Games Bought but Never Played


What are some games you have purchased but never or barely played? Used44 made a comment about this in another thread, and I think the subject warrants its own discussion. I've made several of these purchases:

Killzone 3 Multiplayer because it was seven dollars (never played).

Assassin's Creed: Black Flag (A fifteen dollar purchase that I never played).

Elder Scrolls Online (I was excited to play this, but I honestly found it dull and monotonous.)

Transistor (I think because this game received so much praise, I built it up in my mind to be something extraordinary. The art style is tasteful and game play unique; a common theme with the PS4 "indie" library, but it just didn't hold my interest after a few hours of game play.)

I know I have many others. I will add more when as they come to mind.

How about you? What influenced your decision on these purchases? Was it because the price was right? Were you lusting after that shiny, collectible "steelbook" edition? Did you try it out and decide it just didn't live up to your expectations?
Uh, so many PS Plus titles...

I can't even thin where to begin. I still need to play Mass Effect. I have the follow up to Dragon Age Origins (not 2). I have XCOM enemy within (son 1 has serious issues with aliens do it limits my opportunities to play). The list goes on.
Tons of Steam games, and I still have Duke Nukem Forever in the cellophane.
StudioTan said:
Transistor (I think because this game received so much praise, I built it up in my mind to be something extraordinary. The art style is tasteful and game play unique; a common theme with the PS4 "indie" library, but it just didn't hold my interest after a few hours of game play.)

The fuck is wrong with you man?!?!?!?

The only game in my collection that is kinda like that is This War of Mine.. I bought it, and got pretty far but two of my characters are close to starving to death and I can't lose them so I shelved it for now :( .. I'm a pretty big chicken in gaming which is why Istill havent played five nights at freddys
StudioTan said:
Transistor (I think because this game received so much praise, I built it up in my mind to be something extraordinary. The art style is tasteful and game play unique; a common theme with the PS4 "indie" library, but it just didn't hold my interest after a few hours of game play.)

I'll second that, but only because my datacap has me on a '1 game a month' limit for downloads, and there have been so many other titles that have taken that luxury over Transistor for me.

I'll also add Battlefield 3, Populous and Every Xcom game other than the latest one and its' expansion. Got them from various humble bundles, and never bothered playing them. I played BF3 on the 360 for the single player, and never got around to trying the PC version.
Steam peeps: Are there any games you have purchased, briefly played, and then promptly returned for a refund? What was it about those games that repulsed you so much?
Good thing this thread isn't about movies purchased but never watched. I'm not sure the forum would be big enough to list all of mine. :)

As for games, I have purchased but never played Skyrim, FF XIII-2, White Knight Chronicles 2, Sherlock Holmes Crime and Punishments, Valiant Hearts: the Great War and Bloodborne. There's also countless games from PS+, but I haven't really "purchased" them.

There's also games that I've started but never finished, but that's a whole 'nother list.
COMaestro said:
Good thing this thread isn't about movies purchased but never watched. I'm not sure the forum would be big enough to list all of mine. :)

As for games, I have purchased but never played Skyrim, FF XIII-2, White Knight Chronicles 2, Sherlock Holmes Crime and Punishments, Valiant Hearts: the Great War and Bloodborne. There's also countless games from PS+, but I haven't really "purchased" them.

There's also games that I've started but never finished, but that's a whole 'nother list.

Those are some notable selections. Crimes and Punishments is decent if you're a fan of Holmes, but I personally enjoyed its predecessor more. The puzzles were far too easy in comparison and the game does very little in terms of innovation within the series.

What has kept you from playing some of the games you listed?
Soon to be off the list, Game of Thrones (Telltale Games), picked it up in the Humble Bundle Summer Sale in the Build-A-Bundle bit, got it with Tales From the Borderlands (Loooooved it!) and Jurassic Park (I needed another one for the 80% discount and it was cheaper picking this up as well than just the first two). I like to play them all in one go and since the final episode is coming out soon, will start it up once the release date approaches.

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