the T-rex stalked the jungle. Also just being able to hear the whale song of the Brontosaurs and the gentle chirping of the compys all around you, lets just say that with 5.1 surround sound it would sound wonderful, doing all the more to suck you into the game.

Now just sit back and imagine that game. It would be infinitely satisfying.

*Spelling fixed. Thanks Tank
I totally came just then.

Also, it's "triceratops." Remember The Land Before Time? The little three-horn was named Cera.
An adventure game like Syberia, but next gen and with an even better story, graphics, sound etc.
It's bound to be the sleeper hit.
I wanted to add to my idea before, because since i wrote that ive been contemplating this for a while now.

There would have to be other "survivors" or maybe some native tribes and such. I want to stress that the overwhelming majority of the people you would encounter would be helpful to you. Your another human, there would be no reason for them to be openly hostile in such a violent environment already. It wouldnt make sense for Turok (or maybe another character, Turok is just the only game with dinosaurs in it that i really played) to just sleep on the ground, and some human interaction would really help drive along the story.

Of course there would be the infamous escort missions, but in my perfect game the people you escort arent braindead and actually make intelligent choices, so it makes escorting them fun instead of troublesome.

And there would need to be at least 150-200 different species of dinos in the game. Each with its own abilities and behavior patterns. It would be awesome to come up on a watering hole and see 50 different dinosaurs all getting water and spy out in the trees a pack of raptors or some huge meat eater, and then watching as each of the dinosaurs did their own unique counter-measures. And seeing a Stegosaurus fight with a Rex in the wild would be fucking crazy.

Someone needs to make my game immediately. I think im gonna write a blog to capture all my thoughts on this.
As far as living in a world populated by tribes and dinosaurs... Man, that's really what I wanted BC to be.
Great topic. Everybody's got a dream game....

A Navy Seals game that actually lets you do Navy Seal stuff, not just an FPS called "SOCOM". Jumping out of planes, Launching missions from submarines, underwater demolitions, etc. Also, it would be great if there was some RPG elements to it, where you go through training, cadets all have different attributes, graduate, get promoted to a team capt, etc. It would also be sweet if members of your team that didn't make it back from a mission, don't show up in the next mission. You have to build your team from "green" to vet.

Kind of like X-Com. Lots of PC games use this element. I think it's really rewarding and adds a lot to the excitement of a game knowing that everbody you leave with, might not be coming back. In X-Com I used to love building guys up to complete bad-a**'s. It suck's when you lose a guy you invested a lot of time in, but that's what makes the game to me.

I was really excited for Band of Brothers, then I played it and found out that no matter how many times your NPC's charges a machine gun nest or eats a grenade, there they are jumping back up and in the next mission. It just kills the whole sense of loss for a war game.
used44 said:
As far as living in a world populated by tribes and dinosaurs... Man, that's really what I wanted BC to be.
I was so pissed when they canceled BC; it's such a great idea for a game.
I was really excited about the game for a long, long while. Then, over time, I sort of forgot about it, lost in the highs and lows of other Xbox games. Then, one day, I just sort of realized that it had never been released. So I think my pain was even greater than yours.
Wow you just reminded me of BC. I cant believe it was never released. :(

And I only say Turok because hes the only videogame character I remember that murders dinosaurs with a savage frenzy. I respect that.

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