Games Bought but Never Played

I am strangely aroused right now.

I'll add Deus Ex: Human Revolution to my list of shame - A PS Plus offer that I keep staring at; I plan to get around to it eventually.
Victoria II and Hearts of Iron III, installed them and ran through the tutorial for a bit for Hearts of Iron but never got past that. But playing a run of Crusader Kings II and then Europa Universalis IV does give me a smidge of confidence if I play them chronologically.
Elder Scrolls Online (I was excited to play this, but I honestly found it dull and monotonous.)

It's all about the story. If you played at least a lot of Skyrim and Oblivion it would help a lot. I found TESO quite enjoyable and am nearly at level 20. I love the atmosphere and world of TES and that's probably why I enjoy it more.
I just want another true RPG and to be able to play at my own pace. I'd probably give ESO another shot if I had friends who played it.
StudioTan said:
I just want another true RPG and to be able to play at my own pace. I'd probably give ESO another shot if I had friends who played it.
We could probably play together.

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