No, not racing games, game races.
Both sci-fi and fantasy video games have introduced some stellar non-human races that we've all come to love and hate. What are some of your favorites and least-favorites? Do you prefer orcs or elves? Redguards or Nords? Zerg or Protoss?
My absolute favorite is the Viera race from the Ivalice-Alliance Final Fantasy games (Tactics, FFXII, etc). A mostly female race of high-heel wearing, mini-skirt sporting, rabbit-eared archers? Sign me up!
Final Fantasy also introduced us to Moogles which are just adorable.
The Elder Scrolls races are consistently disappointing. The Argonians and Kahjits are neat, but all of the elves and humans are boring and the orcs are predictable.
The alien races from Mass Effect are all interesting because they all are xenophobic and racist, in one way or another. Turians are probably my favorite just because Garrus and Saren are so cool. The Volus are neat for their breathing masks. And the Asari are all-female, sex-loving and they reproduce asexually and we're just supposed to be cool with that?..
Also, ELCOR!:
Both sci-fi and fantasy video games have introduced some stellar non-human races that we've all come to love and hate. What are some of your favorites and least-favorites? Do you prefer orcs or elves? Redguards or Nords? Zerg or Protoss?
My absolute favorite is the Viera race from the Ivalice-Alliance Final Fantasy games (Tactics, FFXII, etc). A mostly female race of high-heel wearing, mini-skirt sporting, rabbit-eared archers? Sign me up!

Final Fantasy also introduced us to Moogles which are just adorable.
The Elder Scrolls races are consistently disappointing. The Argonians and Kahjits are neat, but all of the elves and humans are boring and the orcs are predictable.
The alien races from Mass Effect are all interesting because they all are xenophobic and racist, in one way or another. Turians are probably my favorite just because Garrus and Saren are so cool. The Volus are neat for their breathing masks. And the Asari are all-female, sex-loving and they reproduce asexually and we're just supposed to be cool with that?..
Also, ELCOR!: